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Repository is this:

Logout results:

$ docker logout
Remove login credentials for

Login results:

$ docker login
Username: gtirloni
Email: [email protected]
WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/user/.docker/config.json
Login Succeeded

Push image error:

$ docker push
Do you really want to push to public registry? [y/n]: y
The push refers to a repository [](len: 1)
521e87320aa7: Preparing
unauthorized: authentication required

Drop "" from name, push image error

$ docker push gtirloni/hellonode
Do you really want to push to public registry? [y/n]: y
The push refers to a repository [](len: 1)
521e87320aa7: Preparing
unauthorized: authentication required

Push to repository that doesn't exist (to ensure this is not what the unauthorized is trying to tell):

$ docker push
Do you really want to push to public registry? [y/n]: y
The push refers to a repository [](len: 0)
Repository does not exist:


$ docker info
Containers: 0
Images: 14
Server Version: 1.9.1
Storage Driver: devicemapper
 Pool Name: docker-docker--pool
 Pool Blocksize: 524.3 kB
 Base Device Size: 107.4 GB
 Backing Filesystem: xfs
 Data file: 
 Metadata file: 
 Data Space Used: 1.075 GB
 Data Space Total: 85.81 GB
 Data Space Available: 84.73 GB
 Metadata Space Used: 340 kB
 Metadata Space Total: 109.1 MB
 Metadata Space Available: 108.7 MB
 Udev Sync Supported: true
 Deferred Removal Enabled: true
 Deferred Deletion Enabled: true
 Deferred Deleted Device Count: 0
 Library Version: 1.02.107-RHEL7 (2015-12-01)
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 3.703 GiB
Name: hostname
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled
  RobinsChens, manjitkumar, hosjiu1702, thomaspre, korayucar, and fanjieqi reacted with thumbs up emoji
  ThirtyDegreesRay, LeeRodney, smoolya17, donghaichuan, kmabadshah, and Nikhil-gupta1 reacted with thumbs down emoji
    All reactions

I believe this issue and distribution/distribution#1679 both involve a lack of syntax checking for doing a build enabling deep pebkac'ry

docker build -t <user>/<repo>:<tag>
docker push <user>/<repo>:<tag>

For example

docker build -t seanjensengrey/test:foo .
docker push seanjensengrey/test:foo

succeeds without the unauthorized: authentication required error.

Previously I was doing

docker build -t seanjensengrey:test .

and when pushing

$ docker push seanjensengrey:test
The push refers to a repository []
d85489d72cf0: Preparing 
5f70bf18a086: Preparing 
737f40e80b7f: Preparing 
82b57dbc5385: Preparing 
19429b698a22: Preparing 
9436069b92a3: Waiting 
unauthorized: authentication required
  travisbhartwell, nordringrayhide, sukodai, tamhv, CrisGrec, nvp512zz, okihouse, suneelmallela, cuiyz, kdiogenes, and 23 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
  kdiogenes, bronzdoc, sovanna, ddanielgc, andrew-synapse, and SubhashPatel reacted with hooray emoji
  kdiogenes, bubuzzz, nullpotent, bronzdoc, Chabane, ddanielgc, andrew-synapse, and SubhashPatel reacted with heart emoji
    All reactions

Try bouncing Docker after making the change to the url

On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 6:58 AM, baibhavVishal [email protected]

@dkhaws77 @gtirloni My config.json file contains the "" instead of "" but still sam problem
of unauthorized: authentication required

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#645 (comment),
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@baibhavvishal do you have a repo on docker hub? i had the same issue. You need to create a repo first which will be in the format of {username}/{project_name} and then you need to name your image the same way.

Hopefully that fixes your problem

ericnjin, craigpfeifer, matt-baker, amreid, thinkycx, jadhavarun94, gurusharana, romulolibralon, and shirliv reacted with thumbs up emoji amreid and romulolibralon reacted with laugh emoji kamel-allab, amreid, and romulolibralon reacted with heart emoji All reactions

Same issue - Unable to login.
docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: [email protected]
Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: incorrect username or password
SUMALEPA-M-91PC:goHttp sumalepa$ docker version
Version: 1.13.0
API version: 1.25
Go version: go1.7.3
Git commit: 49bf474
Built: Wed Jan 18 16:20:26 2017
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64

Version: 1.13.0
API version: 1.25 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.7.3
Git commit: 49bf474
Built: Wed Jan 18 16:20:26 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true

Having the same problem- uploading my first self-built image, and it seems like it's working (multiple layers have uploaded), but the last three layers always upload, then it spits out the error:

docker push jmhmd/my-image
The push refers to a repository []
b28f65f98f4f: Pushing [==================================================>] 295.1 MB
13261332ad17: Layer already exists
6ff9ce096040: Layer already exists
c3a96f311344: Layer already exists
ced802257d13: Layer already exists
e71c5b4dd1c2: Layer already exists
bed565f4d5c9: Layer already exists
ad525b66cc83: Layer already exists
ddd0e1b85d53: Layer already exists
d102d2b38820: Layer already exists
5ca6c7a78955: Pushing [==================================================>] 226.8 MB
129a26692c2d: Layer already exists
09ac8f439007: Layer already exists
019e6bc69238: Layer already exists
345f24a83e76: Layer already exists
221e2f80fc13: Pushing [==================================================>] 630.7 MB
5eb5bd4c5014: Layer already exists
d195a7a18c70: Layer already exists
af605e724c5a: Layer already exists
59f161c3069d: Layer already exists
4f03495a4d7d: Layer already exists
unauthorized: authentication required

Docker config looks like:

"auths": { "": { "auth": "somekeythatactuallyexists="

I'm on latest macOS. Thank you for any help.

i also get something like what @jmhmd showed:

$ docker push :
The push refers to a repository []
b9b0140bc5d8: Pushing [==================================================>] 136.4 MB
8bf3728e9551: Layer already exists
4e23b6e09582: Layer already exists
e63ae5c3fee6: Layer already exists
bfd40abcc21b: Layer already exists
d4b742028f8f: Layer already exists
af6c1fd1361a: Layer already exists
06eeff601a99: Layer already exists
3cd27dffd3b9: Layer already exists
83c5e5aaf861: Layer already exists
4b1d9cae4d36: Layer already exists
9169d8d0fed4: Pushing [===================================> ] 128.8 MB/179.1 MB
18952bb7f5a0: Layer already exists
ae9e7022ec53: Layer already exists
b28618edc8e2: Layer already exists
08d563bae0e2: Pushing [==================================================>] 106.5 MB
9e30d303ecc3: Layer already exists
688741e9aae3: Pushing [================> ] 199.5 MB/622 MB
3399b70639d9: Layer already exists
47e1c0953416: Layer already exists
a0099a89f519: Layer already exists
a3a9332e8b72: Layer already exists
e22ada38f4ec: Pushing [==================================================>] 71.06 MB
34e7b85d83e4: Layer already exists
unauthorized: authentication required

this is a very large build, and the upload bandwidth isn't that great, so i'm guessing it might have something to do with some sort of timeout...

Chabane, drnybble, bjorns, nunodio, nongdenchet, ttylec, hbruch, and ryanvolum reacted with thumbs up emoji omriShneor reacted with confused emoji All reactions

I faced the same issue while starting out with my first docker push. and surprisingly this issue appears only on Client Node but works on Docker Host (where Dameon Runs).

One observation though, please make sure that you are using same Docker_username on both HOST and Client nodes.
So if you are using docker login then do that on Docker Host once before trying out on Client.

Tried many times to push but always failed after 100% .. :(
docker push Username/image:latest

When I done it for the first time with another image it was successful.

I have to add a "me too"… we have a CI server running Atlassian's Bamboo, and the user Bamboo is run under has its Docker credentials in ${HOME}/.docker/config.json:

"auths": { "": { "auth": "…" "": { "auth": "…" "HttpHeaders": { "User-Agent": "Docker-Client/17.06.2-ce (linux)"

We keep the credentials here because it saves us having to go and set them in each and every Docker task in each and every CI build/deployment job.

This, when it works, works fine. Then, mysteriously we see:

17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 31f9836d9272: Preparing
-- | --
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | a578965ebea2: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 340dd2d83760: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 03e4e87af7a2: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 9f8ebdc8fafb: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | b92dd801d461: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 18f9b4e2e1bc: Preparing
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | db3ee8b8dcfd: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 31f9836d9272: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | a578965ebea2: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 340dd2d83760: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 03e4e87af7a2: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 9f8ebdc8fafb: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | b92dd801d461: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:17 | 18f9b4e2e1bc: Waiting
17-Sep-2017 01:35:19 | denied: requested access to the resource is denied

It has happened so frequently now… my short term fix is now muscle memory:

$ ssh root@ciserver
# sudo -sH ciuser
$ sed -ne '/"auth":/ { s/^.*: "\(.*\)"$/\1/; p }' .docker/config.json | head -n 1 | base64 -d | cut -f 2 -d:
…password printed here, I copy this to my clipboard…
$ docker login
Username: ${CI docker hub username}
Password: ${above password pasted back in}
$ exit
# exit

From that point, the password works… it's the same password, has not changed, did not change, all I've done is re-enter it into Docker, and Docker has stashed it in the same place as before. I'm a little miffed at this. It's not as though this is a token generated by the Docker Hub server that's then stashed… it's just the username and password, separated by a colon then mashed into a Base64 blob!

There's literally nothing to expire. We don't change the password on Docker hub, we don't change anything on the CI server.

Yet, mysteriously, this suddenly becomes the "wrong" password. We've had the problem for months, with literally no changes to our configuration. A few weeks back, I tried updating Docker just to see if that cured the bug, we now run:

Containers: 0
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 0
Images: 267
Server Version: 17.06.2-ce
Storage Driver: aufs
 Root Dir: /srv/docker/aufs
 Backing Filesystem: xfs
 Dirs: 194
 Dirperm1 Supported: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
 Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: 6e23458c129b551d5c9871e5174f6b1b7f6d1170
runc version: 810190ceaa507aa2727d7ae6f4790c76ec150bd2
init version: 949e6fa
Security Options:
  Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.4.0-93-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 1
Total Memory: 3.859GiB
Name: bneprdci0
Docker Root Dir: /srv/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
WARNING: No swap limit support

No dice… we STILL get the problem… and I'm getting a little tired of my now every-few-daily ritual.

@baibhavvishal do you have a repo on docker hub? i had the same issue. You need to create a repo first which will be in the format of {username}/{project_name} and then you need to name your image the same way.

Hopefully that fixes your problem

my problem was caused by the host clock.
I fixed the host clock like sudo date -s "28 NOV 2013 hh:mm:ss" and retry it, and then, it was succeed.

jonseymour, JozzX, rathodloki, Bywalks, mina-max, and Hsy-Intel reacted with thumbs up emoji Bharani77, dmadisetti, and halphenfang reacted with rocket emoji All reactions

I've seen the same issue and it was also caused by the wrong time in my VM. The VM did not have automatic time sync with the host, so "docker push" worked fine right after boot (because time was correct) and stopped working after the pause/resume of the VM. It was not obvious to me why I got different results.

Unfortunately, docker does not perform the check before the upload of the image and fails after it has uploaded data. It was 4GB in my case. Logs also do not help.

docker build -t seanjensengrey/test:foo .
docker push seanjensengrey/test:foo

This worked for me :) Thanks

I'm also facing this issue, and like @phistakis and @nongdenchet it seems to be a product of the image size. I can build/push a small image without problem. I then try a larger image (~7GB), and after "pushing" everything, I then get unauthorized: authentication required.

If this is related to the image size, then the error message is wildly unhelpful. I wonder if, given the number of responses here that address the host machine's time as a potential culprit, the amount of time it takes to push the images is causing a conflict.

In case anyone finds this thread, if you are using aks and pushing your image to your azure container registry. You will get the authentication error but it is NOT related to docker.
For me, all I had to do was login to my acr again:
az acr login --name acrName

@baibhavvishal do you have a repo on docker hub? i had the same issue. You need to create a repo first which will be in the format of {username}/{project_name} and then you need to name your image the same way.
Hopefully that fixes your problem

my problem was caused by the host clock.
I fixed the host clock like sudo date -s "28 NOV 2013 hh:mm:ss" and retry it, and then, it was succeed.

Thank you.
My host clock was wrong because my CMOS battery was dead.
I replaced it, it solved the problem with Docker.

I'm also facing this issue, and like @phistakis and @nongdenchet it seems to be a product of the image size. I can build/push a small image without problem. I then try a larger image (~7GB), and after "pushing" everything, I then get unauthorized: authentication required.

If this is related to the image size, then the error message is wildly unhelpful. I wonder if, given the number of responses here that address the host machine's time as a potential culprit, the amount of time it takes to push the images is causing a conflict.

I am facing a similar issue. When I try to push a smaller image (120MB), it goes through perfectly. But when I try to push a larger image(400MB, which takes around 8-10 min on my LAN speed) , I get this message.

991d64e8c734: Layer already exists
45f0bd2aec3c: Pushing [==================================================>] 111.9MB
c2d7aa8dcec8: Layer already exists
4b54c5b6b908: Layer already exists
e255e51ee85e: Layer already exists
be141bdda2db: Layer already exists
56be7f20b594: Layer already exists
6e51be4e6460: Layer already exists
cffd05069f5d: Layer already exists
8b450189a4b2: Layer already exists
8362bdee65ae: Layer already exists
9ebafabc0ef6: Layer already exists
f63773c65620: Layer already exists
e6d60910d056: Pushing [==================================================>] 149.9MB
b52c1c103fae: Layer already exists
6f1c84e6ec59: Layer already exists
dd5242c2dc8a: Pushing [==================================================>] 119.2MB
unauthorized: authentication required

I'm certain I have logged in and have the privileges to push to the repo.

Docker version: Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc
Kernel information: Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 13 22:55:44 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I even tried some workarounds like having a parallel session issuing 'docker login' every 30s hoping to keep the session active, but no luck.

Any help is appreciated.

@baibhavvishal do you have a repo on docker hub? i had the same issue. You need to create a repo first which will be in the format of {username}/{project_name} and then you need to name your image the same way.
Hopefully that fixes your problem

my problem was caused by the host clock.
I fixed the host clock like sudo date -s "28 NOV 2013 hh:mm:ss" and retry it, and then, it was succeed.

Hostclock is messy,
Thankyou so much finally your solution works!