Our tutorials reference a dataset called "sample" in many examples. If you'd like to download the sample dataset to work through the examples, choose one of the files below:
Datasets often include variables that denote dates or time. Thus, it is important to know how SPSS treats and works with such variables. In the following sections, we will discuss:
In SPSS, date-time variables are treated as a special type of numeric variable. All SPSS date-time variables, regardless of whether they're a date or a duration, are stored in SPSS as the number of seconds since October 14, 1582. This means that "under the hood", date-time variables are actually integers! This might not seem important, but it's what makes it possible to do "date arithmetic", such as computing the elapsed time between two dates, or adding and subtracting units of time from a date.
Fortunately, you as the user do not normally need to interact with the underlying integers, and you can type in data values for date and time variables using normal date-time conventions. However, dates and times can be written using a number of different conventions, so we need a way to tell SPSS how to read and parse our date strings. That's where the concept of date formats comes in.
When reading data containing dates or using certain date-time functions, we need to tell SPSS which date format to use, so that it knows how to correctly parse the components of the input string. A format is a named, pre-defined pattern that tells SPSS how to interpret and/or display different types of variables. There are different formats for different variable types, and each format in SPSS has a unique name.
Date-time formats are used in several situations:
Your choice of format will depend on the whether or not the input is a date or a duration, as well as the time units included in the data value, the order of the units (e.g. month-day-year versus year-month-day), and the presence or absence of delimiters [1] .
The actual date formats that you will use in your SPSS syntax are as follows.
SPSS date formats as applied to an example date/time of Thursday, January 31, 2013, 1:02:33.72 (AM). Date-Time Unit Format name (general form) Format name (actual) ExampleIn the "Date-Time Unit" column, the date components are represented using the following codes:
In the "general form" column, the name of the format appears first, followed by the letter w (or w.d ). The letter w denotes the number of "columns" (typically the number of characters in the input string), and the letter d represents the number of decimal places, if present. You will replace these with the appropriate number to use for the width of the date.
You'll see an example of how date-time formats are used in the example of converting a string variable to a date variable.
The actual duration formats that you will use in your SPSS syntax are as follows.
SPSS duration formats as applied to an example duration of 29 hours, 14 minutes, 36.58 seconds. Duration Unit Format code (general form) Format code (actual) ExampleIn the "Duration Unit" column, the time components are represented using the following codes:
Just as with date formats, the "general form" of the format name contains w (or w.d ). The letter w denotes the number of "columns" (typically the number of characters in the input string), and the letter d represents the number of decimal places, if present. You will replace these with the appropriate number to use for the width of the date.
Notice how in the column of examples, SPSS took the same underlying data and automatically converted the time units based on the formats we chose. When we used the DTIME format, it knew that 29 hours should "roll over" to 1 day, 5 hours. When we used the MTIME format, it knew that 29 hours, 14 minutes is equal to (29*60) + 14 = 1754 minutes. This is one of the benefits of using date-time variables to represent dates and durations: they give us the option to change how how the data is displayed without needing to do the conversion arithmetic ourselves.
[1] Note: As of SPSS version 24, the above date formats will correctly recognize date strings without delimiters as long as the lengths of the other elements are correct (i.e., leading zeroes where necessary in the day, month, hour, minute, and second, so that those components are each two characters long). ( Source ) In previous versions, these date formats would not recognize dates that did not contain the appropriate delimiters.
It is important to specify which variables in your data are dates/ times so that SPSS can recognize and use these variables appropriately. However, the procedure for defining a variable as date/time depends on its currently defined type (e.g., string, numeric, date/time). The following sections outline how to define a variable as date/time based on the variable’s current type.
If your dataset includes a variable whose values represent dates or time, but the variable is currently defined as string or numeric, you should specify that the variable is actually a date/time. You can specify the variable type as date/time by clicking the Variable View tab, locating the variable, and clicking on the cell beneath the “Type” column. A blue “…” button will appear. Clicking the blue “…” button opens the Variable Type window. Select “Date” from the list of variable types. Then, on the right, select the format in which the date/time for that variable should appear (by selecting the date/time format in which the values already appear). Click OK . Now SPSS will recognize the variable as date/time.
Note: These steps work only if the variable values are already in a standard date/time format but are currently defined as string/numeric…and only if you define the variable as date/time by selecting a date/time format that already mirrors the existing format. For example, if the values appear as “Aug 1991” you should select a date/time format that mirrors the existing format. If you try to select a format that includes additional or different information, the change in format may fail and blank out the data.
Example: This scenario is likely if you import data from another file source, such as Excel, and SPSS does not immediately define the variable type as date/time, even though the values are in a standard date/time format.
Thus, the following criteria must apply in order to use the steps outlined above:
If the variable is already in a standard date/time format but is currently defined as string or numeric, and you wish to both A) define the variable as date/time, and B) choose a different date/time format than the one that matches the current format, you must proceed in two steps.
Note: If the dates for a selected variable appear as mm/dd/yyyy and are currently defined as “String” in the “Type” of variable in Variable View, you cannot change the “Type” to “Date” and select the new format in which you want the date/time values to appear. You must first select the format in which the dates/times currently appear. Then, you can repeat this process to select the new format in which you want the dates to appear. If you do not first define a variable as a “Date” and select the current date/time format before selecting the format to which you want to change it, the values for that variable will be defined as missing.
Example: If a variable with date/time values is currently defined as string or numeric, but all the values follow the form mm/dd/yyyy (e.g., 01/31/2013), then you must select this format (mm/dd/yyyy) when you change the variable’s type to date/time. Do not select a format that does not match the current format of the values.
Thus, the following criteria must apply in order to use the steps outlined above:
If a variable type is already defined as date/time, then changing the format of the values to a different date/time format is simple. In Variable View, under the column “Type,” select the cell that corresponds to the variable you want to change. A blue “…” button will appear, which opens the “Variable Type” dialog box. “Date” should already be selected from the list of variable types on the left. On the right, select the new date/time format in which you would like the variable values to appear. Click OK . Now click the Data View tab to view your data; your dates should now appear in the format you selected.
Note : If you select a new format that includes space for information that does not actually appear in your dataset, it will appear as 0s in the data. For example, if your data only includes information about the month, day, and year, and you select a format that also includes space for the hour, minute, and second, values will appear like this one: 31-JAN-2013 00:00:00.
Example: Perhaps your date is defined as date/time and appears as “01/31/2013,” but you would like it to appear as “2013/01/31,” instead.
When writing dates, it's common to see individuals abbreviate the year to two digits, especially in contexts where the century is "obvious" to the reader. This is fine when making notes to yourself, but when you're trying to compile data for analysis, this can be hugely problematic, especially when working with data that covers a large time range, or is very far in the past.
In general, we recommend always using four-digit years when entering data for dates. But sometimes you may not be in control of how the data was entered -- you may receive or request a dataset where the dates only used two-digit years. For these situations, it's important to know how to appropriately define the century range in SPSS.
In SPSS, the century range refers to the 100-year range that SPSS will assume when parsing date variables with two-digit years. For example: when you read the date 1/1/80, do you assume that I mean 1/1/1980 or 1/1/2080? If you didn't have any other context clues, you'd probably base your guess on the current year (2020). You might go with the century that makes the two-digit year closer to the current year, which would mean 1/1/1980. Or, you might assume that the century should match the current century, which would mean 1/1/2080.
The default century range in SPSS is based on the current year: it will start the range at 69 years prior to the current year and end the range at 30 years after the current year ( source ). So if you are using SPSS in the year 2020, it will assume that the century range is 1951 to 2050; but if you open SPSS a year later, SPSS will assume that the century range is 1952 to 2051.
Why does the century range matter? If you are going to compute elapsed time, or want to use your date variables as a predictor in a model, you can imagine how problematic it would be if one of the dates was off by 100 years! For this reason, it's critical that you specify the appropriate century range when working with dates containing two-digit years.
To change the century range for two-digit years, follow these steps:
Click Edit > Options .
By default, Automatic will be selected and two-digit years will be understood to fall in the range of the current year minus 69 to the current year plus 30. You can change the century range by clicking Custom , which will allow you to input a new beginning year (and the end year will be imputed for you). When you are finished, click Apply , and then click OK .
Alternatively, you can set the century range using the SET EPOCH command:
to the right of the equals sign is the desired beginning year for the century range. For example,
would set the century range to 1900 to 1999, while
would set the century range to 1950 to 2049.
Although there are many options, it is useful to begin by first reading about how dates and times are represented in SPSS. We have selected this option ( Learn how dates and times are represented ) in the Date and Time Wizard window (depicted above). Now, click Next . You will see the following window.
When you are finished reading, click Back to return to the main Date and Time Wizard menu.
Note that the Date and Time Wizard can assist with many tasks related to dates and time, including:
We will not cover each of these options in this tutorial, but we will cover one of the most common uses for the Date and Time Wizard: calculations involving dates and times.
If you have datetime variables in a text or CSV file, SPSS will often read those variables in as string or character variables, instead of treating them as actual dates. In order to have those variables correctly recognized, you'll need to convert them from string to date.
In the sample dataset, the variable enrolldate (date of college enrollment) contains dates in the form dd-mmm-yyyy , but was read into the dataset as a string variable. Let's convert that variable from a string to a numeric date.
COMPUTE date_of_enrollment=number(enrolldate, DATE11).
VARIABLE LABELS date_of_enrollment 'Date of college enrollment'.
VARIABLE LEVEL date_of_enrollment (SCALE).
FORMATS date_of_enrollment (DATE11).
VARIABLE WIDTH date_of_enrollment(11).
What's going on in this syntax?
) actually computes the new date variable using the built-in function
, which converts string variables to numeric variables. The argument
tells SPSS that the content of the string variable is in DATE11 format initially (dd-mmm-yyyy).
) applies the variable label "Date of college enrollment" to the new variable.
) explicitly sets the measurement level of the new variable to Scale.
) applies a human-readable date format to the new variable. Here, we tell SPSS to continue using the
(dd-mmm-yyyy) format for the new variable.
) tells SPSS how wide the column should be. This particular date format always has 11 characters, so the column is set to have width 11.
Sometimes you may need to calculate the length of time that has passed between two points in time. For example, you may wish to calculate the ages of people in your sample based on information you have about when they were born and what the current day/time/year is (or another date of your choosing). Any unit of time can be used. This means that you can calculate how many years, months, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds old each person is.
Before we can perform a calculation with dates and times, we first need to make sure that our dataset has at least two variables that represent time points. If you completed the above example, you will now have at least two date variables in the sample dataset: bday (the person's date of birth) and now date_of_enrollment (the date the person enrolled in college). We can compute the age that each person was when they enrolled in college using these two time points.
A Variables : Lists all of the available date and time variables in your dataset. It also includes a variable called “$TIME” which represents the current date and time.
B Date1 : The right half of the dialog box is where we will specify which variables to use, and how to set up the calculation. In the Date1 field, select the variable date_of_enrollment and in the minus Date 2 field, select the variable bday . This specifies that SPSS should calculate date_of_enrollment minus bday , which will yield the number of years between when the person was born and when they enrolled in college (i.e., their age at college enrollment).
C Unit : The unit of time to use for the variable you are creating. You can choose among Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. In this example, select Years from the Unit list.
Specify how to treat the values of the variable that will be calculated. You can choose to
truncate to integer
round to integer
, or
retain fractional part
Truncate to integer
means dropping the fractional part (e.g., 1.3 would become 1, and 1.6 would become 1).
Round to integer
bumps the number to the nearest integer (e.g., 1.3 would round to 1, but 1.6 would round to 2).
Retain fractional part
means that the fraction will remain (e.g., 1.6 remains 1.6).
In this example, fractions will be retained so that the values for the new variable reflect the individual's exact age (in years) when they enrolled in college.
When you are finished setting up the calculation, click Next .
The Execution area allows you to choose how to create the new variable. You can have SPSS Create the variable now , which will immediately create the new variable in your dataset. Alternatively, select Paste the syntax into the syntax window , which will have SPSS write the syntax (command language) that will create the variable whenever you choose to run the syntax command in the future. This latter option will not create the new variable until you run the syntax.
Once your new variable has been created, it is always a good idea to check that the calculation was accurate. You can do this by spot-checking some of the rows in your data. You can manually calculate the time between date_of_enrollment and bday for some of the cases in the data and then compare the manual calculation to the value SPSS created in the new variable age_at_enrollment .
COMPUTE age_at_enrollment=(date_of_enrollment - bday) / (365.25 * time.days(1)).
VARIABLE LABELS age_at_enrollment "Age at time of enrollment (years)".
VARIABLE LEVEL age_at_enrollment (SCALE).
FORMATS age_at_enrollment (F8.2).
VARIABLE WIDTH age_at_enrollment(8).
What's going on in this syntax?
) performs the calculation of the elapsed times. Notice that the calculation isn't simply the difference of the two date variables: in the denominator, the term
corrects for different year lengths due to leap years.
) applies the variable label "Age at time of enrollment (years)" to the new variable.
) explicitly sets the measurement level of the new variable to Scale.
) tells SPSS that the computed variable is a numeric variable that has two decimal places and is at most 8 characters wide.
) sets the width of the variable to 8 characters.
) tells SPSS to carry out the computation and add the new variable to the active dataset. (Without this line, SPSS will create the variable in the computer's memory but not actually add it to the dataset.)