It ensures rapid end-user adoption, and increases
employee satisfaction, as they get a tool that makes their work easier and more
[...] intuitive, without t h e steep l e arni n g curve .
它可快速被最终用户采用并提高员工满意度,因为他们获得了一个让他们的工作更加简单和直观的工具,无需大费 周章的 学习。
This framework comes with a wide set of
ready to use components, behaviors and utilities but in many cases this is the main
[...] cause of Wick et ' s steep l e arni n g curve .
Wicket框架提供了很多开箱即用的组件、行为和工具,但在大多数情况下,这也导致Wicket 学习 线 非常 陡峭
The main reason why they have not been successful in the market is their
[...] complexity a nd a steep l e arni n g curve w h il e being way [...]
ahead of their time.
它们没有在市场上获得成功,是因为它们比较复杂, 学习 曲线比较陡峭 ,远 远超 越了它们的时代。
If the driving torque M fluctuates, for example, around the value Δ M, the effect on the torsion angle α of
the freewheel with a flat characteristic curve is much greater than that of a
[...] freewheel wi th a steep c h ar acteri st i c curve .
[...] 矩M在范围内变化,那么水平特性曲线 M对扭曲角的影响要比急 变化特性 曲线M 的大
It's no surprise that
[...] SharePoint h as a steep l e arni n g curve - it is large [...]
and cumbersome.
毫无疑义,SharePoint对于新 而言 ,其学 曲线 过长 -它 看起来过分大且笨重。
Here, the torsion spring characteristic curves are shown for a “soft” freewheel (flat characteri st i c curve ) a nd a “stiff” freewh ee l ( steep c h ar acteri st i c curve ) .
例如,在定位离合器的应用 中,扭矩弹性特性曲线表示一个“软”离合 器(水平特性曲线)和一个“硬”离合器( 急剧变 特性 曲线 )。
internal and external environments, such as
[...] those of UNFP A, a steep l e arni n g curve e x is ts for all [...]
newly recruited employees.
此外,在人口基金所面临的这种复杂多变的 内外部环境下,所有新聘工作人员都要经历一 极具挑战 的学 习过程。
It's no surprise that
[...] NHibernate h as a steep l e arni n g curve - it is large [...]
and supports almost everything you can imagine.
这并不惊奇!NHibernate拥有一个 曲线 —— 他非 常庞大以致于可以支持几乎所有想得到的事情。
In addition, both NPOs and consultants face the challenge of a steep l e arni n g curve o n U NESCO programme priorities and procedures, and on UNCT dynamics.
总部外协调办事处负责行政支持和其他方面的工作,同时总部外办事处主任 在履行代表职能方面酌情向对外关系与合作部助理总干事或非洲部助理总干事负责,在加强 财务管制方面向会计长负责,在实施与人力和财力资源事项以及其他重大事项有关的各项计 划方面向计划部门助理总干事负责,并且直接向总干事通报各种政治事项。
And for a wealth of good reasons: starting with direct injection and three-valve technology;
exhaust turbocharging and charge-air
[...] cooling, t he i r steep t o rq u e curve , c on stant output [...]
over a wide rpm range, and enormous power reserves.
選擇它的理由實在多不勝數:直接噴注、三重閥門、廢氣渦輪增壓器、增壓冷 、陡峭 的扭 矩曲线 、不 同轉 速下固定輸出馬力,以及較高的動力儲存。
As expected, the initial flow r at e ( steep p a rt of t h e curve ) o f the .45 µm filter was [...]
approximately twice that of the .22
µm filter, although its capacity or throughput prior to clogging (the area at the plateau) was only about 20% greater.
正如预计的 那 ,0 .45μm过滤器的最初流速 曲线 的直 线 部分 )大约比0.22μm过滤器快两倍,尽管在堵 塞以前其容量(或称通量)只大20%。
While the lear ni n g curve o f i nstitutional contractors is generally ra th e r steep , e xp erience has [...]
shown that continuing interaction
with them tends to improve performance over time, even though the process is time-consuming and the benefits not readily apparent.
虽然机构承包商的 习曲线通 陡直 ,但 验表 明,同他们进行持续互动长时间内会改善业绩, 只是互动过程比较费时,并且效益不太显而易见。
[...] initial lear ni n g curve w i ll b e steep , t he se initiatives [...]
are expected to improve operational efficiency, thereby
contributing to achievement of programme results.
虽然 最初的 学习 曲线将 ,但 预计 这些举措将改进运作效率,从而促进取得方 案成果。
Climbing up and down the long a n d steep s t ai rway and sloping access, particularly during hot or adverse weather conditions and for the less able pedestrians, is a taxing [...]
在這段 既 長 且斜 樓梯 和斜 路行走頗為費勁 , 遇 上 炎熱或 惡劣天 氣 , 倍加吃 力,對 於行動不 便的人士而言尤為 艱難。
The average number of staff currently reporting to one manager (P-5 and above) is six,
[...] which makes f or a steep d e ci sion-making [...]
[...] 及以上级别)管理的工作人员平均为 6 人,这形成 的决 策金 字塔。
Slope refers to t h e steepness o f a straight line, determined by taking the increase in density from two points on t h e curve a n d dividing [...]
that by the increase
in log exposure for the same two points.
Slope 是指直线部分的 斜度,它 是这 样得出的 线 上两 个点 的密度差值,除以同两个点的曝光对数值的差值。
To the extent that interest flows are floating rate, the undiscounted amount is derived from
[...] interest ra t e curve a t t he end of [...]
reporting period.
在利息流為浮動利率之前提 下,未折現數額以報告期末 之利 曲線
Follow vertical line up
[...] to intersection with selected operating air pres su r e curve .
沿垂 直线向 上至 与所选工作 压曲线的交 叉处
C. Building cost is higher because of a complex structural design
[...] required to suit t h e steep s l op es of the site [...]
and the increased construction floor area
required to form the lower ground carpark and playground platforms.
C. 建築費用較高,是因
[...] 為須採 用 較複雜的 結 構 設計 地, 以及須提供建築樓 面面積較大的地方,作 [...]
為 低 層 停 車 場和操 場的平台 。
When the process is
[...] represented by an H & D curve , t he latitude is the projection on the exposure axis of that part of t h e curve t h at approximates a [...]
straight line within
the tolerance permitted for the purpose at hand.
当此过程用 H&D 线 表 示时 ,在曝光轴上它落在 线上 趋近 直线的部分,这一部分近似的 线为 拍摄 目的所允许的范围 内。
Chile imposed severe penalties on owners of vessels that made discards, amountin g t o steep c u ts in their total allowable catch, and Thailand implemented a “Green Fin Programme”, in cooperation with a wide range of stakeholders, to collect fish nets, [...] [...]
fish traps and debris for cleaner coral reefs, artificial reefs and beaches.
智利规定将严厉处罚制造丢弃 物、使得总可捕量急剧下降的船只的船主。泰国与许多利益攸关方合作,实施“绿 翅计划”,回收渔网、捕笼和碎片,使珊瑚礁、人工鱼礁和海滩更加清洁。
Options include: maintaining or restoring wetlands capable of absorbing floods; restoration of flood
plains on rivers; protection or
[...] restoration of forest s o n steep s l op es (through legislation, [...]
purchase, incentives or agreement);
protection; good management or if necessary, restoration of natural coastal defences including coastal marshes, coral reefs and mangroves; protective planting against soil erosion and desertification.
[...] 力;修复江河流域的涝原;(通过立法、购买、奖励 措施或协议)保 陡坡 ;保 护;妥善管 理或修复(如必要)自然海岸防御系统,包括海滨沼 [...]
泽、珊瑚礁及红树林;针对水土流失和沙漠化的植物 保护。
Opium poppy cultivation in those countries
[...] tends to b e o n steep h i ll s with poor [...]
soil and no irrigation facilities, resulting
in lower yields than in Afghanistan.
这些国家往往是在土壤贫瘠且没有任何灌溉 山地 种植 罂粟,因 此产量低于阿富汗。
Similarly, oilimporting and mineral-rich Botswana record ed a steep c o nt raction in diamond and other mineral exports and weaker services exports, which resulted in the current account balance sliding from a surplus of 3.8 per cent of GDP [...] [...]
in 2008 to a deficit of 5.6 per cent of GDP in 2009.
同样,矿产丰富的石油进口国博茨瓦纳的钻石 等矿物出口剧减,服务出口也疲软,导致经常账户结余从 2008 年盈余占国内生 产总值的 3.8%下滑到 2009 年赤字占国内生产总值的 5.6%。
For example, most of the fertile lands of central Guatemala are part of huge plantations, while the majority of
smallholder farmers and indigenous people are left to
[...] cultivate t h e steep s l op es of Guatemala’s [...]
mountainous regions (see E/CN.4/2006/44/Add.1).
[...] 数小农户和土著人耕作的是危地马 拉山 陡峭 坡( 见 E/CN.4/2006/44/ [...]
Add .1)。
In response to t h e steep r i se in domestic violence cases in Seychelles, the 2008-2012 National Strategy on Domestic Violence was launched with the objectives to [...] [...]
reduce the impact of domestic violence notably on children, to reduce the risk of occurrence and to strengthen and integrate multi-stakeholders response mechanisms.
年打击家庭暴力国家战略》,目的是减少家庭暴力对儿童的影响、减少发 生率风险、加强并整合多利益攸关方反应机制。
Others pointed out that the cost of inter-agency mobility was lower than external recruitment in monetary terms and the benefits were higher when considering the other qualitative benefits such as experience in the United
Nations common system, knowledgesharing, a
[...] short lear ni n g curve a n d adjustment [...]
time as well as a tool to provide career development and motivation to staff.
[...] 因为有其它一些质量方面的好处,比如工作人员在联合国共同制度中的经历、知 识共享、较短的 学习 曲线和 整时 间,以及为工作人员提供职业发展和激励。
On the other hand, while contract staff had no civil service baggage and could sometimes provide a fresh perspective in handling public sector complaints, they had a steeper and longer lear ni n g curve .
另一方面,雖然合約 僱員沒有公務員的包袱,在處理有關公營機構的投訴 時,有時確可提供嶄新的視野,但他們的學習過程相對 較為艱辛,適應時間亦較長。
However, the country task force on monitoring and reporting, while welcoming and noting t h e steep i n cr ease in sanctions and penalties meted out to perpetrators, remains of the view that this falls short of the urgent need for the Government to [...] [...]
systematize disciplinary processes against perpetrators (both military and civilian).
国家监察和报告任务组注意到对犯罪人进行制裁和处罚的措施大 幅增加并对此表示欢迎,但同时依然认为,政府尚未认识到迫切需要将针对犯罪 人(包括军人和平民)的纪律程序制度化。