Nameless Ghouls
are the accompanying instrumentalist members of the band
. They use the alias 'Nameless Ghouls' to shield the performers' identities and remain anonymous. Throughout the band's history, the Ghouls have worn virtually identical, face-concealing costumes that have changed for each album era. There are currently eight Nameless Ghouls that play all of the instruments when the band is performing live, three of which are female Ghouls who are also known as
Ghoulettes or Ghulehs
In the
Opus Eponymous
era, the Nameless Ghouls wore all-black, hooded robes with Grucifixes hung from their necks (worn similarly to a
pectoral cross
). These costumes also featured a black mask that covered the performer's entire face, though the eyes of the Ghouls could be seen in certain photoshoots. These were said to be store-bought costumes from Butterick's, a Swedish party store. In 2012, towards the end of the Opus Eponymous era, the Ghouls' costumes changed to all-white robes that resemble those of a bishop; the white costumes consisted of a white
accented with a
, a hooded
, and a Bauta mask. The same Grucifix necklaces were worn for these costumes.
There were only five Nameless Ghouls during this era: Fire, Water, Quintessence/Aether, Earth, and Air. However, it is important to note that the Ghouls were not formally given these names during this era, and the only effective way to identify them was by their instruments.
Infestissumam Era
In the
era, the Nameless Ghouls wore nearly identical costumes similar to their late-2012 ones. These new costumes were completely black, consisting of a cassock, fascia, hooded
, and Bauta mask. These costumes also had the same Grucifix necklaces. The fascia of these costumes were embroidered with the five alchemic symbols representing the Ghouls, and each costume highlighted the respective symbol depending on its wearer.
Just like the previous era, there were five Nameless Ghouls that performed in the band: Fire, Water, Quintessence/Aether, Earth, and Air.
Meliora Era
In the
era, the Nameless Ghouls saw the biggest change in their costumes. The Ghouls wore all-black suits, Grucifix necklaces, and silver devil masks that covered the entire face. Their elemental symbols were embroidered on the right breast of their costumes, with the elemental symbol representing the individual ghoul highlighted to show the identity of the wearer.
The same five Ghouls performed in the band for this era: Fire, Water, Quintessence/Aether, Earth, and Air.
Prequelle Era
With the release of
's new single, "
," and the introduction of the Prequelle Era, the Nameless Ghouls again changed costumes. The new costumes were black suits with crucifixes embroidered all over the inner shirts. Their face-covering masks resembled those of the Meliora-era, but appeared shinier and facilitated singing by cutting out the area around the mouth. The two newly introduced Ghoulettes had masks that were slightly different from the other Ghouls because they had slightly longer hair.
The Prequelle Era saw the first increase in the number of Nameless Ghouls, including the addition of the two female-presenting Ghoulettes. There were seven Ghouls in total: Fire, Water, Quintessence/Aether, Earth, Air (2 Ghoulettes), and a Multi-Ghoul.
Impera Era
With the release of
, the Nameless Ghoul's designs changed drastically. Their masks shifted from the slender demon design of the Meliora and Prequelle tours to steampunk-esque helmets, with large goggles and a mouth opening for all members (as opposed to only the backup singers receiving one). Their clothing now consists of Victorian-era parade jackets in dark colors. Each of the Ghouls were given capes, though the Ghoulettes are the only ones that seem to wear them throughout performances.
There are currently eight Ghouls that perform in the band: Fire, Water, Quintessence/Aether, Earth, Air (2 Ghoulettes), and 2 Multi-Ghouls (one of which is the third Ghoulette).
As of 2023, there are currently eight Nameless Ghouls in the band.
Special Ghoul
- A persona used by
Tobias Forge
to participate in interviews during the Opus Eponymous, Infestissumam, and Meliora eras.
Cowbell Ghoul
- A temporary Ghoul who would come on stage to play the cowbell. He was only around for a few months during the latter half of the Meliora Era.
As of May of 2022, all the Ghouls' identities have been revealed.
The Multi-Ghoul had his debut performance at the Rats On The Strip show at The Roxy. He played several instruments throughout the show, sometimes singing as a backing vocalist. In the live performance of "
", Multi-Ghoul played saxophone while dressed as
Papa Nihil
The band's first Multi-Ghoulette, who is the third Ghoulette, was introduced during the Reno, Nevada show of the 2022
. She debuted with her own small platform (much like Swiss, the other Multi-Ghoul) and is primarily seen shaking a tambourine and singing backing vocals. It is speculated that she takes up some keyboard responsibilities during
Mummy Dust
when Cirrus performs the keytar solo.