先后主持“十三五”国家重大研发计划子项目、山东省重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目、“973”子项目、住建部科技项目、黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目等纵向科研课题15项。获省部级科研奖励4项,获2019年哈尔滨市创新争先科技创新带头人奖,主编行业协会团体及地方标准4部,出版专著2部,发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI检索论文30篇、EI检索论文51篇,授权发明专利8项、授权实用新型专利12项、授权软件著作权5项。专注于桥隧结构群运营安全智能监测与快速检测的研究,研究成果已在济南市英雄山高架桥梁、济南地铁3号线长大隧道、二环西凤凰山立交桥梁、白马山城市隧道及北园高架西延桥梁集群等实际结构安全监测中实现了成功应用,保障了上述大型桥隧结构群的运营安全。 哈尔滨工程大学 建筑工程学院 建筑工程专业 获工学学士学位(1996.09-2000.07) 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 结构工程专业 获工学硕士学位(2001.09-2004.02) 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 工程力学专业 获工学博士学位(2004.03-2008.07) 研究工作经历 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,桥梁与隧道工程系, 教授(2020.01---至今) 美国东北大学(Northeastern University),土木与环境工程系,高级访问学者(2018.01-2018.02) 交通科学与工程学院“桥隧结构智慧运维” 国际联合研究团队,负责人(2015.12---至今) 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,桥梁与隧道工程系,博士生导师(2015.7---至今) 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院 ,桥梁与隧道工程系,副教授(2012.12---2020年12月) 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,桥梁与隧道工程系,讲师(2008.09-2012.12) 美国东北大学(Northeastern University),土木与环境工程系,访问学者(2011.02-2012.02) 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC),Newmark土木工程实验室,访问学者(2006.07-2006.08) 硕士生招生方向(土木工程学科) 桥梁与隧道工程专业 桥梁与隧道结构健康监测 桥梁结构状态快速诊断 围岩及隧道结构反演分析 每学年招收1~2名硕士研究生,含学术型硕士生、专业学位硕士生。按照教育部及学校有关硕士招生工作的规定,通过“推荐免试”和“报名考试”两种方式接收全国重点大学优秀本科毕业生入学。 博士生招生方向(土木工程学科) 桥梁与隧道工程专业 桥梁与隧道结构健康监测 桥梁与隧道结构智能检测 桥梁结构动力反问题 每学年招收博士生1~2人;此外,每学年与美国东北大学(Northeastern University)D. Bernal教授联合招收博士生1人。 按照教育部及学校有关博士招生工作的规定,通过本科生“推免直攻博”及硕士生“申请-考核”等方式接收全国重点大学优秀本科生及硕士毕业生入学。 获得2020年黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然科学)二等奖(排名4) 获得2020年山东土木建筑科学技术一等奖(排名2) 获得2019年黑龙江省科学技术奖(科技进步)二等奖(排名2) 获得2019年第二十一届中国专利奖(优秀奖)(排名1) 获得2019年哈尔滨市首届创新争先奖(个人奖)科技创新带头人 交通运输行业重点领域创新团队“寒区交通基础设施耐久与安全保障技术创新团队”(核心成员) 获得2018年交通运输重大科技创新成果库入库成果(交通运输专利)(排名1) 获得2018年黑龙江省高校科学技术奖(一等奖)(排名2) 获得2017年华夏科学技术三等奖(排名1) 本科生课程 钢桥结构设计 课程简介:本课程以材料力学及结构力学的理论知识为基础,基于《公路钢结构桥梁设计规范》JTG D64-2015的内容,介绍钢结构构件的连接计算(焊缝连接、螺栓连接),刚架桥构件的整体、局部稳定验算,钢桥疲劳等基本设计内容,并详细讲授各类钢桥结构的设计流程。 研究生课程 桥梁结构健康监测与安全评价 课程简介:本课程为桥梁与隧道工程专业研究生的国际共建课程,课程由美国Northeastern University大学土木与环境工程系教授D.Bernal教授负责课程三分之一教学内容。该课程以帮助学生掌握“桥梁结构健康监测”这一研究热点的主要理论内容为教学目的;同时,该课程以MATLAB软件为主要运算工具,帮助学生掌握该软件中与桥梁结构健康监测理论分析相关的命令及编程方法。 纵向科研—负责 隧道结构安全智能感知-诊断-预警系统及装备研发 城市地铁结构安全智能综合巡检技术及运营安全的智能监测研究及应用 高寒地区桥梁集群监测网络优化设计-状态诊断-结构损伤预警技术 基于准静力影响面的城市桥梁结构损伤快速诊断技术 高寒复杂环境下大跨度桥梁结构损伤诊断方法研究 城市桥梁集群健康监测与预警系统研究 基于海量监测数据的大跨度桥梁结构的损伤概率诊断方法研究 基于海量监测数据的桥梁结构的损伤概率诊断方法研究 大跨度桥梁结构的损伤概率诊断方法研究 考虑参数不确定性的卫星平台与有效荷载建模方法研究 纵向科研—参与 基于多源信息的道路基础设施服役性能大数据集成分析方法 "十三五“国家重点研发计划课题 (2018.02-2022.12) 高寒地区公路设施全寿命周期耐久性提升与安全性保障关键技术 科技部国际合作重点专项 (2017.09-2020.08) 大跨结构安全监测控制物联网技术与示范应用 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划 (2010.01-2014.12) 大型场馆健康监测与安全分析技术研究 国家“863”项目 (2008.01-2012.12) 重大建(构)筑物健康监测与诊断技术 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划 (2007.01-2010.12) 重大工程健康监测及其集成系统 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (2006.01-2009.12) 重大工程健康监测集成系统与应用 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目 (2006.01-2009.12) 结构健康监测 国家杰出青年科学基金 (2006.01-2009.12) 横向科研(近年)—负责 城市地铁结构安全智能综合监测与巡检技术 (2020.03) 凤凰路大型桥梁集群结构运营安全监测与预警系统 (2020.01) 北园高架西延桥梁集群结构运营安全监测与预警系统 (2019.01) 面向集群结构运营安全的城市轨道交通感知-诊断-预警技术 (2018.08) 北园高架西延工程顶升施工前后桥梁结构状态诊断 (2018.07) 刘长山路隧道结构安全运营监测系统设计与安装 (2018.01) 济广高速凤凰山立交桥梁集群安全运营监测系统设计与安装 (2017.07) 济南市英雄山路南段高架桥桥梁监测网络与预警系统设计及安装 (2017.02) 广深高速公路川槎大桥安全运营监测与预警系统方案设计 (2016.03) 深圳市平湖编组站大桥结构状态健康监测系统方案设计 (2015.11) 湖北省宜昌至巴东高速公路桥梁集群安全运营监测及预警系统设计 (2015.08) 济南市穿泺源大街大断面浅埋暗挖隧道施工过程模拟及支护动态优化 (2015.08) 济南市英雄山路立交桥梁集群健康监测系统设计与安装 (2015.03) 深圳市罗沙公路东深供水管桥结构健康监测系统方案设计 (2014.09) 深圳市坂银通道工程桥梁集群结构健康监测系统方案设计 (2014.06) 专著与标准 准静力影响线法桥梁荷载试验技术指南(T/CMEA 3-2019)(排名1) 城市超小净距浅埋暗挖隧道施工技术标准(DB37/T 5152-2019)(排名6) 基于代理模型的桥梁结构有限元模型修正技术(排名1) 准静力影响线法桥梁荷载试验与结构损伤诊断技术(排名1) 专利与软件 国家发明专利 国家发明专利:基于超单元结合虚拟变形法的桥梁静力有限元模型修正方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:复杂环境下基于累积损伤因子序列的桥梁结构损伤诊断方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:桥梁集群结构运营安全智能监测与快速检测成套技术(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:一种基于集群结构相似性的桥梁损伤交叉定位方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:基于应变响应概率分布函数差的桥梁集群结构损伤判别方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:基于BOTDA技术的大跨桥梁斜拉索结构损伤诊断方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:基于主动激励下应变输出反馈的桥梁结构损伤诊断方法(排名1,授权) 国家发明专利:一种基于损伤指标体系窄域特性的桥梁结构状态诊断方法(排名2,授权) 国家发明专利:一种基于时变温度响应的桥梁结构概率基准有限元模型构建方法(排名2,授理) 软件著作权 桥梁集群安全运营监测与预警系统V1.0(排名1,授权) 砖砌双曲扁壳展览馆安全运营监测与预警系统(排名1,授权) 桥梁结构模态分析及有限元模型修正系统V1.0(排名1,授权) 中小型梁式桥结构损伤快速诊断系统(排名1,授权) 桥梁集群结构安全分布式光纤监测与预警系统(排名1,授权) 轨道交通桥隧群超大规模感知网络监测预警系统(排名1,授权) 地铁隧道分布式光纤监测与预警软件系统(排名1,授权) 隧道结构运营安全监测与预警软件系统(排名1,授权) 硕士生招生方向(土木工程学科) 桥梁与隧道工程专业 桥梁与隧道结构健康监测 桥梁结构损伤快速诊断 围岩及隧道结构反演分析 每学年招收1~2名硕士研究生,含学术型硕士生、专业学位硕士生。按照教育部及学校有关硕士招生工作的规定,通过“推荐免试”和“报名考试”两种方式接收全国重点大学优秀本科毕业生入学。 博士生招生方向(土木工程学科) 桥梁与隧道工程专业 桥梁与隧道结构健康监测 桥梁结构动力反问题 每学年招收博士生1~2人;此外,每学年与美国东北大学(Northeastern University)D. Bernal教授联合招收博士生1人。 按照教育部及学校有关博士招生工作的规定,通过本科生“推免直攻博”及硕士生“申请-考核”等方式接收全国重点大学优秀本科生及硕士毕业生入学。 Education B.S., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China (Sept. 1996~Jul. 2000 ) M.S., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Sept. 2001~Feb. 2004) Ph.D., School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Mar. 2004~Jul. 2008) Professional Affiliations Member of IABMAS Member of EMI (ASCE) Research Experiance Full Professor, School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Jan. 2020~Present) Associate Professor, School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Jan. 2013~Dec. 2019) Visiting Professor, Northeastern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boston, U.S A (Jan. 2018~Feb. 2018) Assistant Professor, School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Sept. 2008~Dec. 2012) Visiting Professor, Northeastern University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boston, U.S A (Feb. 2011~Feb. 2012) Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, U.S.A (July. 2006 ~Aug. 2006) Research Grants Research and development of tunnel structure safety intelligent perception-Diagnosis-Early warning system and equipment, Key Research and Development Plan (Major Science and Technology Innovation Project) of Shandong Province, (Sept. 2019~Present).Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research and application of intelligent inspection technology of structure safety and intelligent monitoring of operation safety for urban subway, Key Project of Shandong Provincial Department of Transportation, (Jul. 2019~Present). Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Big data integration analysis method of road infrastructure service performance based on multi-source information, National Key Research and Development project (2018YFB1600202), (Feb. 2019~Present). Role: main researcher Key technology for durability improvement and safety guarantee of cold regional road infrastructure within whole life cycle, National Key Research & Development Programs of China "Strategic International Cooperation in Scientific and Technological Innovation" Key Special Project of 2016 Annual Project (2016YFE0202400), (Sept. 2017~Present) Role: main researcher Rapid damage diagnosis of urban bridge based on quasi-static influence surface, Science and Technology Project of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, (Jan. 2016~Dec. 2017) Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research on of damage diagnosis method of long-span bridges under alpine complex environment, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (E201431), (Jul. 2014~Dec. 2016) Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research on probability damage diagnosis of long-span bridges by using massive monitoring data, National Science Foundation of China (51008097) , (Jan. 2011~Dec. 2013), Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Statistical damage diagnosis of bridges based on massive monitoring data,National Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (20100471073), (Sept. 2010~Jul. 2011), Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research on the time-frequency fusion algorithms for damage detection of the long-span bridge structures based on massive monitoring data, Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT.NSRIF.2009101), (Jan. 2010~Dec. 2012), Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research on Multi-scale Finite Element Model Updating of Bridge Structures Based on Monitoring Data, Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in School of Transportation Science and Engineering (Harbin Institute of Technology), (Mar. 2009~Dec.2010), Role: fully responsible for the whole project. Research on the technique of structural health monitoring of key infrastructure, Natural Key Technology R&D Program (2006BAJ03B05), (Jan.2007~Dec. 2010), Role: main researcher, finite element model updating of large structures considering the uncertainty of measured results.

C.X. Yang, Y. Liu. Detecting the damage of bridges under changing environmental conditions using the characteristics of the nonlinear narrow dimension of damage features, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2021, 159, 107842.(SCI, IF: 6.471) Y. Liu, H. Li, Y.L. Wang, Y.Q. Men. Damage detection of tunnel based on the high-density cross-sectional curvature obtained using strain data from BOTDA sensors, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2021, 159, 107842.(SCI, IF: 6.471) J.X. Cao, Y. Liu. Damage Cross Detection between Bridges Monitored within One Cluster Using the Difference Ratio of Projected Strain Monitoring Data. Structural Health Monitoring 2021; Published online.(SCI, IF: 4.87) S.Y. Zhang, Y. Liu. Damage detection of bridges monitored within one cluster based on the residual between the cumulative distribution functions of strain monitoring data. Structural Health Monitoring 2020; 19(6), 1764-1789.(SCI, IF: 4.87) Y. Liu, S.Y. Zhang. Probabilistic baseline finite element model of bridges under environmental temperature changes. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2017, 32(7), 581-598. (SCI, IF: 8.552) Y. Liu, Z.C. Tan, C.X. Yang. Refined finite element modeling of a damaged bridge with virtual distortion method coupling solid superelement. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 2017, 93, 559-577. (SCI, IF: 6.471) Y. Liu, C.X. Yang, Z.C. Tan. Hybrid element-based virtual distortion method for finite element model updating of bridges with wide-box girders. Engineering Structures, 2017, 143, 558-570. (SCI, IF: 3.084) Y. Liu, J. Ma, J.G. Nie, S.Y. Zhang. Virtual distortion method-based finite element model updating of bridges by using static deformation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2017, 143(3), B4015003. (SCI, IF: 2.264) Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan. Fuzzy finite element model updating of bridges by considering the uncertainty of the measured modal parameters. Science China Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(11), 3109-3117. (SCI, IF: 2.302) J. Yuan, Y. Liu, Z.C. Tan, B.K. Zhang. Investigating the failure process of concrete under the coupled actions between sulfate attack and drying–wetting cycles by using X-ray CT. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 108, 129–138 (SCI, IF: 4.046) Y. Liu, F. Zhou, H. Li, Z.M. Guo and H.Z. Ding. Condition assessment of a cable-stayed bridge using the dynamic analysis based on a categorizing statistical strategy. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2010, 16(5), 695-703. (SCI, IF: 0.349) Y. Li, C.S. Cai, Y. Liu, et. al. Dynamic analysis of a large span specially shaped hybrid girder bridge with concrete-filled steel tube arches. Engineering Structures, 2016, 106, 243-260 (SCI, IF: 1.838) D. Bernal, M. Dhler,S.M. Kojidi,K. Kwan, Y. Liu. First mode damping ratios for buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 2015, 31(1), 367-381. (SCI, IF: 2.298) S.L. Li, H. Li, Y. Liu. SMC structural health monitoring benchmark problem using monitoring data from an actual cable-stayed bridge. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2014, 21(2), 156-172 (SCI, IF: 1.544) Y. Liu, H. Sun, D.J. Wang. Updating the finite element model of large-scaled structures using component mode synthesis technigue. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2013, 19, 1-12 (SCI, IF: 0.349) Y. Liu, D.J. Wang, J. Ma, Y. Li. Performance comparison of two meta-model for the application to finite element model updating of structures. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2014,21(3), 99-109. (EI) Y. Liu, D.J. Xu. Fuzzy cross-model cross-mode method and its application of structures. Journal of Physics: conference Series, 2011. (EI) 刘洋,段忠东. 自适应耦合局部最优法及其在结构模型修正中的应用. 振动工程学报. 2008,21(1),468-475. (EI) 刘洋,段忠东,周道成. 基于模态综合技术的结构有限元模型修正. 振动、测试与诊断. 2009 29(3),92-96. (EI) 刘洋,段忠东,周道成. 利用一种混合梁单元修正结构半刚性节点及边界条件. 振动与冲击. 2009 28(9),42-50. (EI) Y. Liu, C. X. Yang, Z. C. Tan. Meta-model based on virtual distortion method and its application to obtain the baseline finite element model of bridges. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM), QingDao, July, 2018. (Invited paper) C.X. Yang, Y. Liu. Damage detection of bridges considering environmental temperature effect by using cluster analysis. World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Syposium 2016, June, Prigue. S.Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, C.X. Yang. Cross validation-based novelty detection of bridge group. IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy and Structural Monitoring System, Piscataway, Italy, 2015, July. Z.D. Duan, Y. Liu, K. Zhang. Updating of finite element model in considering uncertainties with fuzzy theory. ECCOMAS III Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Gdansk, Poland, July 9-11, 2007.(Keynote) Y. Liu, J. Ma, J.G. Nie, S. Y. Zhang. Finite element model updating of bridges by using the virtual distortion method. Engineering Mechanics Institute, HongKong, 2015 January. J. Yuan, Y. Liu, B.K. Zhang, H.X. Li. Research of the failure process of concrete under the effect of freezen-thawing cycle by using X-ray Industrail CT technique. International Symposium on Concrete Modeling, Beijing, 2014 October Y. Liu, C. Ma, Z.C. Tan, C.X. Yang. Stochastic Finite element model updating of bridges based on Kriging model. Engineering Mechanics Institute, Evanston, 2013 August. S.M. Kojidi, M. D?hler, D. Bernal,Y. Liu. Linear Projection Techniques in Damage Detection Under a Changing Environment. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures- Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2013, pp 325-332. Y. Liu, H. Li. Modal parameters identification under multi-operational grades and its application to a cable-stayed bridge. The 6th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Stresa, Italy, 2012, July, 431-437. Yan Li, Yang Liu, Hang Sun. Impact effect statistic investigation of concrete filled steel tube arch bridge under moving vehicles based on the field test and simulation analysis. The 6th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Stresa, Italy, 2012, July, 3404-3411. Y. Liu, H. Li, Z.D. Duan. A meta-modeling procedure for updating the finite element model of large-scale structures. Engineering Mechanics Institute, Boston, 2011 June. D. Bernal, Y. Liu, S.M. Kojidi. Factor analysis in damage detection. The 2nd US-Japan workshop on "Structural Dynamics and Monitoring of Bridges and Flexible Structures against Wind Hazards", Boston, 2011, November. Y. Liu, H. Li, Z.D.. Duan, Y. Yao. Updating the finite element model of bridge structures by an improved Taguchi updating method. The 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Philadelphia, 2010, July, 783-790. Y. Liu, S.L. Li, H. Li. Damage diagnosis of a cable-stayed bridge using identified modal parameters under multi-operational grades. The 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, 2010, 174. S.L. Li, Y. Liu, H. Li. Condition assessment of long span bridges based on structural health monitoring techniques. International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Changsha, 2010. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan, H. Li. An updating method suitable for updating finite element model of large-scaled structures. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workgroup on Structural Health Monitoring, Melbourne, 2-4, December, 2008. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan, H. Liu. Updating finite element model of structures with semi-rigid joints and boundary. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6174 II, Smart Structures and Materials 2006 - Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2006, p 61743L. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan. An improved coupled local minimizers technique for finite element model updating. Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, 2006, 1215-1222. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan. Improved local minimizers technique and application to finite element model updating of structures. CANSMART Proceeding: International Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2006, October. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan. Updating semi-rigid jointed structural models with a hybrid finite element. The 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, University of California, San Diego, 2006, July. Y. Liu, Z.D. Duan. Improved local minimizers technique and its application to finite element model updating of structures. The 2nd ANCRiSST Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, Korea, 2005, July. Z.D. Duan, Y. Liu, B. F. Spencer. Finite element model updating of structures using a hybrid optimization technique. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5765, n PART 1, Smart Structures and Materials 2005 - Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2005, 335-344.

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