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关键词 : 科技馆 校外学习 展品 项目制 教案 Instructional Design for Project Learning Based on Exhibits in Science and Technology Museums:A Teaching Plan for “Lu Ban's Toolbox” Zhou Wenting This teaching plan is selected from an educational project titled “I Love My Teacher Workshop”, which was a part of “History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science (HPS) educational activities” in the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum. Based on exhibits about Chinese ancient architecture, including mortise and tenon, in the permanent exhibition hall of Xiamen Science and Technology Museum, this project developed educational activities focusing on “the structure and function of mortise and tenon, the application of mortise-tenon joint in ancient Chinese architecture” and other scientific content. The teaching objectives of these activities were to let students know “the core of technology is not only invention, but also the use and transformation on nature” and grasp skills of “making and using simple ancient instrument models”, which were emphasized in national science curriculum standards. Therefore, this teaching plan applied the idea of project-based learning. Also through the situational teaching approach, this teaching plan combined the exhibits of Xiamen Science and Technology Museum with local characteristics to guide students to acquire specific scientific knowledge and assist students to understand the general concept that “the application of science often has impacts on the society and economy”. Key words : science and technology museum, out-of-class learning, exhibits, project-based, teaching plans 地址:北京市朝阳区北辰东路5号 邮政编码:100012
电话:(010)59041335 传真: Email:[email protected]
技术支持: 北京勤云科技发展有限公司