There were significant changes made between the JDK 8 and later JDK releases.

Every new Java SE release introduces some binary, source, and behavioral incompatibilities with previous releases. The modularization of the Java SE Platform that happened in JDK 9 and later brought many benefits, but also many changes. Code that uses only official Java SE Platform APIs and supported JDK-specific APIs should continue to work without change. Code that uses JDK-internal APIs should continue to run but should be migrated to use the supported APIs.

Some APIs that have been made inaccessible, removed, or altered in their default behavior. You might encounter issues when compiling or running your application. See Removed Tools and Components and Security Updates .

The following sections describe the changes in the JDK package that you should be aware of when migrating your JDK 8 applications to later JDK releases.

Look at the list of changes that you may encounter as you run your application.

Changes to Internationalization

Strong Encapsulation in the JDK

When your application is running successfully on the latest version of JDK, review Next Steps , which will help you avoid problems with future releases.

Changes to Internationalization

See Java Platform, Standard Edition Internationalization Guide for more information about internationalization APIs and features of the Java SE Platform.

In JDK 18 and later, UTF-8 is the default charset used by Java SE APIs on all operating systems. See JEP 400: UTF-8 by Default . In contrast, in JDK 17 and earlier releases, the default charset is determined when the Java runtime starts, that is, on macOS, the default charset used to be UTF-8 except in the POSIX C locale. On other operating systems, it used to depend on the user's locale and the default encoding.

For example, on Windows, it's a codepage-based charset such as windows-1252 or windows-31j . The method java.nio.charsets.Charset.defaultCharset() returns the default charset.

Run the following command to determine the charset that used to be the default charset in JDK 17 or earlier releases:
java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 | grep native.encoding

If the encoding detected is different from UTF-8, then the application running in your environment may be affected.

Changing the JDK's Default Charset

If your environment is affected, then use the system property file.encoding to investigate further. Set its value on the command line to one of the following:
  • UTF-8 : The default charset is UTF-8.
  • COMPAT : The default charset is determined as in JDK 17 and earlier releases.
  • Run the command java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 <your application> with the existing JDK. This will provide the same environment as JDK 18 and later. Check if there are any differences.
  • Run the command -Dfile.encoding=COMPAT <your application> on JDK 18 and later to get the previous behaviour, and check if there are any differences.

    The COMPAT locale data provider, which represents the locale data that is compatible with releases prior to JDK 9, is planned to be removed in a future release.

    See if your applications rely on COMPAT . Do this by checking if the value COMPAT is specified in the system property java.locale.providers . If so, or you're migrating from JDK 8, then test your applications with the latest JDK and the default CLDR locale provider with respect to locale-related functions, such as the formatting and parsing of dates, times, and numbers. If your tests yield unexpected results, then one workaround is to provide your own SPI implementation. For example, the short month name for September differs between CLDR and COMPAT in the UK locale. The following SPI implementation addresses this incompatibility:

    package spi;
    import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
    import java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider;
    import java.util.Locale;
    public class ShortMonthModifier extends DateFormatSymbolsProvider {
        public DateFormatSymbols getInstance(Locale locale) {
            assert locale.equals(Locale.UK);
            return new DateFormatSymbols() {
                public String[] getShortMonths() {
                    var ret = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.UK).getShortMonths().clone();
                    ret[Calendar.SEPTEMBER] = "Sep";
                    return ret;
        public Locale[] getAvailableLocales() {
            return new Locale[]{Locale.UK};

    Package this implementation as described in the section Packaging of Locale Sensitive Service Provider Implementations in the LocaleServiceProvider JavaDoc API documentation. Afterward, place it on the classpath and then run your applications with the -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,CLDR command-line option.

    See JEP 252: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default .

    Some tools and libraries use reflection to access parts of the JDK that are meant for internal use only. This use of reflection negatively impacts the security and maintainability of the JDK. To aid migration, JDK 9 through JDK 16 allowed this reflection to continue, but emitted warnings about illegal reflective access . However, JDK 17 and later is strongly encapsulated , so this reflection is no longer permitted by default. Code that accesses non-public fields and methods of java.* APIs will throw an InaccessibleObjectException .

    Note that the sun.misc and sun.reflect packages are available for reflection by tools and libraries in all JDK releases, including JDK 22 .

    The java launcher option --illegal-access allowed reflection to JDK internals in JDK 9 through JDK 16. You could specify the following parameters:

  • --illegal-access=permit : Allows code on the class path to reflect over the internals of java.* packages that existed in JDK 8. The first reflective-access operation to any such element causes a warning to be issued, but no warnings are issued after that point.
  • --illegal-access=warn : Causes a warning message to be issued for each illegal reflective-access operation.
  • --illegal-access=debug : Causes both a warning message and a stack trace to be shown for each illegal reflective-access operation.
  • --illegal-access=deny : Disables all illegal reflective-access operations except for those enabled by other command-line options, such as --add-opens .

    Many tools and libraries have been updated to avoid relying on JDK internals and instead use standard Java APIs that were introduced between JDK 8 and 17. This means the --illegal-access launcher option is obsolete in JDK 17. Any use of this launcher option in JDK 17, whether with permit , warn , debug , or deny , will have no effect other than to issue a warning message.

    If you cannot obtain or deploy newer versions of tools and libraries, then there are two command-line options that enable you to grant access to specific internal APIs for older versions of tools and libraries:

  • --add-exports : If you have an older tool or library that needs to use an internal API that has been strongly encapsulated, then use the --add-exports runtime option. You can also use --add-exports at compile time to access the internal APIs.
  • --add-opens : If you have an older tool or library that needs to access non-public fields and methods of java.* APIs by reflection, then use the --add-opens option.

    See JEP 403: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default .


    If you have an older tool or library that needs to use an internal API that has been strongly encapsulated, then use the --add-exports runtime option. You can also use --add-exports at compile time to access the internal APIs.

    The syntax of the --add-exports option is:
    --add-exports <source-module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*
    where <source-module> and <target-module> are module names and <package> is the name of a package.

    The --add-exports option allows code in the target module to access types in the named package of the source module if the target module reads the source module.

    As a special case, if the <target-module> is ALL-UNNAMED , then the source package is exported to all unnamed modules, whether they exist initially or are created later on. For example:
    This example allows code in all unnamed modules (code on the class path) to access the public members of public types in .


    If the code on the class path uses the reflection API ( setAccessible(true) ) to attempt to access non-public fields and methods of java.* APIs, then the code will fail. JDK 17 doesn't allow this by default. However, you can use the --add-opens option to allow this. See the section
    --add-opens for more information.
    If an application oldApp that runs on the classpath must use the unexported com.sun.jmx.remote.internal package of the module, then the access that it requires can be granted in this way:
    You can also use the Add-Exports JAR file manifest attribute:

    Use the --add-exports option carefully. You can use it to gain access to an internal API of a library module, or even of the JDK itself, but you do so at your own risk. If that internal API changes or is removed, then your library or application fails.

    See JEP 261: Module System .


    Some tools and libraries use the reflection API ( setAccessible(true) ) to attempt to access non-public fields and methods of java.* APIs. This is no longer possible by default on JDK 17, but you can use the --add-opens option on the command line to enable it for specific tools and libraries.

    The syntax for --add-opens is:
    --add-opens <module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*
    This option allows <module> to open <package> to <target-module> , regardless of the module declaration.
    As a special case, if the <target-module> is ALL-UNNAMED , then the source package is exported to all unnamed modules, whether they exist initially or are created later on. For example:
    This example allows all of the code on the class path to access nonpublic members of public types in the package.


    In a JNLP file for Java Web Start, you must include an equals sign between --add-opens and its value.
    <j2se version="10" java-vm-args="--add-opens=<module>/<package>=ALL-UNNAMED"  />

    The equals sign between --add-opens and its value is optional on the command line.

    New Version-String Scheme

    JDK 10 introduced some minor changes, to better accommodate the time-based release model, to the version-string scheme introduced in JDK 9. JDK 11 and later retains the version string format that was introduced in JDK 10.

    If your code relies on the version-string format to distinguish major, minor, security, and patch update releases, then you may need to update it.

    The format of the new version-string is:


    A simple Java API to parse, validate, and compare version strings has been added. See java.lang.Runtime.Version .

    See Version String Format in Java Platform, Standard Edition Installation Guide .

    For the changes to the version string introduced in JDK 9, see JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme .

    For the version string changes introduced in JDK 10, see JEP 322: Time-Based Release Versioning .

    Changes to the Installed JDK/JRE Image

    Significant changes have been made to the JDK and JRE.

    Changed JDK and JRE Layout

    After you install the JDK, if you look at the file system, you’ll notice that the directory layout is different from that of releases before JDK 9.

    JDK 11 and Later

    JDK 11 and later does not have the JRE image. See Installed Directory Structure of JDK in Java Platform, Standard Edition Installation Guide .

    JDK 9 and JDK 10

    Prior releases had two types of runtime images: the JRE, which was a complete implementation of the Java SE Platform, and the JDK, which included the entire JRE in a jre/ directory, plus development tools and libraries.

    In JDK 9 and and JDK 10, the JDK and JRE are two types of modular runtime images containing the following directories:

    bin : contains binary executables.

    conf : contains .properties , .policy , and other kinds of files intended to be edited by developers, deployers, and end users. These files were formerly found in the lib directory or its subdirectories.

    lib : contains dynamically linked libraries and the complete internal implementation of the JDK.

    In JDK 9 and JDK 10, there are still separate JDK and JRE downloads, but each has the same directory structure. The JDK image contains the extra tools and libraries that have historically been found in the JDK. There are no jdk/ versus jre/ wrapper directories, and binaries (such as the java command) aren’t duplicated.

    See JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images .

    New Class Loader Implementations

    JDK 9 and later releases maintain the hierarchy of class loaders that existed since the 1.2 release. However, the following changes have been made to implement the module system:

    The application class loader is no longer an instance of URLClassLoader but, rather, of an internal class. It is the default loader for classes in modules that are neither Java SE nor JDK modules.

    The extension class loader has been renamed; it is now the platform class loader. All classes in the Java SE Platform are guaranteed to be visible through the platform class loader.

    Just because a class is visible through the platform class loader does not mean the class is actually defined by the platform class loader. Some classes in the Java SE Platform are defined by the platform class loader while others are defined by the bootstrap class loader. Applications should not depend on which class loader defines which platform class.

    The changes that were implemented in JDK 9 may impact code that creates class loaders with null (that is, the bootstrap class loader) as the parent class loader and assumes that all platform classes are visible to the parent. Such code may need to be changed to use the platform class loader as the parent (see ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader ).

    The platform class loader is not an instance of URLClassLoader , but, rather, of an internal class.

    The bootstrap class loader is still built-in to the Java Virtual Machine and represented by null in the ClassLoader API. It defines the classes in a handful of critical modules, such as java.base . As a result, it defines far fewer classes than in JDK 8, so applications that are deployed with -Xbootclasspath/a or that create class loaders with null as the parent may need to change as described previously. tools.jar

    Class and resource files previously stored in lib/rt.jar , lib/tools.jar , lib/dt.jar and various other internal JAR files are stored in a more efficient format in implementation-specific files in the lib directory.

    The removal of rt.jar and similar files leads to issues in these areas:

    Starting from JDK 9, ClassLoader.getSystemResource doesn’t return a URL pointing to a JAR file (because there are no JAR files). Instead, it returns a jrt URL, which names the modules, classes, and resources stored in a runtime image without revealing the internal structure or format of the image.

    For example:


    When run on JDK 8, this method returns a JAR URL of the form:


    which embeds a file URL to name the actual JAR file within the runtime image.

    A modular image doesn’t contain any JAR files, so URLs of this form make no sense. On JDK 9 and later releases, this method returns:

    The API and security policy files use URLs to name the locations of code bases that are to be granted specific permissions. See Policy File Syntax in Java Platform, Standard Edition Security Developer's Guide . Components of the runtime system that require specific permissions are currently identified in the conf/security/java.policy file by using file URLs.

    Older versions of IDEs and other development tools require the ability to enumerate the class and resource files stored in a runtime image, and to read their contents directly by opening and reading rt.jar and similar files. This isn’t possible with a modular image.

    Removed Extension Mechanism

    In JDK 8 and earlier, the extension mechanism made it possible for the runtime environment to find and load extension classes without specifically naming them on the class path. Starting from JDK 9, if you need to use the extension classes, ensure that the JAR files are on the class path.

    In JDK 9 and JDK 10, the javac compiler and java launcher will exit if the java.ext.dirs system property is set, or if the lib/ext directory exists. To additionally check the platform-specific systemwide directory, specify the -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs command-line option. This causes the same exit behavior to occur if the directory exists and isn’t empty. The extension class loader is retained in JDK 9 (and later releases) and is specified as the platform class loader (see getPlatformClassLoader .) However, in JDK 11, this option is obsolete and a warning is issued when it is used.

    The following error means that your system is configured to use the extension mechanism:

    <JAVA_HOME>/lib/ext exists, extensions mechanism no longer supported; Use -classpath instead.
    .Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    You’ll see a similar error if the java.ext.dirs system property is set.

    To fix this error, remove the ext/ directory or the java.ext.dirs system property.

    See JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images .

    Removed Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism

    The java.endorsed.dirs system property and the lib/endorsed directory are no longer present. The javac compiler and java launcher will exit if either one is detected.

    Starting from JDK 9, you can use upgradeable modules or put the JAR files on the class path.

    This mechanism was intended for application servers to override components used in the JDK. Packages to be updated would be placed into JAR files, and the system property java.endorsed.dirs would tell the Java runtime environment where to find them. If a value for this property wasn’t specified, then the default of $JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed was used.

    In JDK 8, you can use the -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs command-line argument to check for such directories anywhere on the system.

    In JDK 9 and later releases, the javac compiler and java launcher will exit if the java.endorsed.dirs system property is set, or if the lib/endorsed directory exists.

    The following error means that your system is configured to use the endorsed standards override mechanism:

    <JAVA_HOME>/lib/endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
    in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    You’ll see a similar error if the java.endorsed.dirs system property is set.

    To fix this error, remove the lib/endorsed directory, or unset the java.endorsed.dirs system property.

    See JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images .

    Removed macOS-Specific Features

    This section includes macOS-specific features that have been removed, starting in JDK 9.

    Platform-Specific Desktop Features

    The java.awt.Desktop class contains replacements for the APIs in the Apple–specific and packages. The new APIs supersede the macOS APIs and are platform-independent.

    The APIs in the and packages are encapsulated, so you won’t be able to compile against them in JDK 9 or later releases. However, they remain accessible at runtime, so existing code that is compiled to old versions continues to run. Eventually, libraries or applications that use the internal classes in the apple and packages and their subpackages will need to migrate to the new API.

    The and apple.applescript packages are removed without any replacement.

    See JEP 272: Platform-Specific Desktop Features.

    Removed AppleScript Engine

    The AppleScript engine, a platform-specific javax.script implementation, has been removed without any replacement in the JDK.

    The AppleScript engine has been mostly unusable in recent releases. The functionality worked only in JDK 7 or JDK 8 on systems that already had Apple's version of the AppleScriptEngine.jar file on the system.

    Windows Registry Key Changes

    The Java 11 and later installer creates Windows registry keys when installing the JDK. For JDK 18, the installer creates the following Windows registry keys:



    If two versions of the JDK are installed, then two different Windows registry keys are created. For example, if JDK 17.0.1 is installed with JDK 18, then the installer creates the another Windows registry key as shown:




    Java deployment technologies were deprecated in JDK 9 and removed in JDK 11.

    Use the jlink tool introduced with JDK 9 to package and deploy dedicated runtimes rather than relying on a pre-installed system JRE.

  • Emits an error message and exits if the -version: option is given on the command line.
  • Emits a warning message and continues if the JRE-Version manifest entry is found in a JAR file.

    See JEP 231: Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection.

  • &amp; instead of & in JNLP files.

    The JNLP file syntax conforms to the XML specification and all JNLP files should be able to be parsed by standard XML parsers.

    JNLP files let you specify complex comparisons. Previously, this was done by using the ampersand ( & ), but this isn’t supported in standard XML. If you’re using & to create complex comparisons, then replace it with &amp; in your JNLP file. &amp; is compatible with all versions of JNLP.

    Comparing numeric version element types against nonnumeric version element types.

    Previously, when an int version element was compared with another version element that couldn’t be parsed as an int , the version elements were compared lexicographically by ASCII value.

    If the element that can be parsed as an int is a shorter string than the other element, it will be padded with leading zeros before being compared lexicographically by ASCII value. This ensures there can be no circularity.

    In the case where both version comparisons and a JNLP servlet are used, you should use only numeric values to represent versions.

  • Component extensions with nested resources in java (or j2se ) elements.

    This is permitted in the specification. It was previously supported, but this support wasn’t reflected in the specification.

  • FX XML extension.

    The JNLP specification has been enhanced to add a type attribute to application-desc element, and add the subelement param in application-desc (as it already is in applet-desc ).

    This doesn’t cause problems with existing applications because the previous way of specifying a JavaFX application is still supported.

    See the JNLP specification updates at JSR-056 .

  • DefNew + CMS
  • ParNew + SerialOld
  • Incremental CMS
  • The foreground mode for CMS has also been removed. The command-line flags that were removed are -Xincgc , -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode , -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection , -XX:+CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction , and -XX:+UseCMSCollectionPassing .

    The command-line flag -XX:+UseParNewGC no longer has an effect. The ParNew flag can be used only with CMS and CMS requires ParNew . Thus, the -XX:+UseParNewGC flag has been deprecated and is eligible for removal in a future release.

    See JEP 214: Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8 .


    The CMS garbage collector has been removed. See JEP 363: Remove the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector .

    Removed Permanent Generation

    The permanent generation was removed in JDK 8, and the related VM options cause a warning to be printed. You should remove these options from your scripts:

    -XX:MaxPermSize= size

    -XX:PermSize= size

    In JDK 9 and later releases, the JVM displays a warning like this:
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0

    Tools that are aware of the permanent generation may have to be updated.

    See JEP 122: Remove the Permanent Generation and JDK 9 Release Notes - Removed APIs, Features, and Options .

    Changes to GC Log Output

    Garbage collection (GC) logging uses the JVM unified logging framework, and there are some differences between the new and the old logs. Any GC log parsers that you’re working with will probably need to change.

    You may also need to update your JVM logging options. All GC-related logging should use the gc tag (for example, —Xlog:gc ), usually in combination with other tags. The —XX:+PrintGCDetails and -XX:+PrintGC options have been deprecated.

    See Enable Logging with the JVM Unified Logging Framework in the Java Development Kit Tool Specifications and JEP 271: Unified GC Logging .

    If you still rely on applets, it might be possible to launch them on Windows systems by using JRE 8 with Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer mode. See Microsoft Edge + Internet Explorer mode: Getting Started guide .

    As of September 2021, the Java Plugin required to launch Applets, remains updated on Windows in Java 8 but may be removed at any time in a future update release.

    Oracle Customers can find more information at My.Oracle.Support Note 251148.1 - Java SE 8 End of Java Plugin Support (requires login).

    The java.util.regex.Pattern class defines character classes in regular expressions with square brackets. For example, [abc] matches a,b , or c . Negated character classes are defined with a caret immediately following the opening square brace. For example, [^abc] matches any character except a,b , or c .

    In JDK 8 and earlier, negated character classes did not negate nested character classes. For example, [^a-b[c-d]e-f] matches c but does not match a or e as they are not within the nested class. The operators are applied one after another. In this example, the negation operator ^ is applied before nesting. In JDK 8 and earlier, the operator ^ was applied only to the outermost characters in the character class but not to nested character classes. This behaviour was confusing and difficult to understand.

    However, in JDK 9 and later, the negation operator was applied to all nested character classes. For example, [^a-b[c-d]e-f] does not match

    To explain further, consider the following regular expression:

    In JDK 8, the ^ operator is applied first, hence this example is interpreted as [^a-d] intersected with [c-f] . This matches e and f but not a , b , c , or d .

    In JDK 9 and later, the && operator is applied first, hence this example is interpreted as the complement of [a-d]&&[c-f] . This matches a , b , e , and f but not c or

    As a best practice, look for regular expressions that use character classes with some combination of negation, intersection, and nested classes. These regular expressions may need to be adjusted to account for the changed behavior.

    In JDK 17, the Security Manager and APIs related to it have been deprecated and are subject to removal in a future release. There is no replacement for the Security Manager. See JEP 411 for discussion and alternatives.