
经过早期的爆发增长阶段,中国知识付费行业已逐步转入稳定发展阶段,行业竞争格局开始明朗,同时综合型平台在知识付费赛道的布局也在加强。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2015年新增知识付费相关企业数量突破700家,达到近十年最高值,此后行业每年新增企业数呈现逐年下降的态势,行业每年新增企业数呈倒U型变化。行业早期野蛮生长阶段出现诸多问题。其中内容同质化、宣传缺乏真实性等问题尤为突出,进而对用户的长期吸引力不足,降低了用户对知识付费平台的好感,49.5%用户认为平台专业度不高、实用性不强,最终反作用导致知识付费产品服务的复购率低等问题。因此,知识付费平台亟需规范整治,健康有序地发展。

After the early stage of explosive growth, China Knowledge Paying Industry has gradually turned into a stable development stage, and the industry competition pattern has become clear. At the same time, the layout of comprehensive platform in the knowledge paying industry is also strengthening. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2015, the number of new knowledge payment related enterprises exceeded 700, reaching the highest value in nearly a decade. Since then, the number of new enterprises in the industry has decreased year by year, and the number of new enterprises in the industry has changed in an inverted U-shape. There are many problems in the early growth stage of the industry. Among them, the problems of content homogeneity and lack of authenticity of publicity are particularly prominent, which makes it less attractive to users for a long time, and reduces the users' favor for the knowledge paying platform. 49.5% of the interviewed users think that the platform is not professional and practical, which eventually leads to the low repurchase rate of knowledge paying products and services. Therefore, the knowledge paying platform needs to be standardized and developed in a healthy and orderly way.

经过早期的爆发增长阶段,中国知识付费行业已逐步转入稳定发展阶段,行业竞争格局开始明朗,同时综合型平台在知识付费赛道的布局也在加强。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2015年新增知识付费相关企业数量突破700家,达到近十年最高值,此后行业每年新增企业数呈现逐年下降的态势,行业每年新增企业数呈倒U型变化。行业早期野蛮生长阶段出现诸多问题。其中内容同质化、宣传缺乏真实性等问题尤为突出,进而对用户的长期吸引力不足,降低了用户对知识付费平台的好感,49.5%用户认为平台专业度不高、实用性不强,最终反作用导致知识付费产品服务的复购率低等问题。因此,知识付费平台亟需规范整治,健康有序地发展。 (《艾媒咨询|2020年中国知识付费行业发展专题研究报告》完整高清PDF版共41页,可点击文章右侧浏览高清报告按钮进行报告浏览)

After the early stage of explosive growth, China Knowledge Paying Industry has gradually turned into a stable development stage, and the industry competition pattern has become clear. At the same time, the layout of comprehensive platform in the knowledge paying industry is also strengthening. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2015, the number of new knowledge payment related enterprises exceeded 700, reaching the highest value in nearly a decade. Since then, the number of new enterprises in the industry has decreased year by year, and the number of new enterprises in the industry has changed in an inverted U-shape. There are many problems in the early growth stage of the industry. Among them, the problems of content homogeneity and lack of authenticity of publicity are particularly prominent, which makes it less attractive to users for a long time, and reduces the users' favor for the knowledge paying platform. 49.5% of the interviewed users think that the platform is not professional and practical, which eventually leads to the low repurchase rate of knowledge paying products and services. Therefore, the knowledge paying platform needs to be standardized and developed in a healthy and orderly way. (“2020 China Knowledge Paying Industry Development Research Report" full version has 41 pages,please click the Browse HD Report button on the right side of the article to browse the report )


随着人工智能等前沿技术的落地应用,以及短视频等行业发展迅速,中国知识付费服务质量和场景都得到了延伸,市场规模也随之扩大。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年中国知识付费市场规模已达到392亿元。



用户调研:内容服务质量问题需重视,五成用户认为知识付费平台无效信息 过多

iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,51.9%用户认为知识付费平台广告和无效信息推送过多,有49.5%用户认为平台专业度不高、实用性不强。知识付费内容追求专业度,更新难度大,导致市场上部分课程内容深入浅出,实用性不高,因此平台服务内容质量的提升也成为平台竞争的重要方向。










iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2017年以来,中国知识付费行业市场规模快速扩大,2020年达392亿元,预计到2021年将达到675亿元。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着互联网行业不断发展,知识付费行业获得流量红利,随着知识付费平台运营模式逐步成熟,内容、形式不断丰富,行业整体市场规模有望加速扩大。


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,中国知识付费用户规模保持平稳增长态势,2020年增长至4.18亿人。艾媒咨询分析师认为,不断提升的互联网覆盖率以及不断扩大的智能手机用户规模,为知识付费行业发展提供设备基础;近年来,大众愈发重视自我知识涉及的宽度及深度,人们对知识付费的接受度和认可度不断提升,中国知识付费用户规模有望进一步扩大。


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,在2014-2017年,知识付费行业出现风口,相关投融资事件总共完成740笔;2017年起,行业内融资事件有所减少,但单笔融资额有所增高。艾媒咨询分析师认为,目前中国知识付费行业发展进入较为成熟的阶段,资本逐渐向头部企业靠拢,投融资情况也偏向于更加高额。




iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,知识付费用户以30岁以上的群体为主,月收入主要集中在1万元以下。艾媒咨询分析师认为,用户主要为丰富知识储备、充实自我而使用知识付费产品。未来,随着知识付费产品专业化程度不断提升,用户群体有望向更高收入人群渗透。


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,74.0%的受访知识付费用户对综合类知识付费平台内容质量表示满意,而对音频及垂直类平台内容表示满意的受访用户占比也分别达到69.0%及63.9%。艾媒咨询分析师认为,综合类知识付费平台基于平台知名度和流量,能吸引更多KOL进驻,同时也能吸引其他平台开设账号,在优质内容丰富性上更具有优势,内容质量也更受用户认可。


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,26.6%用户对中国知识付费行业的发展前景持非常乐观态度,43.5%的用户持比较乐观的态度。艾媒咨询分析师认为,知识付费内容符合目前快节奏生活中用户群体对于学习提升的需求,具有一定刚需性。且随着内容类型更加丰富、布局平台增多,其能够覆盖的用户群体也将扩大,行业发展也受到用户肯定。






iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2020年,中国在线学习用户有38.9%来自二线城市。艾媒咨询分析师认为,随着中国人口素质不断提升,以及三四线城市居民可支配收入不断增长,其对个人知识的涉猎领域及深度的要求不断提升,由此三四线城市居民逐步增强对知识付费的消费意愿。但不同结构用户对于知识获取渠道、偏好也呈现差异。而大众化平台拓展知识付费领域业务将为三四线城市居民提供更广泛的搜索渠道,以及更全面的知识覆盖领域;更多的搜索类、短视频及其他类型平台的入局,将丰富平台类型,并拓展知识产品的呈现方式,由此将实现多领域、多层次地触达用户,进而扩大知识付费用户规模、推动知识付费市场下沉。






文内容节选自艾媒咨询发布的 艾媒咨询|2020年中国知识付费行业发展专题研究报告 ,完整版报告共 41页 ,点击 文末下方链接 可直达完整版报告。


经过早期的爆发增长阶段,中国知识付费行业已逐步转入稳定发展阶段,行业竞争格局开始明朗,同时综合型平台在知识付费赛道的布局也在加强。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2015年新增知识付费相关企业数量突破700家,达到近十年最高值,此后行业每年新增企业数呈现逐年下降的态势,行业每年新增企业数呈倒U型变化。行业早期野蛮生长阶段出现诸多问题。其中内容同质化、宣传缺乏真实性等问题尤为突出,进而对用户的长期吸引力不足,降低了用户对知识付费平台的好感,49.5%用户认为平台专业度不高、实用性不强,最终反作用导致知识付费产品服务的复购率低等问题。因此,知识付费平台亟需规范整治,健康有序地发展。

After the early stage of explosive growth, China Knowledge Paying Industry has gradually turned into a stable development stage, and the industry competition pattern has become clear. At the same time, the layout of comprehensive platform in the knowledge paying industry is also strengthening. As the data of iiMedia Research showed, in 2015, the number of new knowledge payment related enterprises exceeded 700, reaching the highest value in nearly a decade. Since then, the number of new enterprises in the industry has decreased year by year, and the number of new enterprises in the industry has changed in an inverted U-shape. There are many problems in the early growth stage of the industry. Among them, the problems of content homogeneity and lack of authenticity of publicity are particularly prominent, which makes it less attractive to users for a long time, and reduces the users' favor for the knowledge paying platform. 49.5% of the interviewed users think that the platform is not professional and practical, which eventually leads to the low repurchase rate of knowledge paying products and services. Therefore, the knowledge paying platform needs to be standardized and developed in a healthy and orderly way.


iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)是全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构,始于2007年。秉承“用数据让所有决策都有依据”的使命,艾媒咨询聚焦新技术、新消费及新业态,通过“大数据挖掘+研究分析”双引擎,以市场地位、消费洞察、商业趋势研究为核心,服务客户的整个成长周期。iiMedia Ranking(艾媒金榜)是艾媒咨询旗下中国新消费品牌评价机构,依托iiMeval大数据评价模型,为消费者提供客观的品牌信息及购物消费指南。艾媒咨询通过深度大数据挖掘与分析,输出有数据、有观点、有理论支撑的大数据研究成果,每年公开或定制发布新经济前沿报告超过2000份;艾媒咨询的数据报告、榜单、分析师观点平均每天被超过100家全球主流媒体,1500家(个)自媒体、行 业KOL引用,覆盖语言类型包括中、英、 日、法、意、德、俄、阿等约二十种主流官方版本。

艾媒是中国科协九大代表优秀重点研究项目承担单位、广东省大数据骨干培育企业、广州市创新标杆企业、广州市首批人工智能入库企业、广州市“两高四新”企业。基于公司独立自主研发的“中国移动互联网大数据挖掘与分析系统(CMDAS)” (广东省科技计划重大专项) ,艾媒建立了互联网运营数据、企业舆情和商情、消费者属性和行为偏好、零售数据挖掘、广告效果、商业模式与商业趋势等多维度的数据监测体系,累计成功为超过3800家政企机构提供常年大数据咨询服务。艾媒也是广州市先进制造业创新发展项目、广州市建设国家级科技思想库研究课题等重大课题的承担单位。