Honoree of the 2021 MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 (China)

EE Outstanding Teacher Award 2020/21

CENG Outstanding Teaching Award 2020/21

Croucher Innovation Award 2020

The President’s Award 2020

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) - Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macao) 2019

Four Journal Papers Published in Nature

Prof K M Luk

Significant Grant in the Areas of Excellence Scheme (AoE) Funded by the Research Grants Council

The 14th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences 2021

Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress by the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation 2019

Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering 2018

IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award 2017

CityU Outstanding Research Award 2017

National Academy of Inventors Fellow 2021

Journal Paper Published in Nature Communications

Elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts 2019

Being Titled Wong Chung Hong Professor of Data Engineering

IEEE SMC-S Norbert Wiener Award 2016

Prof C H Chan

ECE Distinguished Alumni Award 2019 by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

IEEE AP-S Harrington-Mittra Computational Electromagnetics Award 2019

The President’s Award 2017

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award 2022
Being Titled Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Chair Professor of Engineering
EE Outstanding Teacher Award 2020/21
Top Scientists List by H-Index in Computer Science and Electronics 2020
Highly-cited Researcher for the field “Engineering” by Clarivate Analytics
Chinese Institute of Electronics Best Paper Award 2020
The President’s Awards 2018
State Natural Science Award – Second-class Award for 3 Times (2016, 2012, 2008)
Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences 2015
Member of the Academia Europaea 2014

Centre for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis Limited (CIMDA) led by Prof Hong Yan, Chair Professor of EE, has won the Bronze Prize under the category “Health Care & Well-Being” in the 2nd Smart Age Awards (2022). The winning project, “CIMDA Care”, is an elderly care system providing AI functions with 3D animations to elderlies to teach them to do exercises, sing and dance with an avatar, compose music, and chat with the avatar. The award, organized by Golden Age Foundation, celebrates innovative and outstanding services, products and programmes that enhance the quality of elderly life
The paper “Radar: Reliable Resource Scheduling for Composable/Disaggregated Data Centers” authored by Prof Moshe Zukerman, Chair Professor of EE, is selected as the State of the Art (SOA) paper by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume: 19, Issue: 8, August 2023). The SAO paper is accessible here .
CityU Underwater Robotics Team has ranked the fourth at 2023 MATE ROV World Championship held on 20 – 24 June 2023 at St Vrain Valley School District, Longmont, Colorado, US. The CityU team has participated in this competition since 2016 and the result achieved this year is the best ever . There were 23 teams from all over the world advancing to the world final to compete in the EXPLORE class. The team, comprising 7 EE students and 2 students from the Department of Computer Science and School of Data Science, is supervised by Prof Ray Cheung (Professor, EE) and Prof Pakpong Chirarattananon
Journal paper " Directional dipole dice enabled by anisotropic chirality" , authored by Dr Alex Wong (Assistant Professor of EE), Dr Dangyuan Lei (Associate Professor of MSE), and Dr Shubo Wang (Assistant Professor of PHY), has been published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 12 June 2023. PNAS is regarded as one of the world's top academic journals. It is so excited that Dr Wong as a young faculty member having paper published in such an international top journal. According to Dr Wong: “The directional dipole dice is a helical element that can act as a circular
Centre for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis Limited (CIMDA) led by Prof Hong Yan, Chair Professor of EE, has won the Bronze Prize under the category “Health Care & Well-Being” in the 2nd Smart Age Awards (2022). The winning project, “CIMDA Care”, is an elderly care system providing AI functions with 3D animations to elderlies to teach them to do exercises, sing and dance with an avatar, compose music, and chat with the avatar. The award, organized by Golden Age Foundation, celebrates innovative and outstanding services, products and programmes that enhance the quality of elderly life
The paper “Radar: Reliable Resource Scheduling for Composable/Disaggregated Data Centers” authored by Prof Moshe Zukerman, Chair Professor of EE, is selected as the State of the Art (SOA) paper by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume: 19, Issue: 8, August 2023). The SAO paper is accessible here .
CityU Underwater Robotics Team has ranked the fourth at 2023 MATE ROV World Championship held on 20 – 24 June 2023 at St Vrain Valley School District, Longmont, Colorado, US. The CityU team has participated in this competition since 2016 and the result achieved this year is the best ever . There were 23 teams from all over the world advancing to the world final to compete in the EXPLORE class. The team, comprising 7 EE students and 2 students from the Department of Computer Science and School of Data Science, is supervised by Prof Ray Cheung (Professor, EE) and Prof Pakpong Chirarattananon
Journal paper " Directional dipole dice enabled by anisotropic chirality" , authored by Dr Alex Wong (Assistant Professor of EE), Dr Dangyuan Lei (Associate Professor of MSE), and Dr Shubo Wang (Assistant Professor of PHY), has been published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 12 June 2023. PNAS is regarded as one of the world's top academic journals. It is so excited that Dr Wong as a young faculty member having paper published in such an international top journal. According to Dr Wong: “The directional dipole dice is a helical element that can act as a circular