Does anyone know of a Vim plugin similar to
for Rust?
Taglist is a source code browser that opens in a side pane. It shows classes, methods, and other declarations.
It's useful for having an overview, especially of larger projects consisting of multiple files.
I know of
but it provides jump-to-definition and jump-to-help but not this. There's also
however I was unable to get its output to work with taglist in vim.
ya that would be great
I've went with NERDTree for now, at least having a file list of the project gives me
overview, together with racer's jump-to-definition it's more or less convenient
should probably switch to a real IDE at some point but doesn't really like something closed-source or overly heavy
The primary reasons I use vim are (1) convenience... I'm already in the terminal and I don't want to switch to another window; (2) keyboard-oriented: I don't like using mice; and (3) it's already installed on most linux/macos boxes. I don't think any IDE will ever have those features in the near-term...
Really, my rust/vim setup is pretty nice. The only thing missing is something like etags/tagbar/taglist.
I had a similar problem with Tagbar, but it turns out that universal-ctags has better native Rust support and this can be integrated with Tagbar in a nice way.