Statistical Cooperation

Statistics play a fundamental role in planning, developing and monitoring the economic, social and environmental aspects of the European Single Market. The EFTA Statistical Office (ESO) is the liaison office between the EFTA National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Eurostat – the statistical office of the European Union. Cooperation between the EFTA NSIs, Eurostat and ESO, particularly in the context of the EEA Agreement, and technical cooperation with partner countries outside the European Statistical System remain the two main areas of ESO’s activities.

The EFTA States signed a Free Trade Agreement with Chile in Kristiansand, Norway, on 26 June 2003. The Agreement entered into force on 1 December 2004.

In 2019, the EFTA States and Chile launched the modernisation and expansion of their existing free trade agreement. After seven rounds of negotiations, the EFTA States and Chile reached an agreement on 19 January 2024. Further details can be found in a Chapter by Chapter Fact Sheet on the modernised free trade agreement.

The Agreement covers all major areas of trade relations including trade in goods, trade in services and investment, government procurement, competition and intellectual property. A Joint Committee is established for the supervision of the Agreement. It also contains stipulations on dispute settlement. Moreover, the EFTA States and Chile concluded bilateral agreements on agriculture.

The Agreement consists of 12 Chapters, 108 Articles and 17 Annexes. The Agreement covers the following main subjects:

Trade in Goods

Industrial Goods and Fish and marine products

Almost all industrial goods, including fish and other marine products, will benefit from duty-free access to the respective markets as of the entry into force of the Agreement. The Agreement provides for liberal rules of origin and allows for the use of 50 per cent of non-originating input in the production of certain products.

Agricultural products

Trade in processed agricultural products are covered in an Annex to the main Agreement (Annex IV on Processed Agricultural Products).

In addition, trade in basic agricultural products is covered in three bilateral agreements on basic agricultural products negotiated between the respective EFTA State (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland/Liechtenstein) and Chile. These agreements form part of the instruments establishing the free trade area. They provide for concessions on both sides. Each agreement contains specific rules of origin, generally based on the “wholly-obtained” criteria.

Rules of Origin

The rules of origin and methods of administrative cooperation between customs authorities are dealt with in Annex I. The Agreement provides for liberal rules of origin, based on the European model. The rules open up for accumulation with all types of products (industrial and agricultural) among the Parties as well as for the possibility of self-declaration of origin.

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)

In addition to provisions on cooperation in the field, the Agreement provides that the rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of sanitary and phytosanitary measures shall be governed by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

In addition to provisions on cooperation in the field, the Agreement provides that the rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment shall be governed by the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

Trade Remedies

The Chapter on trade in goods also includes provisions on trade remedies, such as anti-dumping and safeguards.

Trade in Services

The Chapter on trade in services (Articles 22 to 31) covers trade in services, including a separate Annex on telecommunication services (Annex IX). The Agreement covers all four modes of delivery (supply) of a service, as defined under GATS. The Agreement addresses all services sectors. However, it has been agreed that with regard to financial services the possible coverage and the extent of liberalisation will be reconsidered 2 years after the entry into force of the Agreement. As in the GATS, positive lists of specific commitments of each Party are an integral part of the Agreement. These lists will be reviewed every three years, or more frequently, with a view to providing for a reduction or elimination of substantially all remaining discrimination between the Parties for trade in services covered by the present Section on services.


The objective of the Section on establishment (Articles 32-37) is the improvement of the investment environment, and in particular the conditions of establishment of companies between the Parties. The EFTA States and Chile grant each other national treatment for the establishment of investors, except for a few cases where the Parties have lodged reservations based on restrictions in their national legislation. The EFTA States maintain certain reservations, which correspond to their reservations maintained with regard to the relevant OECD instruments in this field.

Protection of Intellectual Property (IPR)

The Agreement sets a high standard for the protection of intellectual property rights (Article 46), covering areas such as patents, trademarks and copyright, and goes, in certain areas, beyond what is provided for under the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and other international conventions and treaties.

Government Procurement

In the Chapter on Government Procurement (Articles 47-71), the Parties grant each other non-discriminatory access to their procurement markets for goods, services and public works at the central government level, the sub-central government level and for entities operating in the utility fields listed in the respective Annexes.


The Chapter on competition (Articles 72-80) deals mainly with the co-operation, notification, consultation and exchange of non-confidential information between the Chilean competition authorities and the responsible authorities in the EFTA Member States. In particular, consultations are provided for when important interests of Chile or an EFTA Member State may be adversely affected; still the consultation does not affect the full freedom of ultimate decision of the competent authority concerned. With regard to public enterprises and enterprises to which special or exclusive rights have been granted, the Parties shall ensure that no measure is adopted or maintained that distorts trade in goods or services between the Parties to an extent contrary to the Parties’ interests and that such enterprises shall be subject to the rules of competition insofar as the application of such rules does not obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular tasks assigned to them.

Institutional Provisions

The Agreement establishes a Joint Committee (Art. 85), which supervises and administers the Agreement and oversees the further elaboration of the Agreement. Information exchanges and consultations can take place in the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee also takes decisions in cases provided for by the Agreement or makes recommendations.

A Secretariat is also established under the Agreement (Article 86), comprising of the competent organs of the Parties, as referred to in Annex XVI.

Dispute Settlement

A separate Chapter on dispute settlement (Articles 87-97) contains rules and procedures for the avoidance or settlement of disputes arising from the Agreement between one or several EFTA States and Chile.

Trade in Goods Annex I Concerning the definition of the concept of "Originating Products" and arrangements for Administrative Co-operation Explanatory Notes
Appendix 1 Interpretative Notes
Appendix 2 List Rules
Appendix 3 Movement Certificate EUR.1
Appendix 4 Invoice Declaration
Annex II Territorial Application
Annex III Products not covered by this Agreement
Annex IV Processed Agricultural Products Table
Annex V Fish and Other Marine Products
Annex VI Elimination of Customs Duties Appendix
Annex VII Import and Export Restrictions
Trade in Services Annex VIII Schedules of Specific Commitments Appendix 1 Chile
Appendix 2 Iceland
Appendix 3 Liechtenstein
Appendix 4 Norway
Appendix 5 Switzerland
Annex IX Telecommunication Services
Investment Annex X Reservations Appendix 1 Chile
Appendix 2 Iceland
Appendix 3 Liechtenstein
Appendix 4 Norway
Appendix 5 Switzerland
Appendix 6 All Parties
Appendix 7 EFTA States
Annex XI Current Payments and Capital Movements
IPR Annex XII Intellectual Property Rights
Government Procurement Annex XIII Covered Entities
Annex XIV General Notes
Horizontal Issues Annex XV Decisions of the Joint Committee
Annex XVI Secretariat
Annex XVII Model Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Arbitration Panels
No. 1/2013 Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex I - Concerning the definition of the concept "Originating Products" and arrangements for administrative co-operation 31.12.2013 01.09.2016 No. 2/2008 Annex V – Fish and other marine products 08.04.2008 11.10.2010 No. 1/2008 Annex IV – Agricultural products 08.04.2008 11.10.2010 No. 4/2006 Annex III – Products not covered by the Agreement 31.01.2006 01.05.2008 No. 3/2006 Annex I – Direct transport 31.01.2006 01.12.2006 No. 2/2006 Annex I – Explanatory notes 31.01.2006 31.01.2006 No. 1/2006 Rules of Procedure of the Joint Committee 31.01.2006 31.01.2006
Table of Contents
Protocol Amending the EFTA-Chile Free Trade Agreement (not yet entered into force)
EFTA-Chile Free Trade Agreement 2024 (not yet entered into force)
Annexes 2024 (not yet entered into force)
Trade in Goods Annex I Rules of Origin and Administration Cooperation
Appendix 1 Product - Specific Rules
Appendix 2 Statement on Origin
Appendix 3 Explanatory Notes to Article 15
Annex II Territorial Application
Annex III Chile Schedule Trade in Goods
Annex IV Iceland Schedule Trade in Goods
Annex V Norway Schedule Trade in Goods
Annex VI Switzerland Schedule Trade in Goods
Annex VII Import and Export Restrictions
Annex VIIbis Mandate of the Sub-Committee Trade in Goods
Annex VIIter Trade Facilitation Annex
Trade in Services Annex VIII Schedules of Specific Commitments Appendix 1 Chile
Appendix 2 Iceland
Appendix 3 Liechtenstein
Appendix 4 Norway
Appendix 5 Switzerland
Annex VIIIbis Chile Schedule of Specific Commitments Financial Services
Annex VIIIter Mandate of the Sub-Committee Financial Services
Annex IX Telecommunication Services
Investment Annex X Reservations Appendix 1 Chile
Appendix 2 Iceland
Appendix 3 Liechtenstein
Appendix 4 Norway
Appendix 5 Switzerland
Appendix 6 All Parties
Appendix 7 EFTA States
Annex XI Current Payments and Capital Movements
IPR Annex XII Protection of Intellectual Property Appendix Geographical Indications
Government Procurement Annex XIII Governement Procurement
Annex XIV General Notes
Horizontal Issues Annex XV Decisions of the Joint Committee
Annex XVI Secretariat
Annex XVII Model Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Arbitration Panels