a small , thin rubber bag that you blow air into or fill with a light gas until it is round in shape , used for decoration , as a children's toy , or for other purposes such as medical treatment or scientific research
We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party . 我們把氣球和彩帶繫在天花板上,晚會的佈置已準備妥當。
Angioplasty is a medical procedure in which a balloon is used to stretch open a narrow or blocked artery .
( also hot-air balloon )
People first flew in a balloon in 1783. 人類於1783年首次乘熱氣球飛行。
( also speech balloon , thought balloon )
a round shape drawn next to the head of a character in a cartoon (= a story or joke told using drawings ) , in which the character's words or thoughts are written
The words appear inside a cartoon-style balloon hovering above the figures .
He produced many of the best-known images of American Pop Art, especially frames from comic books complete with speech balloons.
You can edit the photos , for example by adding thought balloons.
(在大小、重量或重要性上) 激增