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钢铁雄心4开发日志 | 6/16 军官团

钢铁雄心4开发日志 | 6/16 军官团

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

HOI4 Dev Diary - Officer Corps

Arheo, Director of Cured Meats

Greetings all, Arheo here!


For my first HoI dev diary, I'm here to introduce the Officer Corps: a collection of new features that will be included as part of No Step Back and the Barbarossa update.

这是我的第一篇HOI开发日志。这篇文章将会介绍 军官团Officer Corps 。军官团集合了许多新的功能,并将作为 绝不后退No Step Back 巴巴罗萨Barbarossa 更新的一部分推送。

For quite a while, we've wanted to allow for more direct specialization of military branches, as well as tying together various disparate systems such as the high command, generals, military-focused national spirits, and doctrines. To achieve step one of this process, we're giving the Officer Corps and associated mechanics a unique national interface:


(WIP, as usual)

Here, the empty advisor portraits at the top of the window are where you can now find your High Command and Military Theorist, and the advisor portraits below this are related to each branch Chief - they have been moved out of the political sub-window accordingly.


As well as UI location, there are further changes coming to all military advisors. Where previously, the theorist was the only advisor type that granted daily experience gain, all high command and branch chief will now generate experience appropriate to the branch they represent.



The Advisor rank (e.g. Expert) indicates both the magnitude of their modifier bonus, and the daily experience you will receive.


We're also experimenting with a split political/command power costs to gate the experience ramp-up somewhat, along with some other minor changes to command power.


Behind the scenes, we've made a host of changes to the advisor, spirits, and commander systems. Where previously, if we wanted to create a national spirit related to having a certain character in your government, it would be entirely unrelated to having an advisor with the same name, masquerading as the same person - likewise for commanders and advisors masquerading as the same person. This has changed. These are (for the most part) now controlled by 'characters'. This has pretty sweeping connotations for our internal content designers, as well as modders, but importantly also allows us to bring the following new system to the No Step Back release:

在幕后,我们还对顾问、民族精神和指挥官系统进行了大量的修改。以前,如果你创建一个与在政府界面中的人物有关的民族精神,则他一个和同名同姓的、伪装成同一个人的顾问毫无关系——同样,指挥官和顾问之间的关系也是一样。这一点已经改变。这些系统现在由“人物”控制。这对我们的内部内容设计者以及模组制作者来说具有相当广泛的意义,但重要的是,这也使我们能够在 绝不后退No Step Back 版本中引入下述的新系统。

Advisor Promotion


The introduction of a more connected Officer Corps felt like the perfect time to bring more of a connection to the Generals and Field Marshals that oversee your active forces, and the various military offices that advise your government.


In No Step Back, Generals, Admirals or Field Marshals can be assigned an advisory desk duty in addition to their status as a field commander. This will effectively add the character as a new advisor to your roster.

绝不后退No Step Back 中,将军、海军上将或陆军元帅除了作为战地指挥官的身份外,还可以被委任一个顾问的身份。这将有效地把这个人物变为你可用的新顾问。

The type of advisor available to you is dependent on the skill level and traits of the commander you're 'promoting' (not everyone likes desk duty), as you can see in the highly WIP interface below:



Here, Herr Hell can be converted to an Entrenchment specialist as he possesses the Engineer trait, and has skill level 5. Currently, both Military High Command and branch Chief roles are available.




Experience generation in general has been weighted and balanced in order to achieve a more gradual switch from peacetime generation (a strong cadre of advisors, and unit training), through to wartime. Experience generation from combat and battles has been reduced fairly significantly to account for this, as well as capped (separately from other sources). Overall, experience generation will be consistently higher than in previous versions - this was done both to mitigate the introduction of the tank designer (and thereby increased costs), and to account for the other new ways in which you are now able to spend experience, which we shall cover below.


The eagle-eyed amongst you noticed in a previous diary that the doctrine branches had been removed from the technology window - they can now be accessed from the officer corps interface, and will function somewhat differently to before. Doctrines will be unlocked directly by spending branch experience, which can still be affected by instanced cost modifiers often found in focus trees and events.


(There have been no major structural changes to doctrine layouts)


There are, in addition to the above, several new and exciting things that branch experience will be used for in NSB, some of which are handily teased in the first screenshot of this diary. Alas, we will be covering what those are and how they might affect your gameplay in a future DD.

除了上述内容外,在 绝不后退No Step Back 中还有一些崭新的、令人兴奋的东西,其中一些在本篇开发日志的第一张截图中就有预告。唉,我们将在未来的开发日志中介绍这些东西以及它们可能对你的游戏产生的影响。

/ Arheo

Arheo 敬上。


校对:zzztotoso 三等文官猹中堂

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发布于 2021-06-23 14:10
