Team The group of people who take responsibility for the project.
Founders People who created the project. Does not imply any current participation or responsibility.
Leads People responsible for making decisions about the project: timing of releases, inclusion of features, etc.
Developers People responsible for adding new features or enhancements.
Debuggers People responsible for fixing bugs.
Reviewers People responsible for reviewing patch submissions.
Support People responsible for responding to community questions and issue reports.
Maintainers People responsible for maintaining the project: e.g., merging patch submissions and cutting releases.
Contributors People who contributed code to the project. Does not imply any current participation or responsibility.

Fiji is an image processing package—a “batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ2 , bundling a lot of plugins which facilitate scientific image analysis.

  • For users - Fiji is easy to install and has an automatic update function, bundles a lot of plugins and offers comprehensive documentation .
  • For developers - Fiji is an open source project hosted in a Git version control repository , with access to the source code of all internals, libraries and plugins, and eases the development and scripting of plugins.
  • Downloads

    Fiji is released as open source under the GNU General Public License .

    Fiji builds on top of the ImageJ2 core, which is licensed under the permissive BSD 2-Clause license .

    Fiji also includes the original ImageJ , which is free of copyright .

    Plugins and other components have their own licenses .

    See the Licensing page for details.


    Fiji is supported by several laboratories and institutions:

  • The Eliceiri/LOCI lab at UW-Madison , home of ImageJ2 .
  • The Jug lab at the Human Technopole .
  • The Saalfeld lab at Janelia Research Campus .
  • The Tomancak lab at MPI-CBG and the CSBD .
  • Individuals at many other institutions worldwide .
  • Fiji is an open source project, so everybody is welcome to contribute with plugins, patches, bug reports, tutorials, documentation, and artwork.

    If you’d like to share an idea or project, please share them with the community .

