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This happens when you convert your flow from Windows-Legacy to Windows workflow?
Then there were some expressions which you need to make changes
And also, check in Imports any namespaces are getting error with red mark


we would need more details on the code statements. In general, the issue is about:

  • a value assignment needs to be done on a receivable left end
  • Eg. myString = “abc” ← Here the left side end can receive the value of ABC

    Not working:
    myString.ToUpper() = “abc” ← to upper is returning the upper case transformed string, but cannot receive a value

    Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:
    The assembly compilation returned the following errors:

  • Value of type ‘DataTable’ cannot be converted to ‘WorkbookApplication’.
  • Value of type ‘DataTable’ cannot be converted to ‘WorkbookApplication’.
  • Value of type ‘WorkbookApplication’ cannot be converted to ‘DataTable’.
  • this is the error i am getting while running the .xaml and there is no red mark in Imports can you please say the solution.

    Hi @lakshmiprasanna

    Are you using Invoke Code in your workflow? If so share your code

    Else please share the workflow if possible


    Hi @Mahendra_Talari11 I figured out what was the problem with mine. I had some assigns with .ToString and it was therefore giving error.

    After I removed the .ToString in these assigns it stopped giving error and is working fine now. Hope this helps you! Spent three hours on this so hopefully I could save you some time.

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