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善良的麦片  ·  A Guide to Gogokid: ...·  1 年前    · 

What’s GoGoKid?

GoGoKid is one of the newest online ESL teaching platforms. While new, it’s popular among teachers already in the online ESL scene as many having been jumping ship from other platforms or doubling up (myself included). With similar requirements to the other big players like VIPKid , what makes this new company so popular?

I’ll get to that, but first, let’s review what this company is all about.

The Students

GoGoKid teaches students from pretty much infants to teenagers in China. You teach them 1-1 and their level varies greatly, but the material is often easily adjusted based on the student you get.

The Platform

GoGoKid has their own platform which is taught via web browser (the suggest browser is Chrome). They provide all the material and there’s little to no prep required. The students to can interact with the class by drawing on it (in various colours) among other things in their new interactive classroom. The platform is quite intuitive and easy to use overall

The Company

Being a very new company, they certainly have some growing pains. Things are added and changed in the teacher’s site of the portal regularly, which while for the better, can be confusing. They really need to work on their official communication channels whether it be through a newsletter or something as most of what we hear is second hand through early teachers on Facebook.

Pay & Incentives

GoGoKid works on a credit score system. You gain points for teaching classes, getting good parent reviews, and being booked in general. You lose points for not teaching for a whole week, having IT problems during class, or not showing up altogether. There are also monetary incentives for converting trial students and referring teachers.

Pros & Cons of GoGoKid

PRO : The pay is better than most companies. You’ll be offered 7-10 USD per slot which works out to up to 25 USD per hour including bonuses. Remember that credit score I mentioned? You can get up to 125% of your base pay per slot when your credit gets high enough.

CON : It’s a new company and the student base is quite low.

PRO : There’s basically no prep work. You can review the slides prior to the lesson so you’ll be familiar with them. The slides are there and made for you and they tell you exactly what they want you to teach. You can also prepare the props you want to use with it (letter flashcards, maybe a puppet or stuffed animal if they’re young, etc).

CON : The exception to this ‘pro’ are the project classes. This class type has limited slides as you’re to make the project along with them. This may require various materials on your part. They’re few and far between, but they do exist.

PRO : You set your own schedule. There is no commitment or minimum hours required. Also, your schedule doesn’t need to be the same each week, it’s really whenever you are available and want to work.

CON : Despite not having a minimum requirement, you will lose points on your credit score if you do not have a booked class during a full calendar week. This part is quite the con as we have no control over our bookings.

CON : (related to the same pro above), there are no short notice bookings. Not only does this mean no additional incentives exist for short notice bookings, but if you realize you have some free time and could teach later that day, you can’t get booked at all! Parents can only book you if it’s at least 24 hours in advance.

PRO : The subsidy bonus! Not only can you make up to 25USD per hour, BUT you can also get 60% of your base pay just for opening slots during peak time  – this means you can get paid even if you’re not booked! Let me give you an example. Let’s say your base pay is $9 and your credit score isn’t high enough to increase that yet. If you open all your peak time slots (7pm-9pm BJT) during a month, you can still make $648 per month EVEN IF YOU DON’T get booked! If you’re the highest base pay and have a credit score to get the bonus you can make $900 per month just on subsidy pay alone. Having a minimum income is a major pro as it allows you to actually budget regardless of the number of students you teach!

CON : There are of course some caveats to this. You need to maintain a credit score of at least 101 (your starting amount is 100) to receive subsidy pay. Your credit score drops by 5 if you don’t have a booking for an entire week. So as long as you have taught at least 3 classes (the amount to go up one credit point) and get at least one booking (they can cancel or no show, it still counts) per week, you can have a minimum income plus pay for what you’ve taught on top of that.

PRO : They use a ticketing system (Freshdesk) when you have questions or if any errors occur. It’s a growing company so sometimes things don’t run 100% smoothly, but they’ll get back to you.

CON : As they’re not a large company it can sometimes take a while for them to get back to you. Also, your IT issues also have to be put through freshdesk as there isn’t a ‘help’ button if you’re having any in-class issues.

gogokid review

Interested in signing up with GoGoKid?

As the platform grows I’m sure there’ll be a more straightforward process but until then the best way to fast track your way to an interview is through a referral. Here’s how it works:
Head to the teacher’s portal and sign up!
Schedule an interview & demo class.
During your interview and demo class be sure to use a lot of props and TPR! This is what determines your base pay should you be offered a position so give it your all!
There are a few videos to watch as an “orientation” with a short quiz.
Sign the contract.
Open up some slots.
Start teaching!

Final Thoughts

So far it’s going quite well. While I don’t have the number of bookings I’d like quite yet, it makes a great second company . This way, between this and VIPKid I get as many bookings as I need. I think it’s a great idea to get with a company early. There isn’t as much competition and there is more opportunity for growth. From what I can tell so far, they listen to the teachers and their concerns. They’ve made changes for the better.

Once I’m with them longer, I’ll be sure to make another review.

If you’re interested in a review like this of VIPKid, you can find it here. Have any questions? Ask me below!

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By | 2019-06-10T10:07:36-04:00 August 8th, 2018 | Teaching , Work Remotely | 20 Comments

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Related Posts October 1, 2018 at 3:31 am - Reply

Are they very strict on having a bachelors degree or do you think associates and TEFL would get someone through?

October 24, 2018 at 8:22 pm - Reply

They state bachelors, but it may depend on the wording on your degree. I’d say go for it. Putting in the info for the “basic info” stage doesn’t take any time or commitment and if it moves past that step – great! If it doesn’t, then you’ll know 🙂

November 19, 2018 at 2:56 pm - Reply

Hello, Ashley. Thank you for your great review of companies that teach English! I’m considering applying to GoGoKid. Do they pay through PayPal or do they also do bank transfers? From what I researched, they used to do bank transfers, but are changing to PayPal.

July 22, 2019 at 11:42 am - Reply

Hey! I know you posted his a while ago but I do have a question. Do. You find it hard to balance both VIPKID and GoGoKid? I’m terrified of overbooking but really want to fill me schedule more. Thank you!

August 2, 2019 at 4:59 pm - Reply

Hi Krystal, I don’t find it too hard. I have a bigger ‘following’ at VIPKID so I tend to just open short notice with them and keep my peak times for Gogokid (plus my pay rate is higher at GGK), so then anything that doesn’t fill there I just add in with VIPKID at day or two before.

November 19, 2018 at 3:09 pm - Reply

Hello, Ashley. Thank you for the helpful review of online teaching companies! I’m considering applying to GoGoKid. Do they pay by bank transfer or PayPal? From research I did, it seemed like they may have started out with bank transfers but are trying to switch to PayPal. I was just wondering if there is an option.

November 20, 2018 at 10:25 pm - Reply

Hey there. They do both. Paypal tends to be faster, but some people prefer the bank transfer so it’s up to you.

November 24, 2018 at 3:01 am - Reply

Is there any advantage to teaching for both VIPKid and GoGo kid time zone wise? They have the same peak hours, right? I’d like to find something I can do when VIPKID peak hours are NOT in session.

December 3, 2018 at 11:40 pm - Reply

Hi Bri, I find that working for both ensures a full schedule. I primarily keep my slots available for gogokid as I receive a higher pay rate from them, however, the short notice from VIPKid is beneficial. In both companies you can work off peak hours where you’ll likely have younger students.

January 13, 2019 at 6:25 pm - Reply

So how many classes a week do you have to teach? And they must be peak hours to get credit?

January 17, 2019 at 9:17 am - Reply

Hi Linda! There is no minimum teaching requirement. You can teach as much or as little as you’d like. They do not need to be peak hours either. In the newest contract there is no longer a subsidy bonus, so whether you teach on peak or off-peak there’s no difference, just that you’re more likely to be booked during peak hours.

January 12, 2019 at 11:25 pm - Reply

I work for VIP Kids but haven’t had a single booking yet because I am currently teaching an ESL class during all the peak times and on weekends. I will be leaving that job at the end of January to teach online full time. Im not sure that I will ever get bookings through VIP Kid…It feels impossibe and like I will never have a schedule through them. Some teachers have said it has taken them months to get bookings and that is so discouraging. Is this the same for GoGo Kids? Does it take a long time to get booked?

January 17, 2019 at 9:19 am - Reply

Hi Meagan, sorry to hear that you’re not having much luck with VIPKid. When I joined GoGoKid I received bookings in about a week, but I can’t promise that to be true for everyone. I would suggest applying to a few different places, seeing where gives you the best compensation and where your schedule works best. Here’s a list! https://wanderdolls.com/teaching-english-online

March 11, 2019 at 12:15 pm - Reply

Hi. I have two questions. First, the contract is for six months. What if I begin, sign the contract and then find the job is not working out for me as I had hoped. Are you able to quit? Is there a penalty? Second, do I need to get a personal business license to work as an independent contractor in the US for this job?

March 12, 2019 at 3:07 pm - Reply

Hi Hope, you can effectively stop any time you want by simply not opening slots.

January 31, 2020 at 4:39 pm - Reply

Hi, I live in California. Since VIP kid is no longer hiring in California, will I be in the same boat here?

March 24, 2020 at 5:21 pm - Reply

As far as I’m aware, no. As Gogokid doesn’t have offices in the US, it doesn’t go against the new IC rules I believe.

November 19, 2020 at 10:04 pm - Reply

I just got a referral link to check out go gokid and really appreciated your review. How have things been during the pandemic? Is it still quite flexible? I’m in Calgary so the idea of 4-6am prime time is a bit daunting but do able. I do have a part time regular job but love the idea of picking up teaching hours from home. How do you ‘meet’ with kids. I’m nervous about the language barrier as you get started.

Hi there!

I'm Ashley. From Canada but on a journey to wander this wonderful world and help others live a location independent lifestyle.