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  • Sign me up No thanks In an Italian seaside town, young Titta (Bruno Zanin) gets into trouble with his friends and watches various local eccentrics as they engage in often absurd behavior. Frequently clashing with his stern father (Armando Brancia) and defended by his doting mother (Pupella Maggio), Titta witnesses the actions of a wide range of characters, from his extended family to Fascist loyalists to sensual women, with certain moments shifting into fantastical scenarios. Critics Consensus

    Ribald, sweet, and sentimental, Amarcord is a larger-than-life journey through a seaside village and its colorful citizens.

    Read Critics Reviews This is Fellini 'remembering' his youth in the way we really do- as stitched together fragments of actual moments, together with our mis-remembered bits and embellished versions; and a dream or two along the way. It's bawdy, buxom, crude, playful, lusty, and at times out loud funny. It's also the Fellini fart film. Lots of gaseous guffaws, if that's your thing. And being Italy, Catholicism creeps about. The aura of that 'die now, pay later' faith fairly coats the movie at times. Seeing this at the cinema is really the way to go. Audiences laugh a lot and seem to truly appreciate what Fellini was doing with all this raucous realm of horny delinquents, endowed dames, and a mom and dad at their ropes' end. "Amarcord" is filmmaking you sink into and marinate in dish that's equal parts savory, salty, and sweet. 4.3 stars Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/07/24 Full Review Storie di vita quotidiana in uno dei capolavori di Fellini che crea dal nulla un racconto vero, in cui chiunque si può rispecchiare e capace di avvicinare il cinema alla realtà in maniera spaventosa. Le vicissitudini e gli episodi ruotano intorno ad un giovane ragazzo di una famiglia operaia, in una cittadina di mare del centro Italia, piena di personaggi eccentrici e di personalità forti a cui viene dato il giusto spazio, seppure molti di loro fungano solo da comprimari. Non esiste una trama principale, ci si limita solamente a portare alla luce tutti gli avvenimenti più strambi e divertenti che possano capitare nell'arco di diversi anni ad una qualsiasi persona. Fellini crea un film che entra nella storia, e lo fa partendo dal nulla più totale; una poesia, seppure non ci siano forti emozioni al suo interno. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 06/04/23 Full Review One of Fellini's finest films alongside La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2 and Satyricon. Reflecting the period of Fellini's childhood, the Mussolini years. This film has a real fun 'holiday' feel to it as we are introduced to the various livelihoods and guilty pleasures of a host of characters, that look as though they jumped right out of a seaside postcard. Hugely enjoyable. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 09/07/22 Full Review Synopsis In an Italian seaside town, young Titta (Bruno Zanin) gets into trouble with his friends and watches various local eccentrics as they engage in often absurd behavior. Frequently clashing with his stern father (Armando Brancia) and defended by his doting mother (Pupella Maggio), Titta witnesses the actions of a wide range of characters, from his extended family to Fascist loyalists to sensual women, with certain moments shifting into fantastical scenarios. Join the Newsletter Join The Newsletter Join The Newsletter