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Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
v.4 n.2 Special Issue: The Wheel that Crossed the Borders: Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Religions
國立臺灣大學歷史學系學報=Bulletin of the Department of History of National Taiwan University
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
v.4 n.2 《藏經研究、佛教藝術、佛教與科技研究》專刊
国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要=Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies=コクサイ ブッキョウガク ダイガクイン ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ
佛教九品往生之生命教育對大學生之啟發 -- 以佛光大學佛學系104-1學期「淨七」課程學生為例=How Elements of Life Education with the Nine-Levels Rebirth of Buddhism, inspire university students -- As seen in the students of the Department of Buddhist Students of Fo Guang University participating in the "7-Day Meditation Retreat" in the 104-1 Semester
Beiträge zur Hermeneutik indischer und abendländischer Religionstraditionen: Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums
Compassion & Social Justice:14th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women
Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action: Sakyadhita 15th International Conference on Buddhist Women
Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action:Sakyadhita 15th International Conference on Buddhist Women
In La centralità ritrovata. Atti del XII Convegno dell Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi (AISC)
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Science (ICICIS)
International Conference on Supreme Master Khuong Viet and Vietnam Buddhism in Early Independence Era, in Hanoi, Vietnam
International Standing Working Group for the History of Early Childhood Education
Joint Meeting of the 6th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart and the International Conference on Functional Biomedical Imaging
Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (8th)=華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會(第8屆)
Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (9th)=華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會(第9屆)
The Network for Western Buddhist Teachers with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala
中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
中華國際佛學會議論文集(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會=Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism : The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society(3rd)
許榮祥 (著)
試探證嚴法師共善共伴理念在跨宗教合作之實踐: 以慈濟志工西非獅子山援助經驗為例=Exploring the Practice of Master Cheng Yen's Humanistic Care Concept of Practicing Charity Together and Accompanying Together in Inter-religious Collaboration: A Preliminary Case Study of Tzu Chi Volunteers' Experience of Humanitarian Aid in the Republic of Sierra Leone in West Africa
佛學數位資源之應用與趨勢研討會=Symposium on Buddhist Studies in the Digital Age: Application and Perspective
國際宗教音樂學術研討會 -- 宗教音樂的傳統與變遷=Proceedings of the International Conference on Religious Musics -- Tradition and Changes in Religious Musics
第十二屆國際佛教教育文化研討會專輯=Special Edition of the 12th International Conference on Buddhist Education and Culture
第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」=The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第10屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (10th)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第3屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (3th)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第3屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (3th)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第6屆)(下)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (6th) (II)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第6屆)(上)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (6th) (I)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第7屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (7th)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第8屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (8th)
華梵大學儒佛會通暨文化哲學學術研討會論文集(第9屆)=Symposium of Confucianism/Buddhism Communication and Philosophy of Culture (9th)
數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(第9屆)=International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (9th)
數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會=International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
劉宇光 (撰)=Lau, Lawrence Yue Kwong (compose)
大乘佛學「幽暗」觀的理論重建 -- 從「唯識所現」看妄心系有相唯識學對「無明」的理解=Theoretical Reconstruction of Mahayana Buddhist View on Evil: Sakara-Vijnanavada's Understanding of Ignorance (Avidya) Through the Theory of Conceptualization-Only (Vijnapti-Matra) and Semantic Manifestation of Meaning\Object (Artha-Pratibhasa)
Gäfvert, Liss Telly
Jaget en Kategoriserande Konstruktion: En grundundersökning rörande dhammas och jaget inom den tidiga Buddhismen utifrån ett subjektivt fenomenologist synsätt=The I: A Categorizing Construction: An elementary inquiry concerning dhammas and the I in early Buddhism seen from a subjective phenomenological perspective
Meinert, Carmen
Chinesische Chan- und tibetische rDzogs chen-Lehre: eine komparatistische Untersuchung im Lichte des philosophischen Heilskonzeptes "Nicht-Vorstellen" anhand der Dunhuang-Dokumente des chinesischen Chan-Meister Wolun und des Werkes bSam gtan mig sgron des tibetischen Gelehrten gNubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes
Wilson, Joe Bransford, Jr. (著)
The Meaning of Mind in the Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy of Mind-only (Cittamatra): A Study of a Presentation by the Tibetan Scholar Gung-Tang Jam-Bay-Yang (Gung-Thang-'Jam-Pa'i-DBYANGS) of Asanga's Theory of Mind-basis-of-all (Alayavijnana) And Related Topics in Buddhist Theories of Personal Continuity, Epistemology, And Hermeneutics
玄奘人文社會學院宗教學研究所=Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University(玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所)
周秀蓮 (著)=Poon IRENE Shau-lin (au.)
金山寺水陸儀軌宗教文化遺產繼承與闡揚︰以R. Grimes儀式田野描繪及I. Kant文化哲學為考察中心=A Study on the Inheritance and Propagation of the Religious Cultural Heritage of Jinshan Temple's Water and Land Dharma Liturgy:Based on Ronald Grimes’ Mapping the Field of Ritual and Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy of Culture
范敏峯 (撰)=Fan, Min-feng (compose)
《菩提道次第廣論》之道次第內涵應用於生命教育之探究 - 以新北市林口國中生命教育課程為例=A Research of Applying the Connotation in "The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment" to Life Education, Implemented on the Life Education Courses of the Lin-Kou Junior High School in the New Taipei City as an Example
張家榮 (著)=Chang, Chia-jung (au.)
臺灣佛教學術高等教育發展現況之研究 -- 以南華大學宗教學研究所佛學組與中華佛學研究所爲例=A Study on Current Development of Advanced Buddhism Education in Taiwan: With Buddhist Department at the NanHua University's Graduate Institute of Religious Studies and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies at Dharma Drum Mountain as Examples
南華大學哲學研究所=Department of Philosophy and Life Education, Nanhua University(南華大學哲學與生命教育學系)
南華大學哲學研究所=Department of Philosophy and Life Education, Nanhua University(南華大學哲學與生命教育學系)
國立屏東教育大學客家文化研究所=Graduate Institite of Hakka Culture, National Pingtung University of Education
蔡凰凰 (著)=Tsai, Huang-huang (au.)
佛喻啟蒙──從《百喻經圖畫書》故事的「迷」與「悟」探討佛教經典對兒童教育的啟覺義涵=Enlightenment of Buddhist Parables ──An Investigation on How a Buddhist Classic Enlightens and Inspires Children Education from the Perspective of “Obsession” and “Enlightenment” of stories in Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book
輔仁大學圖書資訊學系=Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Tricycle : The Buddhist Review
Tricycle is America's preeminent Buddhist publication, highly
acclaimed since its 1991 launch. It brings Buddhist perspectives
to contemporary life and makes Buddhist teachings and practices
accessible to a Western audience.
Vajra Bodhi Sea
Vipassana Newsletter
Ursache & Wirkung
- Zeitschrift Fur Buddhismus Osterreich
Inspiring, colourful and stimulating, Urthona magazine explores the arts and world culture from a Buddhist perspective.
Western Buddhist Review
An electronic Journal of the Western Buddhist Order on Buddhism as practised in the modern world.
Western Chan Fellowship
Authorization Plan Instructions
Modem Buddhist Studies has enjoyed a research history of more than a hundred years in Western and Japanese universities. In Taiwan, although a considerable number of scholars have devoted themselves to Buddhist-related studies, yet we need collaboration and coalescence enhanced. The NTU Digital Library of Buddhist Studies seeks to fill this need by promoting integrative and interdisciplinary research, and providing the means for efficient international academic exchange of information. The aim is to provide the international Buddhist community a continuously updated and accurate Buddhist bibliographic database and many other research resources.
The DLMBS(NTU Digital Library of Buddhist Studies) has established over
years. In the spring of 1995, Professor Shih, Heng-ching and various professors of National Taiwan University established “Buddhist Studies Internet Database", which was designed as a repository for Buddhism research materials that could be accessed by scholars and researchers around the world. In 1999, with the support of the university, teamed up with Dharma Drum Mountain to expand the content and functions of the site and renamed it the Digital Library and Museum of Buddhist Studies.
Presently sponsored by the NTU College of Liberal Arts, the DLMBS serves Buddhism research communities worldwide. The site has grown to contain
bibliographical records of books and research papers in
languages and
forms of media,
full-text research papers and books,
on-line research tools, a listing of
international institutes of Buddhist studies and
related links. The DLMBS has also acquired a number of digital Buddhist scriptures, including the Tripitaka, Taisho Tripitaka, Xuzangjing, Chien-Lung(Dragon) Tripitaka, Yongle Tripitaka, Tibetan Tripitaka and Pali Tipitaka. These features make the site one of the most comprehensive resources for Buddhist studies on the Internet.
Over the years, the DLMBS has received visitors from
countries. It currently draws an average of
visitors who access an average of
pages each month. This high degree of international visibility makes the DLMBS one of the most heavily used Buddhist studies websites in the world. However, because of insufficient source of articles authorized as free of charge that service of delivering literature in full text cannot be provided. In the future, we will strive for authorization of published and individual work. Members in academic circles are welcome to be involved in the authorization plan. Every step contributes to the overall progress of the academia in Buddhism, in the hope of enhancing the frequent use of literature through the search platform and further promotes the inheritance of culture, thinking and technology.
Authorization of journals
After the parties enter into the Agreement for Free of Charge Authorization, establishing an index will be the top priority. A digitalized scan will be conducted and then transferred into PDF format with a watermark, so it can be available for browsing and printing.
Agreement for Authorization of Journals
(download PDF
NTU Digital Library of Buddhist Studies
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