摘要: 本文主要以哲学史的分析方法,在对“贵无论”玄学历史资料疏理的基础上,用存有论、认识论以及宇宙观与本体论的思维方法,展现贵无论玄学中的天道观;通过分析贵无论玄学所体现的人生哲学、道德哲学、价值哲学,认识其中的人道论;最后使用“综合分析法学的方法”、“系统论的分析方法”和“比较法学的分析方法”,逐一分析贵无论玄学天道观与人道论的关系,并为之添加恰当的自然法内涵。本文将沿着由“以无为本”、“本在无为”到“崇本息末”、“崇本举末’’的玄理发展轨迹,研究王弼贵无论玄学思想中自然法、理想法与实在法之间的本体与现象关系。

王弼&nbsp, 贵无论玄学&nbsp, 自然法&nbsp,

Abstract: The purpose of this disquisition is researching the meaning of nature law in Wangbi’s idea of metaphys,so the text mainly used the analytical method of philosophy history(such as ontology、epistemology、cosmology and ontological)to open out Wangbi’s idea of metaphysics by reviewing its historical materials,through analyzing the philosophy idea of life、ethical and value comes to be known Wangbi’s law idea.Finally,along with the phylogeny of Wangbi’s idea of metaphysics,we should use law science method of comprehensive analysis、systematic theory and comparativ jurisprudence to research the relation between noumenon and phenomena in natural law and actuality law from Wangbi’s idea of metapbysics.

Key words: Wangbi&rsquo, s idea of metaphysics;natural law;actualitv law