Hello senior fellows, I need one favor from you guys. I am new in this field and for a start I am using Fiji app for slice removal purpose. I have 3D medical images of dimension(256x256x256). I used Fiji for slice removal in all 3 dimension however
Set Active Axis
plugin in Fiji only shows
Z axis
. I download and plugin the
Set Active Axis
plugin file manually but the issue is remain same. Is there any help for me how can I perform the slice removal task on all 3 dimensions. Thanks
Here I want to have all there axis so i can remove slices from all three axis. Thanks in advance
I dont’t know substack maker, but I suspect you can only get substacks in either Z or T (or channels).
Quick question before trying to find a way to do slicing in x and y: do you really want slicing and not averaging (in xyz)? Averaging is easy. I don’t know an easy way to slice in xy however.