

We recently upgraded to Operations Hub and I've been tasked with starting a migration of datasets from Airtable INTO Hubspot.

A colleague and I worked manually (the only way to get this to work at first) to enter a common field called Store ID into each Company Record in HubSpot as a property.

Now Store ID is common between both platforms and when setting up the data sync - HubSpot is asking me to select a Reference Field ("These fields are used as reference points to find records in Airtable.").

Note: There is also a secondary common field which is far less accurate called Store Name. We want to pull the Store Name from Airtable to properly update HubSpot's Store Name, but this can only be done using Store ID as the common link.

I can start the sync using Store ID as the reference field, but finds no match in HubSpot. When I use Store Name as the reference field, it finds some matches but produces incorrect associations.

Airtable Hubspot Sync 1.png

I'm hoping to be able to use Store ID as a reference field from Airtable, otherwise

Hi @KHerrod ,

The two properties that can be used as unique identifiers in data sync with HubSpot are Company Name and Domain name, which is likely why Airtable is not finding Store ID when you're using it as a reference.

Not all app connectors support using domain name as a reference point, but it would be worth checking if Airtable does. While less specific than store ID this could be a good middle ground that is more accurate in finding matches than company name. If you don't have domain field in Airtable you can export them from HubSpot and get them added to your records in airtable and that way you should be set going forward. However, I would recommend testing first if Airtable supports this before going ahead with updating all the info.



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Hi @KHerrod ,

The two properties that can be used as unique identifiers in data sync with HubSpot are Company Name and Domain name, which is likely why Airtable is not finding Store ID when you're using it as a reference.

Not all app connectors support using domain name as a reference point, but it would be worth checking if Airtable does. While less specific than store ID this could be a good middle ground that is more accurate in finding matches than company name. If you don't have domain field in Airtable you can export them from HubSpot and get them added to your records in airtable and that way you should be set going forward. However, I would recommend testing first if Airtable supports this before going ahead with updating all the info.



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Hi @KHerrod !

My name is Olivia and I an ex-HubSpotter turned HubSpot expert for Baskey the agency. Happy to help here!

Would you mind providing more screenshots showing your sync rules that have been set-up?

I want to try my best to help you over the community but of course, something like this may be best troubleshooted over a call so that I can get insights into your HS set-up.

Nevertheless, let's try here first 🙂

Hi @KHerrod ,   The two properties that can be used as unique identifiers in data sync with HubSpot are Company Name and Domain name, which is likely why Airtable is not finding Stor... Hi @KHerrod ,   The two properties that can be used as unique identifiers in data sync with HubSpot are Company Name and Domain name, which is likely why Airtable is not finding Stor... Operations Mar 28, 2024 //START END-USER CONFIGURATION //------------------------------ //selectors for hover card triggers var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated'; // Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing! var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams; var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString()); if($('.hover-card-container').length<1){ $('body').append('
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