Description Learn different ways to group rows into N-minute buckets. For more details read the associated blog post https://blogs.oracle.com/sql/post/group-rows-into-n-minute-intervals-with-sql SQL General Contributor Chris Saxon (Oracle) Created Wednesday August 10, 2022 Statement

Create a table of time series data

create table time_data as  
select * from (   
  select date'2022-08-01'   
           + numtodsinterval ( level , 'minute' )   
           + ( mod ( level, 17 ) / 60 / 24 )  
           + ( sin ( level ) / 24 ) datetime  
  from   dual  
  connect by level <= 200  
  union  all  
  select date'2022-08-02'  
           + ( level / 4 )  
           + ( sin ( level ) / 24 ) datetime  
  from   dual  
  connect by level <= 100  
where  datetime >= date'2022-08-01'  
and    datetime not between date'2022-08-01' + 15/24/60 and date'2022-08-01' + 19/24/60   
order  by datetime 
Table created.
This groups rows into 5-minute buckets. Note there are no rows for the interval 00:15 - 00:20, so this is missing from the output

Group rows in 5-minute intervals

with rws as (   
  select trunc ( datetime ) dy,   
         trunc ( datetime, 'mi' ) mins,   
         5 / 1440 time_interval   
  from   time_data   
), intervals as (   
  select dy + (   
           floor ( ( mins - dy ) / time_interval ) * time_interval   
         ) start_datetime   
  from   rws   
  select start_datetime, count(*) from intervals   
  group  by start_datetime   
  order  by start_datetime   
  fetch first 5 rows only
START_DATETIMECOUNT(*)01-AUG-2022 00:00301-AUG-2022 00:05101-AUG-2022 00:10501-AUG-2022 00:20301-AUG-2022 00:255
5 rows selected. Statement
This is like the previous statement but without a subquery

Group rows in 10-minute intervals

select trunc ( datetime ) + (   
         floor (    
           ( trunc ( datetime, 'mi' ) - trunc ( datetime ) )    
             * 1440 / 10    
         ) * 10 / 1440   
       ) start_datetime,   
       count (*)   
from   time_data   
group  by trunc ( datetime )    
            + ( floor (    
                  ( trunc ( datetime, 'mi' ) - trunc ( datetime ) )    
                    * 1440 / 10    
                ) * 10 / 1440    
order  by start_datetime   
fetch  first 5 rows only
START_DATETIMECOUNT(*)01-AUG-2022 00:00401-AUG-2022 00:10501-AUG-2022 00:20701-AUG-2022 00:30701-AUG-2022 00:403
5 rows selected. Statement
This is a generic solution to group rows. Set duration_in_minutes to the size of the interval; this is a bind variable in PL/SQL.

Group rows in N-minute intervals

  duration_in_minutes integer := 5;   
  for rws in (    
    with rws as (   
      select trunc ( datetime ) dy,   
             trunc ( datetime, 'mi' ) mins,   
             duration_in_minutes / 1440 time_interval   
      from   time_data   
    ), intervals as (   
      select dy + (   
               floor ( ( mins - dy ) / time_interval ) * time_interval   
             ) start_datetime   
      from   rws   
      select start_datetime, count(*) row#    
      from   intervals   
      group  by start_datetime   
      order  by start_datetime   
      fetch  first 5 rows only    
  ) loop   
    dbms_output.put_line ( rws.start_datetime || ' - ' || rws.row# );   
  end loop;   
Statement processed.
01-AUG-2022 00:00 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:05 - 1
01-AUG-2022 00:10 - 5
01-AUG-2022 00:20 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:25 - 5
If you want to include missing intervals in the output, first generate a list of all the time buckets you want. Then outer join the table to this.

Group rows in 5-minute intervals including missing times

  duration_in_minutes integer := 5;   
  start_time          varchar2(20) := '01-AUG-2022 00:00';   
  number_of_intervals integer := 12;   
  for rws in (    
    with times as (   
      select to_date ( start_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI' )   
               + ( ( level - 1 ) * duration_in_minutes / 1440 ) dt   
      from   dual   
      connect by level <= number_of_intervals   
    ), intervals as (   
      select dt start_date,   
             dt + ( duration_in_minutes / 1440 ) end_date   
      from   times   
      select start_date, end_date, count ( datetime ) row#   
      from   intervals i   
      left  join time_data t   
      on     start_date <= datetime   
      and    datetime < end_date   
      group  by start_date, end_date   
      order  by start_date   
      fetch  first 5 rows only   
  ) loop   
    dbms_output.put_line ( rws.start_date || ' - ' || rws.row# );   
  end loop;   
Statement processed.
01-AUG-2022 00:00 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:05 - 1
01-AUG-2022 00:10 - 5
01-AUG-2022 00:15 - 0
01-AUG-2022 00:20 - 3
Instead of you supplying a start date, this finds the starting time from the table itself

Group rows in N-minute intervals starting from source data

  duration_in_minutes integer := 5;   
  number_of_intervals integer := 12;   
  for rws in (    
    with start_date as (   
      select min ( datetime ) start_date,   
             duration_in_minutes / 1440 time_interval   
      from   time_data   
    ), intervals as (   
      select start_date + ( ( level - 1 ) * time_interval ) start_date,   
             start_date + ( ( level ) * time_interval ) end_date   
      from   start_date   
      connect by level <= number_of_intervals   
      select start_date, count ( datetime ) row#   
      from   intervals   
      left  join time_data   
      on     start_date <= datetime   
      and    datetime < end_date   
      group  by start_date   
      order  by start_date   
  ) loop   
    dbms_output.put_line ( rws.start_date || ' - ' || rws.row# );   
  end loop;   
Statement processed.
01-AUG-2022 00:01 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:06 - 2
01-AUG-2022 00:11 - 4
01-AUG-2022 00:16 - 2
01-AUG-2022 00:21 - 2
01-AUG-2022 00:26 - 4
01-AUG-2022 00:31 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:36 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:41 - 2
01-AUG-2022 00:46 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:51 - 7
01-AUG-2022 00:56 - 4
After each 5-minute bucket, this starts the next interval at the time of the next row instead of a multiple of 5 minutes from the initial timestamp.

Group rows in N-minute intervals with variable gaps

  duration_in_minutes integer := 5;   
  for rws in (    
    select *   
    from   time_data   
      match_recognize (   
        order by datetime   
          init.datetime as interval_start,   
            + numtodsinterval ( duration_in_minutes, 'minute' ) as interval_end,   
          count(*) as row#   
        pattern ( init time_interval* )   
          time_interval as datetime <   
            init.datetime + numtodsinterval ( duration_in_minutes, 'minute' )   
    fetch  first 5 rows only   
  ) loop   
    dbms_output.put_line ( rws.interval_start || ' - ' || rws.row# );   
  end loop;   
Statement processed.
01-AUG-2022 00:01 - 3
01-AUG-2022 00:06 - 2
01-AUG-2022 00:13 - 4
01-AUG-2022 00:20 - 4
01-AUG-2022 00:26 - 4
This groups together all rows that are within 5 minutes of the previous row; this could lead to groups of any size

Combine all rows within N-minutes of the previous row

  duration_in_minutes integer := 5;   
  for rws in (    
    select *   
    from   time_data   
      match_recognize (   
        order by datetime   
          init.datetime as interval_start,   
            + numtodsinterval ( duration_in_minutes, 'minute' ) as interval_end,   
          count(*) as row#   
        pattern ( init time_interval* )   
          time_interval as datetime <   
            prev ( datetime ) + numtodsinterval ( duration_in_minutes, 'minute' )   
    fetch  first 5 rows only   
  ) loop   
    dbms_output.put_line ( rws.interval_start || ' - ' || rws.row# );   
  end loop;   
Statement processed.
01-AUG-2022 00:01 - 9
01-AUG-2022 00:20 - 11
01-AUG-2022 00:37 - 5
01-AUG-2022 00:49 - 23
01-AUG-2022 01:14 - 120
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