This guide will help you to install and start ThingsBoard Professional Edition (PE) using Docker on Windows.
This guide covers standalone ThingsBoard PE installation.
If you are looking for a cluster installation instruction, please visit
cluster setup page
We assume you have already chosen your subscription plan or decided to purchase a perpetual license.
If not, please navigate to pricing page to select the best license option for your case and get your license.
See How-to get pay-as-you-go subscription or How-to get perpetual license for more details.
Note: We will reference the license key you have obtained during this step as PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE later in this guide.
Step 3. Choose ThingsBoard queue service
ThingsBoard is able to use various messaging systems/brokers for storing the messages and communication between ThingsBoard services. How to choose the right queue implementation?
In Memory queue implementation is built-in and default.
It is useful for development(PoC) environments and is not suitable for production deployments or any sort of cluster deployments.
Kafka is recommended for production deployments. This queue is used on the most of ThingsBoard production environments now.
It is useful for both on-prem and private cloud deployments. It is also useful if you like to stay independent from your cloud provider.
However, some providers also have managed services for Kafka. See AWS MSK for example.
RabbitMQ is recommended if you don’t have much load and you already have experience with this messaging system.
AWS SQS is a fully managed message queuing service from AWS. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on AWS.
Google Pub/Sub is a fully managed message queuing service from Google. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on Google Cloud.
Azure Service Bus is a fully managed message queuing service from Azure. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on Azure.
Confluent Cloud is a fully managed streaming platform based on Kafka. Useful for a cloud agnostic deployments.
See corresponding architecture page and rule engine page for more details.
ThingsBoard includes In Memory Queue service and use it by default without extra settings.
Create docker compose file for ThingsBoard queue service:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE” with your license secret obtained on the first step:
To access AWS SQS service, you first need to create an AWS account.
To work with AWS SQS service you will need to create your next credentials using this instruction:
Access key ID
Secret access key
Create docker compose file for ThingsBoard queue service:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “YOUR_KEY”, “YOUR_SECRET” with your real AWS SQS IAM user credentials and “YOUR_REGION” with your real AWS SQS account region, and “PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE” with your license secret obtained on the first step:
version:'3.0'services:mytbpe:restart:alwaysimage:"thingsboard/tb-pe:3.6.4PE"ports:-"8080:8080"-"1883:1883"-"7070:7070"-"5683-5688:5683-5688/udp"environment:TB_QUEUE_TYPE:aws-sqsSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/thingsboardTB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:YOUR_KEYTB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY:YOUR_SECRETTB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_REGION:YOUR_REGIONTB_LICENSE_SECRET:PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERETB_LICENSE_INSTANCE_DATA_FILE:/data/ These params affect the number of requests per second from each partitions per each queue.# Number of requests to particular Message Queue is calculated based on the formula:# ((Number of Rule Engine and Core Queues) * (Number of partitions per Queue) + (Number of transport queues)# + (Number of microservices) + (Number of JS executors)) * 1000 / POLL_INTERVAL_MS# For example, number of requests based on default parameters is:# Rule Engine queues:# Main 10 partitions + HighPriority 10 partitions + SequentialByOriginator 10 partitions = 30# Core queue 10 partitions# Transport request Queue + response Queue = 2# Rule Engine Transport notifications Queue + Core Transport notifications Queue = 2# Total = 44# Number of requests per second = 44 * 1000 / 25 = 1760 requests# Based on the use case, you can compromise latency and decrease number of partitions/requests to the queue, if the message load is low.# By UI set the parameters - interval (1000) and partitions (1) for Rule Engine queues.# Sample parameters to fit into 10 requests per second on a "monolith" deployment: TB_QUEUE_CORE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_CORE_PARTITIONS:2TB_QUEUE_RULE_ENGINE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_REQUEST_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_RESPONSE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_INTERVAL_MS:1000
You can update default Rule Engine queues configuration using UI. More about ThingsBoard Rule Engine queues see in documentation.
To work with Pub/Sub service you will need to create a project using this instruction.
Create service account credentials with the role “Editor” or “Admin” using this instruction,
and save json file with your service account credentials step 9 here.
Create docker compose file for ThingsBoard queue service:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “YOUR_PROJECT_ID”, “YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT” with your real Pub/Sub project id, and service account (it is whole data from json file), and “PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE” with your **license secret obtained on the first step:
version:'3.0'services:mytbpe:restart:alwaysimage:"thingsboard/tb-pe:3.6.4PE"ports:-"8080:8080"-"1883:1883"-"7070:7070"-"5683-5688:5683-5688/udp"environment:TB_QUEUE_TYPE:pubsubSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/thingsboardTB_QUEUE_PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID:YOUR_PROJECT_IDTB_QUEUE_PUBSUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT:YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNTTB_LICENSE_SECRET:PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERETB_LICENSE_INSTANCE_DATA_FILE:/data/ These params affect the number of requests per second from each partitions per each queue.# Number of requests to particular Message Queue is calculated based on the formula:# ((Number of Rule Engine and Core Queues) * (Number of partitions per Queue) + (Number of transport queues)# + (Number of microservices) + (Number of JS executors)) * 1000 / POLL_INTERVAL_MS# For example, number of requests based on default parameters is:# Rule Engine queues:# Main 10 partitions + HighPriority 10 partitions + SequentialByOriginator 10 partitions = 30# Core queue 10 partitions# Transport request Queue + response Queue = 2# Rule Engine Transport notifications Queue + Core Transport notifications Queue = 2# Total = 44# Number of requests per second = 44 * 1000 / 25 = 1760 requests# Based on the use case, you can compromise latency and decrease number of partitions/requests to the queue, if the message load is low.# By UI set the parameters - interval (1000) and partitions (1) for Rule Engine queues.# Sample parameters to fit into 10 requests per second on a "monolith" deployment: TB_QUEUE_CORE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_CORE_PARTITIONS:2TB_QUEUE_RULE_ENGINE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_REQUEST_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_RESPONSE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_PARTITIONS:1volumes:-mytbpe-data:/data-mytbpe-logs:/var/log/thingsboardpostgres:restart:alwaysimage:"postgres:15"ports:-"5432"environment:POSTGRES_DB:thingsboardPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:postgresvolumes:-mytbpe-data-db:/var/lib/postgresql/datavolumes:mytbpe-data:external:truemytbpe-logs:external:truemytbpe-data-db:external:true
You can update default Rule Engine queues configuration using UI. More about ThingsBoard Rule Engine queues see in documentation.
Azure Service Bus Configuration
To access Azure Service Bus, you first need to create an Azure account.
To work with Service Bus service you will need to create a Service Bus Namespace using this instruction.
Create docker compose file for ThingsBoard queue service:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “YOUR_NAMESPACE_NAME” with your real Service Bus namespace name, and “YOUR_SAS_KEY_NAME”, “YOUR_SAS_KEY” with your real Service Bus credentials. Note: “YOUR_SAS_KEY_NAME” it is “SAS Policy”, “YOUR_SAS_KEY” it is “SAS Policy Primary Key”, and “PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE” with your license secret obtained on the first step:
version:'3.0'services:mytbpe:restart:alwaysimage:"thingsboard/tb-pe:3.6.4PE"ports:-"8080:8080"-"1883:1883"-"7070:7070"-"5683-5688:5683-5688/udp"environment:TB_QUEUE_TYPE:service-busSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/thingsboardTB_QUEUE_SERVICE_BUS_NAMESPACE_NAME:YOUR_NAMESPACE_NAMETB_QUEUE_SERVICE_BUS_SAS_KEY_NAME:YOUR_SAS_KEY_NAMETB_QUEUE_SERVICE_BUS_SAS_KEY:YOUR_SAS_KEYTB_LICENSE_SECRET:PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERETB_LICENSE_INSTANCE_DATA_FILE:/data/ These params affect the number of requests per second from each partitions per each queue.# Number of requests to particular Message Queue is calculated based on the formula:# ((Number of Rule Engine and Core Queues) * (Number of partitions per Queue) + (Number of transport queues)# + (Number of microservices) + (Number of JS executors)) * 1000 / POLL_INTERVAL_MS# For example, number of requests based on default parameters is:# Rule Engine queues:# Main 10 partitions + HighPriority 10 partitions + SequentialByOriginator 10 partitions = 30# Core queue 10 partitions# Transport request Queue + response Queue = 2# Rule Engine Transport notifications Queue + Core Transport notifications Queue = 2# Total = 44# Number of requests per second = 44 * 1000 / 25 = 1760 requests# Based on the use case, you can compromise latency and decrease number of partitions/requests to the queue, if the message load is low.# By UI set the parameters - interval (1000) and partitions (1) for Rule Engine queues.# Sample parameters to fit into 10 requests per second on a "monolith" deployment: TB_QUEUE_CORE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_CORE_PARTITIONS:2TB_QUEUE_RULE_ENGINE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_REQUEST_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_RESPONSE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_PARTITIONS:1volumes:-mytbpe-data:/data-mytbpe-logs:/var/log/thingsboardpostgres:restart:alwaysimage:"postgres:15"ports:-"5432"environment:POSTGRES_DB:thingsboardPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:postgresvolumes:-mytbpe-data-db:/var/lib/postgresql/datavolumes:mytbpe-data:external:truemytbpe-logs:external:truemytbpe-data-db:external:true
You can update default Rule Engine queues configuration using UI. More about ThingsBoard Rule Engine queues see in documentation.
Create docker compose file for ThingsBoard queue service:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “YOUR_USERNAME” and “YOUR_PASSWORD” with your real user credentials, “localhost” and “5672” with your real RabbitMQ host and port, and “PUT_YOUR_LICENSE_SECRET_HERE” with your license secret obtained on the first step:
Add the following line to the yml file. Don’t forget to replace “CLUSTER_API_KEY”, “CLUSTER_API_SECRET” and “” with your real Confluent Cloud bootstrap servers:
version:'3.0'services:mytbpe:restart:alwaysimage:"thingsboard/tb-pe:3.6.4PE"ports:-"8080:8080"-"1883:1883"-"7070:7070"-"5683-5688:5683-5688/udp"environment:TB_QUEUE_TYPE=kafkaSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/ required username="CLUSTER_API_KEY" password="CLUSTER_API_SECRET";;segment.bytes:52428800;;segment.bytes:52428800;;segment.bytes:52428800;;segment.bytes:52428800;;segment.bytes:52428800;retention.bytes:104857600# These params affect the number of requests per second from each partitions per each queue.# Number of requests to particular Message Queue is calculated based on the formula:# ((Number of Rule Engine and Core Queues) * (Number of partitions per Queue) + (Number of transport queues)# + (Number of microservices) + (Number of JS executors)) * 1000 / POLL_INTERVAL_MS# For example, number of requests based on default parameters is:# Rule Engine queues:# Main 10 partitions + HighPriority 10 partitions + SequentialByOriginator 10 partitions = 30# Core queue 10 partitions# Transport request Queue + response Queue = 2# Rule Engine Transport notifications Queue + Core Transport notifications Queue = 2# Total = 44# Number of requests per second = 44 * 1000 / 25 = 1760 requests# Based on the use case, you can compromise latency and decrease number of partitions/requests to the queue, if the message load is low.# By UI set the parameters - interval (1000) and partitions (1) for Rule Engine queues.# Sample parameters to fit into 10 requests per second on a "monolith" deployment: TB_QUEUE_CORE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_CORE_PARTITIONS:2TB_QUEUE_RULE_ENGINE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_REQUEST_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_RESPONSE_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_TRANSPORT_NOTIFICATIONS_POLL_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_INTERVAL_MS:1000TB_QUEUE_VC_PARTITIONS:1volumes:-mytbpe-data:/data-mytbpe-logs:/var/log/thingsboardpostgres:restart:alwaysimage:"postgres:15"ports:-"5432"environment:POSTGRES_DB:thingsboardPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:postgresvolumes:-mytbpe-data-db:/var/lib/postgresql/datavolumes:mytbpe-data:external:truemytbpe-logs:external:truemytbpe-data-db:external:true
You can update default Rule Engine queues configuration using UI. More about ThingsBoard Rule Engine queues see in documentation.F
8080:8080 - connect local port 8080 to exposed internal HTTP port 8080
1883:1883 - connect local port 1883 to exposed internal MQTT port 1883
7070:7070 - connect local port 7070 to exposed internal Edge RPC port 7070
5683-5688:5683-5688/udp - connect local UDP ports 5683-5688 to exposed internal COAP and LwM2M ports
mytbpe-data:/data - mounts the volume mytb-data to ThingsBoard data directory
mytbpe-data-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data - mounts the volume mytbpe-data-db to Postgres data directory;
mytb-logs:/var/log/thingsboard - mounts the volume mytb-logs to ThingsBoard logs directory
mytbpe - friendly local name of this machine
restart: always - automatically start ThingsBoard in case of system reboot and restart in case of failure.
image: thingsboard/tb-pe:3.6.4PE - docker image.
Step 4. Running
Windows users should use docker managed volume for ThingsBoard DataBase.
Create docker volume (for ex. mytbpe-data) before executing docker run command:
Open “Docker Quickstart Terminal”. Execute the following command to create docker volume:
Set the terminal in the directory which contains the docker-compose.yml file and execute the following commands to up this docker compose directly:
docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f mytbpe
ThingsBoard supports Docker Compose V2 (Docker Desktop or Compose plugin) starting from 3.4.2 release, because docker-compose as standalone setup is no longer supported by Docker.
We strongly recommend to update to Docker Compose V2 and use it.
If you still rely on using Docker Compose as docker-compose (with a hyphen), then please execute the following commands to start ThingsBoard: docker-compose up -d docker-compose logs -f mytbpe
In order to get access to necessary resources from external IP/Host on Windows machine, please execute the following commands:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox - path to your VirtualBox installation directory
After executing this command you can open http://{your-host-ip}:8080 in you browser (for ex. http://localhost:8080). You should see ThingsBoard login page.
Use the following default credentials:
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