Granblue Fantasy story revolves a lot around Primal Beast that are creatures, heroes, myths, legends and concepts raised to a higher dimensional Existence by Astral, although they normally cannot interact with Sky-realm for existing in a higher position than the plane where Sky-realm Exist. Astral powers in a form of Primal Core allows them to manifest a form which draws power from their True selves. These Primal beast in their true form are Abstraction itself and as they are concept themselves they govern it and can manipulate it at will
Primal Abilities ranges from, controlling all the wind in Sky-realm, creating celestial realm, Reality distorting contract, BFR, Policy manipulation, Logic manipulation, Concept of void, regeneration from concept, Erasure from all point in time, information manipulation, data manipulation, dimensional travel, total control of the elements that makes up reality, separating and sealing your power, mind, soul and body separately on another dimension, reality warping, dream manipulation, soul manipulation, instant death, Absorption, Reactive evolution, cutting down Space-Time, Constellation control, Existence Erasure, Absolute destruction, Time Travel, Wormhole generation, Invulnerability, etc.