• Department of Teaching & Learning University of Montana, Phyllis J. Washington College of Education Missoula Montana USA
  • School of Education University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill North Carolina USA
  • Socio-scientific issues (SSI) instruction positions the understanding and practice of science in the context of issues that are informed by science but require reasoning about their societal dimensions to respond to those issues effectively. For this reason, instruction in the context of SSI has been considered the gateway to contemporary visions of scientific literacy. SSI instruction is often framed in line with the Socio-Scientific Issues Teaching and Learning (SSI-TL) framework, which is prominent in the literature and well-used by researchers to frame professional development but potentially less familiar to classroom teachers. Given that teachers are likely familiar with the 5E learning cycle, they might experience an easier transition to developing and facilitating SSI instruction using the SSI-TL model if framed through a lens of 5E. In this article, we unpack the SSI-TL model of instruction through a 5E lens, then provide an exemplary prototype of the new SSI-TL infused 5E instruction in the context of a globally relevant SSI to highlight the overlap between engagement in essential science practices and socio-scientific reasoning. We hope that teachers become more comfortable developing science literacy by addressing both science and societal dimensions of contemporary SSI by considering the SSI-TL Framework through a 5E lens. 中文翻译: 社会科学问题(SSI)教学将科学的理解和实践置于科学告知的问题背景下,但需要对其社会维度进行推理才能有效地应对这些问题。因此,SSI 背景下的教学被认为是通向当代科学素养愿景的门户。SSI 教学通常根据社会科学问题教学 (SSI-TL) 框架来制定,该框架在文献中很突出,并被研究人员广泛用于框架专业发展,但课堂教师可能不太熟悉。鉴于教师可能熟悉 5E 学习周期,如果从 5E 的角度出发,他们可能会更容易过渡到使用 SSI-TL 模型开发和促进 SSI 教学。在本文中,我们通过 5E 镜头解开 SSI-TL 教学模型,然后在全球相关 SSI 的背景下提供注入新 SSI-TL 5E 教学的示例原型,以强调参与基本科学实践之间的重叠和社会科学推理。我们希望教师通过 5E 视角考虑 SSI-TL 框架,解决当代 SSI 的科学和社会维度,从而更加轻松地发展科学素养。