Pager layouts

A library which provides paging layouts for Jetpack Compose. If you've used Android's ViewPager before, it has similar properties.


This library is deprecated, with official pager support in . The original documentation is below the migration guide.


  • Make sure you are using Compose 1.4.0+ before attempting to migrate to .
  • Change to , and the same for to change to
  • Change count variable to pageCount .
  • Change itemSpacing parameter to pageSpacing .
  • Change any usages of rememberPagerState() to
  • For more mappings - see the migration table below.
  • Run your changes on device and check to see if there are any differences.
  • One thing to note is that there is a new parameter on , for pageSize , by default this uses a PageSize.Fill , but can also be changed to use a fixed size, like PageSize.Fixed(200.dp) for a fixed size paging.

    Migration Table

    The following is a mapping of the pager classes from accompanist to androidx.compose:

    accompanist/pager calculateCurrentOffsetForPage Use (pagerState.currentPage - page) + pagerState.currentPageOffsetFraction PagerState#currentPageOffset PagerState#currentPageOffsetFraction Modifier.pagerTabIndicatorOffset() Implement it yourself, or still include and use accompanist-pager-indicators , it now supports HorizontalPagerIndicator Implement it yourself, or still include and use accompanist-pager-indicators , it now supports by explicitly providing a pageCount param to the HorizontalPagerIndicator method VerticalPagerIndicator Implement it yourself, or still include and use accompanist-pager-indicators , it now supports by explicitly providing a pageCount param to the HorizontalPagerIndicator method PagerDefaults.flingBehavior()

    The biggest change is that HorizontalPager and VerticalPager 's number of pages is now called pageCount instead of count .

    Deprecated Guidance for Accompanist Pager

    The following is the deprecated guide for using Pager in Accompanist. Please see above migration section for how to use the androidx.compose Pager.


    HorizontalPager is a layout which lays out items in a horizontal row, and allows the user to horizontally swipe between pages.

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    HorizontalPager demo

    The simplest usage looks like the following:

    // Display 10 items
    HorizontalPager(count = 10) { page ->
        // Our page content
            text = "Page: $page",
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

    If you want to jump to a specific page, you either call call pagerState.scrollToPage(index) or pagerState.animateScrollToPage(index) method in a CoroutineScope.

    val pagerState = rememberPagerState()
    HorizontalPager(count = 10, state = pagerState) { page ->
        // content
    // Later, scroll to page 2
    scope.launch {


    VerticalPager is very similar to HorizontalPager but items are laid out vertically, and react to vertical swipes:

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    VerticalPager demo
    // Display 10 items
    VerticalPager(count = 10) { page ->
        // Our page content
            text = "Page: $page",
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

    Lazy creation

    Pages in both HorizontalPager and VerticalPager are lazily composed and laid-out as required by the layout. As the user scrolls through pages, any pages which are no longer required are removed from the content.

    Under the covers, HorizontalPager use LazyRow, and VerticalPager uses LazyColumn.

    Content Padding

    HorizontalPager and VerticalPager both support the setting of content padding, which allows you to influence the maximum size and alignment of pages.

    You can see how different content padding values affect a HorizontalPager below:

    Setting the start padding has the effect of aligning the pages towards the end.

        count = 4,
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(start = 64.dp),
    ) { page ->
        // page content

    Setting both the start and end padding to the same value has the effect of centering the item horizontally.

        count = 4,
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = 32.dp),
    ) { page ->
        // page content

    Setting the end padding has the effect of aligning the pages towards the start.

        count = 4,
        contentPadding = PaddingValues(end = 64.dp),
    ) { page ->
        // page content

    Similar effects for VerticalPager can be achieved by setting the top and bottom values. The value 32.dp is only used here as an example, you can set each of the padding dimensions to whatever value you wish.

    Item scroll effects

    A common use-case is to apply effects to your pager items, using the scroll position to drive those effects.

    The HorizontalPagerTransitionSample demonstrates how this can be done:

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    Item effects demo

    The scope provided to your pager content allows apps to easily reference the currentPage and currentPageOffset. The effects can then be calculated using those values. We provide the calculateCurrentOffsetForPage() extension functions to support calculation of the 'offset' for a given page:

    HorizontalPager(count = 4) { page ->
                .graphicsLayer {
                    // Calculate the absolute offset for the current page from the
                    // scroll position. We use the absolute value which allows us to mirror
                    // any effects for both directions
                    val pageOffset = calculateCurrentOffsetForPage(page).absoluteValue
                    // We animate the scaleX + scaleY, between 85% and 100%
                        start = 0.85f,
                        stop = 1f,
                        fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
                    ).also { scale ->
                        scaleX = scale
                        scaleY = scale
                    // We animate the alpha, between 50% and 100%
                    alpha = lerp(
                        start = 0.5f,
                        stop = 1f,
                        fraction = 1f - pageOffset.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
            // Card content

    Reacting to page changes

    The PagerState.currentPage property is updated whenever the selected page changes. You can use the snapshotFlow function to observe changes in a flow:

    val pagerState = rememberPagerState()
    LaunchedEffect(pagerState) {
        // Collect from the pager state a snapshotFlow reading the currentPage
        snapshotFlow { pagerState.currentPage }.collect { page ->
        count = 10,
        state = pagerState,
    ) { page ->
        Text(text = "Page: $page")


    We also publish a sibling library called pager-indicators which provides some simple indicator composables for use with HorizontalPager and VerticalPager.

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    Pager indicators demo

    The HorizontalPagerWithIndicatorSample and VerticalPagerWithIndicatorSample show you how to use these.

    Integration with Tabs

    A common use-case for HorizontalPager is to be used in conjunction with a TabRow or ScrollableTabRow.

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    HorizontalPager + TabRow

    Provided in the pager-indicators library is a modifier which can be used on a tab indicator like so:

    val pagerState = rememberPagerState()
        // Our selected tab is our current page
        selectedTabIndex = pagerState.currentPage,
        // Override the indicator, using the provided pagerTabIndicatorOffset modifier
        indicator = { tabPositions ->
                Modifier.pagerTabIndicatorOffset(pagerState, tabPositions)
        // Add tabs for all of our pages
        pages.forEachIndexed { index, title ->
                text = { Text(title) },
                selected = pagerState.currentPage == index,
                onClick = { /* TODO */ },
        count = pages.size,
        state = pagerState,
    ) { page ->
        // TODO: page content

    Changes in v0.19.0

    In v0.19.0 both HorizontalPager and VerticalPager were re-written to be based on LazyRow and LazyColumn respectively. As part of this change, a number of feature and API changes were made:


  • The pageCount parameter on rememberPagerState() has been removed, replaced with the count parameter on HorizontalPager() and VerticalPager().
  • The animationSpec, initialVelocity and skipPages parameters on animateScrollToPage() have been removed. The lazy components handle this automatically.
  • HorizontalPager & VerticalPager

  • Ability to set contentPadding (see above).
  • Ability to specify a key for each page.
  • The horizontalAlignment parameter on HorizontalPager, and the verticalAlignment parameter on VerticalPager have been removed. A similar effect can be implemented with an appropriate content padding (see above).
  • The infiniteLooping parameter and feature have been removed. A sample demonstrating how to achieve this effect can be found here.
  • The offscreenLimit parameter has been removed. We no longer have control of what items are laid out 'off screen'.
  • The dragEnabled parameter has removed.
  • PagerScope (the page item scope) no longer implements BoxScope.
  • Usage

    repositories {
    dependencies {
        implementation "<version>"
        // If using indicators, also depend on
        implementation "<version>"

    Library Snapshots

    Snapshots of the current development version of this library are available, which track the latest commit. See here for more information on how to use them.


    Please contribute! We will gladly review any pull requests. Make sure to read the Contributing page first though.


    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.