摘要: 【目的】 探究生境对银杏( Ginkgo biloba )叶中聚戊烯醇、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和类脂4类代谢产物积累的影响,探索影响代谢产物积累的主要立地因子,为银杏栽培提供理论依据。 【方法】 采用随机区组试验设计,方差分析、多重比较、相关性分析和逐步回归分析等方法,研究雌株和雄株银杏在7个生境下叶中聚戊烯醇、可溶性糖、蛋白质和类脂等变化规律。 【结果】 来自不同生境银杏叶中聚戊烯醇、可溶性糖、蛋白质和类脂的含量存在显著差异( P <0.05),来自石家庄地区叶中聚戊烯醇、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和类脂的含量最高;聚戊烯醇含量与类脂含量呈极显著正相关关系( P <0.01),但与蛋白质含量呈显著负相关关系( P <0.05);平均最暖月气温是影响银杏叶中聚戊烯醇、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和类脂积累的关键环境因子,此外日照时长和土壤中P、K含量对其的积累也具有较大的影响。 【结论】 环境因素会显著影响银杏叶中代谢产物的含量,温暖的生境有助于聚戊烯醇等类脂类物质的合成与积累。


【Objective】 The aim of this study was to explore the influence of different habitats on the accumulation of polypentenol, soluble sugar, soluble protein and lipids in ginkgo( Ginkgo biloba ) leaves, and to identify the main site factors affecting the accumulation of metabolites to provide a theoretical basis for ginkgo cultivation. 【Method】 Using a randomized block experiment design and variance analysis, multiple comparisons, correlation analysis and regression analysis methods, the changes in polypenol, soluble sugar, protein and lipids in the leaves of two ginkgo(female and male) were studied across seven habitats. 【Result】 (1) There were significant differences in the contents of polyphenol, soluble sugar, protein and lipids of ginkgo leaves across the different habitats ( P <0.05). The contents of polyphenol, soluble sugar, soluble protein and lipids in samples from Shijiazhuang were the highest. (2) There was a significant positive correlation ( P <0.01) between the content of polyphenol enol and lipids, but a significant negative correlation ( P <0.05) between the content of polyphenol enol and protein. (3) The mean warmest month temperature was the main factor affecting the accumulation of polyphenol, soluble sugar, soluble protein and lipids in ginkgo leaves. In addition, sunlit time and the content of P and K in the soil also had a significant effect on their accumulation in ginkgo leaves. 【Conclusion】 Environmental factors can significantly affect the metabolite content of ginkgo leaves. A warm environment is conducive to the biosynthesis and accumulation of lipids such as polyamylenol.

Key words: ginkgo( Ginkgo biloba ), habitat, polypentenol, metabolite accumulation, site factor

WANG Mengke, GUO Ying, WANG Guibin, YUAN Ke, YANG Xiaoming, GUO Jing. Effects of habitat on the synthesis and accumulation of primary metabolites in Ginkgo biloba leaves[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2023, 47(1): 121-128.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202104037.


test site

leaf element content
YX 107.33°E,33.13°N 475 15.2 831 1 752.2 26.20 3.20 23.00 30.30 2.52 2.70 0.39 15.64
GC 116.46°E,26.38°N 240 18.9 1 690 1 932.0 28.20 8.40 19.80 17.10 1.72 0.75 0.41 18.33
QJ 103.58°E,25.52°N 2 160 14.2 1 017 1 998.1 19.50 7.30 12.20 23.80 1.39 1.17 0.37 22.23
SJZ 113.96°E,38.32°N 61 14.8 497 2 235.4 26.20 -2.60 28.80 42.50 1.21 0.50 0.41 12.66
TS 117.91°E,39.34°N 35 11.6 618 2 466.0 25.70 -4.70 30.40 34.90 1.70 1.18 0.43 14.12
KJ 107.43°E,31.97°N 442 14.7 1 292 1 386.6 25.10 3.80 21.30 19.10 1.25 0.87 0.50 16.85
AL 113.38°E,32.90°N 93 15.4 903 2 172.7 27.60 2.20 25.40 28.10 2.02 1.28 0.61 23.51


stepwise regression model
R 2 R a d j 2
female plant polypentenol content
Y 1 =18.312 C P +0.258 C K 0.978 0.938
fale plant polypentenol content
Y 2 =-0.161 T MWMT 0.963 0.914
female plant soluble sugar content
Y 3 =-0.540 T MWMT 0.995 0.989
male plant soluble sugar content
Y 4 =-0.558 T MWMT 0.988 0.986
female plant protein content
Y 5 =-0.180 T MWMT 0.988 0.972
male plant protein content
Y 6 =-0.135 T MWMT -
0.194 C C
0.999 0.998
female plant lipid content
Y 7 =0.421 T MAT 0.947 0.879
male plant lipid content
Y 8 =0.365 T MAT 0.993 0.984

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