タイトル: 北魏孝文帝の政治 その他のタイトル: The government of Emperor Xiaowen 孝文帝 of Northern Wei 著者: 田村, 實造 KAKEN_name 著者名の別形: TAMURA, Jitsuzo 発行日: 31-Dec-1982 出版者: 東洋史研究會 誌名: 東洋史研究 巻: 41 号: 3 開始ページ: 488 終了ページ: 515 抄録: In 471, Emperor Xiaowen acceded to the throne at the age of five as the sixth generation of ruling emperors of the Northern Wei dynasty and ruled for about thirty years until 499. Because of his youth, however, he did not actively manage a new government until the last ten years of his reign from about 490. For this reason, in this essay, I have divided his thirty year reign into the first term and the latter term. The former is further divided into the cloister government period of his father Emperor Xianwen 獻文帝which lasted for six years and the inner court period of his grandmother Empress Dowager Feng 馮太后 (Empress Dowager Wenming 文明太后) which lasted for fifteen years. The following three topics concerning the inner court of Feng are discussed : the regulation of official salaries, the system of "equalizing fields"(jintian 均田), and the system of sanzhang 三長. The following two subjects concerning the later period of Emperor Xiaowen court are discussed : the change of the capital to Luoyang and the cultural revolution movement. DOI: 10.14989/153875 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153875 出現コレクション: 41巻3号

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