本研究旨在探討認同型偶像崇拜動機對認同式崇拜行為,及浪漫型偶像崇拜動機對迷戀式崇拜行為的相關。過去文獻大多探討追星的迷戀式偶像崇拜(Sebald,1984;McCutcheon et al., 2003),然也有學者提出偶像崇拜亦是兒童至青少年在自我認同階段的重要歷程(伍至亮,2001;姜韻梅,2002;蕭淑穗,2007;曹桂葉,2006)。因此本研究欲區分兩種不同型態的偶像崇拜動機與對應行為。
The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between idol worship motive and idol worship behavior based on two distinct processes: identification vs. romanticization.
The population of the study was 18 to 50 years old residents in Taiwan. 213 valid sample were obtained, including 54 men, 159 women. 137 persons were between 18 to 30 years old , 76 were over 30 years old, mean age was 29.4. There were 85 students and 128 adults. Sampling methods included convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Measures such as Idol Worship Motive Scale, Idol Worship Behavior Scale, the Big Five Personality Questionnaire, and background survey are disseminated through celebrity Facebook Pages, celebrity fan sites, and student clubs etc., in electronic or paper form.
The result of the analysis indicated as follows:
1. Neuroticism was positively related to both identification-based, romanticization-based idol worship.
2. Identification-based idol worship and identification-type idol worship behavior were positively correlated.
3. Romanticization-based idol worship and obsession-type idol worship behavior were positively correlated.
4. Identification-based idol worship was partially mediated between neuroticism and identification-type idol worship behavior.
5. Romanticization-based idol worship was fully mediates between neuroticism and obsession-type idol worship behavior.
6. For students, identification-based idol worship was fully mediated between neuroticism and identification-type idol worship behavior.
7. For students, romanticization-based idol worship was fully mediated between neuroticism and obsession-type idol worship behavior.
Finally, future directions and practical recommendations were based on the results.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題與假設 3
第三節 名詞釋義 5
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