
罗马尼亚, 南斯拉夫, 斯洛伐克, 匈牙利.

所属Language Family :
Family: Uralic
Subgroup: Finno-Ugric
Branch: Ugric

Hungarian is spoken by about 10 million people in Hungary, 1½ million in Rumania, and smaller minorities in Yugoslavia and Slovakia. It is one of the Finno-Ugric languages, which include Finnish, Estonian, and a number of languages spoken in the Russia. Most of these languages, however, belong to the Finnic branch of this group, while Hungarian belongs to the Ugric. The only other existing Ugric languages, and thus the only other languages to which Hungarian is closely related, are the remote Ostyak and Vogul languages of Siberia, spoken in an area more than 2,000 miles from Hungary.
As may be gathered from these facts, the original Hungarian people came from Asia, having long lived a nomadic life on the eastern slopes of the Urals. Forced to migrate westward between the 5th and 9th centuries A.D., they eventually reached the Danube where they settled in 896. In the more than a thousand years that have elapsed since that time the Hungarians have become completely Europeanized, with only their language serving to reveal their Asian Origins.

The Hungarians call their language Magyar. It is considered extremely difficult for foreigners to learn, with its vocabulary largely from Asia and its grammar containing a number of complex features not to be found in other Western languages. The alphabet, however, is phonetic, with s pronounced sh (e.g., sör—beer), c pronounced ts (ceruza—pencil), sz pronounced 5 (szó—word), cs pronounced ch (csésze—cup), zs pronounced zh (zseb—pocket), and gy pronounced dy (nagy—big). The many vowel sounds in spoken Hungarian are indicated by acute accents, umlauts, and the unique double acute accent which appears over o and u (bör— skin, fu"—grass). The stress in Hungarian is always on the first syllable. The most important English word of Hungarian origin is coach, after the village of Kocs (remember cs = ch), where coaches were invented and first used. Others are goulash and paprika. 介绍:布达佩斯多瑙河两岸和布达堡区 城市建于公元9世纪,处于欧亚大陆交通线的十字路口,位于匈牙利平原和喀尔巴阡山的交汇点之间。整座城市位于多瑙河沿岸,布达建筑在多岩石的南岸,佩斯建筑在北岸的平原上。历史上布达佩斯主要起政治和贸易功能,现为国家首都。历史: 公元前 18世纪,阿勒颇是一个重要王国的首都。公元前16世纪时,大约在公元前1595年,它被来自安那托利亚来的希蒂斯占领,作为他们袭击巴比伦尼亚后胜利果实的一部分。 罗马人在多瑙河的主要通道上,在小切尔提克城附近建立了帕诺尼亚(Panonia)的首府(罗马帝国的边疆省)(Aquincum)。 公元9世纪,匈牙利人逐渐定居下来,他们的第一个定居点建在靠近古代遗址附近也就是今日布达佩斯所在地。1241年,这个居民点被蒙古人摧毁,1247年,国王贝洛四世重建该城于布达的高地上。14世纪,该城在国家具有举足轻重的地位。15世纪,在欧洲享有美誉。国王马蒂亚斯统治时期是它的黄金年代。除了意大利,它是欧洲文艺复兴最重要的中心之一。 1526年,布达和佩斯遭到土耳其人的蹂躏,他们的统治一直持续到1686年。18世纪,随着城市回归哈布斯堡王朝,布达经历了另一个全盛时期,在这个时期,大量的巴洛克风格和新古典风格的建筑建造起来。1872年,城市的两个部分布达和佩斯正式合并成布达佩斯。城市结构: 13世纪,城市中已经形成了能够较好适应布达高地的街道网,面积大约为1.5公里×0.5公里。穿越空间的四条街道逐渐变得狭窄,在接近城堡和山顶的过程中最终汇合在一起。城市广场位于这些街道的交汇点。众多的短小街道,连接着一个街区到另一个街区,穿越四条长街,彼此间通常呈直角。多瑙河沿岸被一系列的建筑连接起来,形成建筑和自然景色的和谐融洽。布达佩斯最重要的标志是新哥特风格的议会大厦(1884-1904),它位于多瑙河北岸,值得一题的是这一地区环绕着布达城堡,在南岸可以俯视城堡。城堡地区沿着长长的台地伸展,在其中有中世纪的城墙、众多的哥特式建筑(教堂、宫殿、排屋),堂皇的巴洛克建筑。城堡自身在构思上是哥特式的,在其鼎盛时期又增加了文艺复兴风格的建筑。在19世纪,玛丽亚-特蕾莎皇后重新修建了城堡,建筑风格转向巴洛克式。在帕诺尼亚,随后在达奇,阿昆库姆城堡在罗马建筑形式上传播上扮演了重要的角色,。在马扎儿人建立的国家中,布达城堡为哥特艺术的传播发挥了巨大作用。布达城堡建筑及其周围的古老地区说明,这一地区的历史被分割成两个重要的阶段,这恰恰与土耳其人的占领有关。