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  • afp: Calculate aerosol formation potential
  • anylm: Analysis of linear regression for time series in batch
  • aqi: Demo data of air quality
  • avri: Calculate average of variation
  • dm8n: Calculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone
  • dm8n_batch: Calculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone in batch
  • dm8n_np: Calculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone without printing plot
  • fm: format the theme of plot
  • geom_avri: Plot the average variation
  • geom_avri_batch: Plot the average variation in batch
  • geom_psd: Plot the time series of particle size distribution.
  • geom_ts: Plot time series
  • geom_ts_batch: Plot time series in batch
  • geom_tsw: Plot time series
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  • loh: Calculate OH reactivity
  • met: Demo data of meteorology
  • nsvp: Calculate Surface Area, Volume, Mass of particle by particle...
  • ofp: Calculate ozone formation potential
  • prop: Convert time series into proportion time series
  • setup_tuv: Demo data of setup for tuv
  • statdf: Summary of dataframe
  • svri: Compute the variation of summary statistics
  • transp: Convert the format of particle size data
  • trs: Resample time series by summary statistics
  • tuv: Calculate TUV in batch
  • tuv_batch: Calculate TUV in Batch Online
  • tuv_core: Calculate TUV Online
  • voc: Demo data of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • vocct: Convertion and analysis of VOC concentrations
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  • Plot the time series of particle size distribution.


    Plot the time series of particle size distribution.


      labxyl = NULL,
      logy = TRUE,
      ybk = NULL,
      nlmt = NULL,
      csbk = pretty_breaks(4),
      trans = "identity",
      colsz = 1,
      fsz = 13,
      lsz = 0.4,
      tkl = 0.2


    dataframe of particle size data: the first column of input is datetime; the other columns are number concentration (N, unit: #/cm3) or log number concentration (dN/dlogdp, unit: #/cm3) for each particle size channel. Column names of the other columns are the middle particle size for each particle size channel.


    vector, Set the title of x axis, y axis, legend. The default vaule is NULL. Bquote grammer is accepted.

    logical. Plot the data with log y axis. The default vaule is TRUE.

    numeric vector, breaks of y axis.

    numeric value, range of particle number for colorscales of plot.

    numeric vector, breaks of color bar.


    character string, "identity" or "log10". transformation of color bar breaks.


    numeric value, size of columns in plot.

    font size in plot.

    line size of panel border and axis in plot.

    tick length in plot.


    a plot for the time series of particle size distribution.


    ## Not run:  
    dn_table = read.delim(system.file("extdata", "smps.txt", package = "foqat"),
    check.names = FALSE)
    dn1_table[,1]=as.POSIXct(dn1_table[,1], format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
    ## End(Not run)