大鼻子的水龙头  ·  Marlon James' ...·  9 月前    · 
大鼻子的水龙头  ·  Spider King | PAW ...·  9 月前    · 
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The Spider King is a giant spider and supervillain of the Apollo the Super-Pup show that the pups and everyone in Adventure Bay enjoys. He is the main antagonist of Season 3 's " Pups Save Apollo ".

During Rubble 's dream in " Pups Save Apollo ", the Spider King traps Apollo and the bunnies in his lair using spiderwebs. After Apollo and the rabbits are freed by the PAW Patrol , Ryder lures the king into a tar pit where he remains stuck.


The Spider King is mostly red. He has black eyes and wears a golden crown with dark orange gems on it. When seen on the Apollo TV Show, the king has green pupils and purple stripes on his legs. Baby snakes | Big Hairy | Friendly snake | Gigantopithecus | Gilda | Gilda's brother | Gilda's mother | Happy | Hidden jungle butterfly | Hidden jungle crocodiles | Hidden jungle elephants | Hidden jungle falcons | Hidden jungle hippos | Hidden jungle meerkats | Hidden jungle monkeys | Hidden jungle rhinos | Hidden jungle sloths | Hidden jungle snapping turtles | Hidden jungle tigers | Little Hairy | Mama Snake | Mammoths | Mandy | Mandy's father | Mandy's mother | Mandy's teenage brother | Matea | Matea's chick | Molly | Mula Terca | Panther | Patch | Quickly | Sabre-tooth tiger | Snort Antelopes | Antony | Ants | Baby bat | Baby hippos | Baby ostriches | Bats | Bayberry | Bears | Big Bill | Blue-beaked albatross | Blue-footed booby bird | Bruce | Buddy | Bullfrogs | Bunnies | Butterflies | Captain Gordy | Catfish | Chipmunks | Chompy | Crocodile | Crows | Crunchy | Daisy | Ducks | Eunice and Ellie | Father wolf | Felicia | Frank | Frogusta | Frogs | Fuzzy | Geese | Gophers | Heidi Hopper | Hops | Jean-Claude | Jenny | Joey ( kangaroo | turtle ) | Jumpy Jumper | Leo | Little eagle | Little Wolfy | Loop | Mama eagle | Mama Hootie | Maynard | Mayor Goodwhiskers | Mice | Mindy | Mother wolf | Mr. Ducky Doo | Mr. McTurtle | Myrna | Olivia | Oscar | Penguins | Polar bears | Queen bee | Randy | Roostario | Rumbletop white tigers | Rusty | Seagulls | Skunk | Smiley | Snake | Songbirds | Speedy Steve | Spider King | Squirrels | Super Squirrelly Whirly | Sweetfoot | Sweetie's pony | Tickle Spiders | Timber | Truffles | Turtles | Unnamed baby deer | Unnamed female deer | Unnamed male deer | Unnamed worm | Waddle | Water snakes | Whiskers | White tiger cub | White tiger mom | White wolf cub | Wingsy the Eagle | Wolf | Wolfette | Xander Adventure Bay residents | Adventure City prison guard | Arizona Goodway | Barkingburg residents | Beamy | Builder Cove residents | Butch | Butler of Barkingburg Castle | Cake judge | Cameraman | Camerawoman | Camila | Cap'n Turbot | Cassie | The Cheetah | Chili and pizza judge | Cletus | Cora Colors | Cowgirl Beryl | Dierdre | Dr. Tammy Turbot | Earl of Barkingburg | Farmer Al | Farmer Yumi | Farmer Zoe | Flight controller | Francois Turbot | Grocer Gabriel | Grover Goodway | Gus | Gustavo Goodway | Hailey Daily | Hank | Hank Hammer | Helga Humdinger | Hot air balloon pilot | Hurricane Harrigan | Jake | Juniper | Kendra Wilson | Ladybird | Lionel Lightspeed | Luke Stars | Mailman | Marty Muckraker | Mayor Goodway | Mayor Greatway | Mayor Humdinger | Mr. Hudson | Mr. Porter | Mr. Wingnut | Mrs. Wingnut | Ms. Marjorie | Omar | Otis Goodway | Percy | Precious' owner's father | Precious' owner's mother | Raimundo | Riff Rockenbock | Roger | Ron Rapidfire | Ruben | Sam Stringer | Santa Claus | Shopkeeper Shelley | Sid Swashbuckle | Speed Meister | Spud | Suzie | The Great Wendini | The Whoosh | Tilly Turbot | Tony | Toodles | Tough Guy | Traveling Travis | Victoria Vance | Wild Wilbur | Willy Widewheels Jr. | Winnie Winnington | Yoga Yvette Ace Sorensen | Alex Porter | Carlos | Codi Gizmody | Danny | Duke of Flappington | Eddie | Emmy | Foggy Bottom Boomers | Harold Humdinger | Henry | Jeremy the Genie | Julius Goodway | Julia Goodway | Katie | Lily | Little boy | Lucas | Precious' owner | Princess of Barkingburg | Ryder | Sarah | Shaw | Sierra Sparkle | Taylor Turbot