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  • 镜像失败,CDC trace报如下错误信息: 2014-07-22 16:54:58.918    SHAREDSCRAPE LOG READER:2{787}    com.datamirror.ts.util.oracle.OracleRedoNativeApi    logEventCallback()    Redo log file information not found for subscription SHAREDSCRAPE. The Oracle database does not contain valid redo log file information corresponding to the log position '13754300094643.' for the current database incarnation. Error detected in file OracleRedoNativeApi.java at line 1178. This may be caused by any of the following: a) The SCN portion of the log position 13754300094643. is invalid. b) The SCN associated with log position 13754300094643. does not correspond to a current on-line redo log file and ARCHIVELOG mode is not enabled. c) The redo log file(s) corresponding to log position 13754300094643. does not currently exist, exists but is inaccessible or exists and is corrupt. d) The control file contains invalid information. e) The database was shut down abort. Re-start replication will resolve this issue. f) There was error archiving redo logs because of insufficient disk space. Try to resolve this issue by doing the following and re-start replication: a) Change the log position to specify a correct SCN value. b) Examine the views V$LOG and V$ARCHIVED_LOG to determine a valid SCN for which a corresponding online or archived redo log file exists. Change the log position to specify a valid SCN for the current database incarnation. c) Restore a valid copy of the required redo log file(s) from backup. d) Ensure the disk space for archived redo logs is not full. 以下配置都进行了检查,一切正常: 1. 报错日志点所在的Oracle日志文件可被访问. 2. CDC用户具备权限访问Oracle日志. 3. CDC配置一切正常. 还可能是什么原因引起该问题呢?

    CDC trace文件显示源端是Oracle RAC环境,其中一个RAC节点是关闭的状态.
    com.datamirror.ts.scrapers.oraclescraper.redo.OracleRedoSystemInfo    <init>()    Nodes found: ThreadID:1 Instance:gccmdb Status:OPEN Enabled:true; ThreadID:2 Instance:gccmdb2 Status:CLOSED Enabled:true;
    当Oracle RAC某个节点关闭,不产生相应redo log时,CDC是无法识别该节点当前状态的.CDC log reader会报错无法找到Oracle log.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSX3HK","label":"InfoSphere Change Data Capture"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"6.5.2;10.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]