• 1.School of Mathematics and Information Science, Nanjing Normal University of Special Education, Nanjing 210038, China
    2.School of Computer and Control Engineering, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang 161000, China
  • Abstract: With the development of deep learning technology in the field of computer vision, there are breakthroughs in scene text detection and text recognition technology. Affected by extreme lighting, occlusion, blur, multi-direction and multi-scale in natural scenes, there are still huge challenges facing unconstrained scene text detection and recognition. In this paper, the scene text detection and text recognition technology are studied deeply from the perspective of deep learning, and the method and regression based on segmentation in the text detection technology are summarized. The combination of the advantages of the method can solve the problem of low recall rate of small text areas, while adapting to multi-scale text. Through the combination of the CTC mechanism and the Attention mechanism in the text recognition method, mutual supervision can be achieved, the recognition performance is improved, and the error rate of long text recognition is reduced.

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