祝贺卢宝阳教授课题组 2020 级田发娟、余佳文同学题为“ Design of adhesive conducting PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA neural interface via electropolymerization for ultrasmall implantable neural microelectrodes ”的论文被选为 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 期刊第 642 期正封面论文

导电聚合物由于具有卓越的生物相容性、电学性能和机械性能有望广泛应用于神经生物电子界面,例如深部脑刺激与记录等。然而 目前导电聚合物基神经生物电子界面仍然存在制备过程复杂、界面粘附力弱、长期保真度和稳定性差以及微加工成本高等挑战和局限性,这些挑战严重阻碍了神经生物电子界面广泛的实际应用和市场化。

近日,江西科技师范大学卢宝阳教授团队通过简单的两步电聚合开发了一种粘附强且长期稳定的导电聚合物神经界面方法。该方法将聚多巴胺 (PDA) 作为粘合中间薄层首先进行预聚合,然后将羟甲基化 3,4- 乙烯二氧噻吩 (EDOT-MeOH) 与聚苯乙烯磺酸盐 (PSS) 采用电聚合的方法形成稳定的互穿 PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA 网络。 所制备的 PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA 界面对金属电极的界面附着力显着提高,尽管在剧烈超声处理 20 分钟后仍然显示出 93% 的面积保持率,这是迄今为止最粘附性的导电聚合物界面之一。采用该设计轻松地将粘附性 PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA 界面构筑到超小型 Pt-Ir 线微电极(直径: 10 μm )上。界面修饰后的植入式微电极表现出比商业产品低两个数量级的阻抗,并且长期稳定性也显著优于之前所报道的工作。 PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA 界面微电极在持续 10,000,000 个双相输入脉冲周期后,电荷注入容量保持率高达 99.5% 。有了这些发现,所采用的加工技术构筑高性能且长期稳定的神经生物电子界面,将来可能会为神经科学研究和脑控智能化等尖端临床应用提供强大的加工集成策略。 相关研究成果以“ Design of adhesive conducting PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA neural interface via electropolymerization for ultrasmall implantable neural microelectrodes ”为题发表于《 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 》期刊。


Dear Professors,

Congratulations for your recent publication “Design of adhesive conducting PEDOT-MeOH:PSS/PDA neural interface via electropolymerization for ultrasmall implantable neural microelectrodes” in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , as attached.

We are now in the process of assembling the volume, and are looking for a front cover image or an inside cover image, for JCIS Vol. 639, Vol. 640, or Vol. 641. (Please note this is not the same issue as your published article). Based on both the quality of the research and the graphical nature of the material presented, we have selected several papers, where we are inviting the authors to provide a suggested cover image, including yours. Note that there is no guarantee that your image will be selected, but being two out of only a few, chances for a front cover (or an inside cover) image are good. There is no charge associated if selected.

If of interest to you, we would need your suggested cover image by replying my email, attaching with: (1) a PDF or JPG file of graphic image (size < 10 MB), and (2) a Word file with short explanation (maximum 50 words) to me by February 22 (Wednesday) at the latest.

Please adhere the technical requirements below noted. (Some JCIS cover samples are also attached in this email to give you an idea of the products, for your reference.)

IMPORTANT: Detailed Information for Cover Image

1. The total image size including background should be a full A4 size (i.e. 216 X 286 mm) ;

2. Please do not place the main graphic items in the upper 1/4 of the image, which may be overlapped by the journal’s banner. (Please see the attached samples.)

3. Resolution (minimum requirement): above 300 DPI (Please also keep the PDF/JPG file size below 10 MB).

4. A short explanation (maximum 50 words) is also required

I do hope that you can contribute! Thank you!

With my best regards,

Prof. Gengfeng Zheng

co-Editor JCIS



卢宝阳,教授、硕导,山东大学博士、麻省理工学院博士后,“江西青年五四奖章”获得者,入选省 “双千计划” 科技创新高端人才(青年)项目、省主要学科学术与技术带头人培养计划、省杰出青年人才资助计划、省“百人远航工程”。曾荣获第五届中国青少年科技创新奖、全国优秀共青团员、中国大学生自强之星等荣誉。作为骨干成员获省自然科学奖一等奖 1 项、三等奖 1 项,省高校科技成果一等奖 2 项、三等奖 1 项。主持国基 3 项。主要致力于柔性(可弯曲、可拉伸、自修复等)功能聚合物和其光电器件研究,及在能源转化(电致变色)、生物电子或环境传感等领域的应用。以第一、共同第一或通讯作者身份发表 SCI 收录论文 70 余篇,其中影响因子 10 以上 5 篇,影响因子 5.0 以上 31 篇, ESI 热点论文 1 篇、高引论文 2 篇;与他人合作发表 SCI 收录论文 50 余篇;申请美国、中国发明专利 30 余项,授权发明专利 10 项。


Tian F, Yu J, Wang W, et al. Design of adhesive conducting PEDOT-MeOH: PSS/PDA neural interface via electropolymerization for ultrasmall implantable neural microelectrodes[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 2023, 638: 339-348.






