Hi All!
I have a 3d scene with a cannon in it that shoots a rigid body projectile. Once the projectile hits the ground, I want to measure the distance between the cannon (which is a static body) and the projectile (which is a rigid body), and pass the value into a variable.
I’ve read about a
method in 2d. Is there something similar in 3d?
, transform.origin
and global_transform.origin
can be used to get the Vector3’s and try not to mix one with the other for example
will not work properly if the nodes are parented either to each other or to the same spatial node that’s not at (0,0,0)
i know i’m 4 years late but in 4.2 stable, i subtract the global positions of the 2 objects and do pythagoras on them.
i did this
func dist3(from : Vector3, to : Vector3):
var v = from - to
var d = sqrt(
+ v.yv.y
+ v.z*v.z)
return d
The Vector3.distance_to
function still exists in 4.2 stable:
# assuming from and to are both Vector3, like in your example:
var d : float = from.distance_to(to)