UI Vision Selenium IDE++ (Kantu) V5.0 : The storeEval command is deprecated. Please use the new executeScript . Old macros with storeEval continue to work without any change.

What is the difference between storeEval and executeScript?

Both commands evaluate Javascript in the context of the website . There are three main differences. First, with executeScript variables are not in quotation marks. Second, you need to add a "return" command if you want to return a result. And third, storedVars is no longer required. Example (generate a random number between 0 and ${max}): storeEval | Math.floor(Math.random()* Number ("${max}") | randomNumber becomes executeScript | return Math.floor(Math.random()* Number (${max}); | randomNumber

In addition in the UI Vision's Selenium IDE++ the ExecuteScript command is available as "sandboxed" version that does not run in the context of the website. This fixes a long-standing design issue of the classic Selenium IDE and avoids CSP errors. For more details see executeScript_Sandbox .

--- Old storeEval documentation: ---

The storeEval command is useful to run javascript snippets. The command works just like "getEval" or "runScript" but has the advantage that the result of EVAL is stored in a variable. The result can be, for example, a time stamp, a random number or an entry from a list. The new IDE does not support "getEval" or "runScript" because storeEval can do the same, just better. Inside storeEval you can access the value of a variable with the ${BBB} notation. If you want to use the variable itself, use the storedVars['BBB'] notation. So this works the same as in the Firefox IDE, even so internally it is very different.

VerifyEval works just like StoreEval, but instead of adding the result to a variable, it compares the result with the value in the 3rd column. It is not available in the UI.Vision RPA Selenium IDE, but it can be recreated with storeEval plus if | ${!LastCommandOK} ... endIf.

See also .

Useful Javascript snippets for use with storeEval/getEval/runScript

Use them like storeEval | Javascript here | VarWithResult . Then later in the macro, you can use the result with the ${VarWithResult} variable.

Javascript Result Math.floor(Math.random()*11) Random number between 0 and 10 x="abc"; x.length; Returns the length of the string (here 3). You see that always the value of the last command is returned by storeEval. var audio = new Audio('http://www.storiesinflight.com/html5/audio/shimmer.wav');audio.play(); Play sound! x="${myvar}"; x.length; Same as above but with variable as input. Note that our variable ${myvar} is converted to a text string before the Javascript EVAL is executed. Therefore ${myvar} has to be inside "..." like any other text. var d= new Date(); var m=((d.getMonth()+1)<10)?'0'+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1); d.getFullYear()+"-"+m+"-"+d.getDate(); Get todays date in YYYY-MM-DD format var d= new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 5); var m=((d.getMonth()+1)<10)?'0'+(d.getMonth()+1):(d.getMonth()+1); d.getFullYear()+"-"+m+"-"+d.getDate(); Get yesterday's date (-1), tomorrows date (1) or the date in 5 days (5) => Just change the number 5 in the code snippet (new Date().getHours()+" : " + new Date().getMinutes() + " : " + new Date().getSeconds()) Get current time

Works in

UI.Vision RPA for Chrome Selenium IDE , UI.Vision RPA for Firefox Selenium IDE , Firefox IDE Classic

Related Demo Macros


The ready-to-import-and-run source code of all demo macros can be found in the Open-Source RPA software Github repository.

See also

storedVars , storetext , storetitle , Web Automation Extension User Manual, Selenium IDE commands , Classic Firefox Selenium IDE .

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