主理人 – 湯景筌

SUNRIU 的主理人,以探究的心取材於生活周遭的經歷,將腦中的想像透過設計以連結人的感官與日常,期望在作品中呈現出對於日常體驗的不同詮釋,讓有共感的美好散落到每個角落。


SUNRIU是一間專注於家具及產品設計的個人工作室,服務項目包含家具設計、產品設計、募資商品開發企劃、禮贈品設計等等。透過在 Instagram 社群上展示概念設計,向國際傳達理念,並受到 YankoDesign DesignWanted architecture_hunter StirPad 等國際自媒體的報導及邀約;也將其中的概念設計落實,以原型設計受邀參加 Dutch Design Week 。致力於將日常體驗透過想像揉合進設計裡,相信能以此與人們產生共感及連結,將想像落實到生活周遭,深信能以設計跨越國界藩籬,連結不同文化體驗,傳達具共感的美好。

Founder – Tang

The founder of SUNRIU, with an inquiring mind, draws on the experiences around his daily life and connects his imagination to the human senses and the day-to-day insights via his designs. It is the founder's intention to present different interpretations of everyday experiences in the works, so that the beauty of communal feelings can be widely shared everywhere.

Show ideas to the world via Instagram

SUNRIU is a personal studio specializing in furniture and product design. Our services include furniture design, product design, project of fundraising product development, and gift design. SUNRIU is committed to integrating everyday experiences into design through imagination, believing that this will create resonance and connection with people and bring imagination to life. By presenting our concept designs in the social media, we conveyed our ideas to the international community and received international media coverage and invitations from YankoDesign, DesignWanted , architecture_hunter , StirPad and others. We have also implemented the concept design and participated in both Dutch Design Week with the prototype design. We believe that design can transcend national boundaries, connect different cultural experiences, and impart the beauty of communal feelings.