Exempt and Non-exempt Staff
Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Research Trainees
Predoctoral and M.D./PH.D. Students
Visiting Scientists and Visiting Predoctoral Students
Union Employees
Online Training
Einstein’s employees, students and faculty members have free unlimited access to Lynda.com, an online library of over 4,000 courses on the latest software tools and skills.
Lynda.com is designed for all levels of learners and is available whenever you’re ready to learn. You can access Lynda.com on your web browser or via an app on your smartphone or tablet.
The Human Resources department and
Einstein Information Technology have partnered to provide all staff, faculty and students free access to the entire Lynda.com online learning library.
What is Lynda.com?
Lynda.com is an industry leader in online learning with over 4,000 expert led, online courses and video tutorials. With courses for all skill levels and on-the-go learning from your laptop, tablet and mobile device, Lynda.com provides something for everyone anytime and anywhere.
Getting the Most out of LYNDA.COM
Learn business, professional development and technical skills such as Microsoft, Adobe Creative Suite, Share Point, etc.
Include Lynda.com in your syllabi to incorporate courses on SPSS Statistics and MATLAB
Learn techniques, programs and software skills for your projects
Features and benefits of Lynda.com
Download exercise files and practice applying knowledge as you go
Bookmark your favorite courses or videos
Earn a certificate of completion when you have viewed all the videos in a course
Managers and Faculty can create, share and track course playlists for employees and students
Recommended Playlist
R Statistics
Presentation Fundamentals
Writing Fundamentals: The Craft of the Story
Using the iPad for Instruction
Canvas and Adobe Connect
Set up Course Discussion Board
Finding Content on Lynda.com
Search for topics in several ways. Click
to watch a helpful video on how to use Lynda.com.
The Search bar at the top of the screen allows you to search by keyword, subject, author, title and more
To Browse for courses and videos, click on the “Library” link at the top of the screen to browse by topic
Create and share playlist(s) or visit the
Playlist Center
to find curated playlists compiled by Lynda.com experts
Accessing LYNDA.COM
Access the Lynda.com portal at
. The Lynda.com application requires your web browser's pop-up blocker either be disabled or configured to allow the site as an exception. Please Note: If you are having trouble using Internet Explorer browser, try using
Google Chrome
Sign In
link at the top right of the screen. On the Welcome page, click
Sign in with your organization portal
Enter Einstein’s URL,
After the page loads, you will see the Montefiore sign-in page.
Enter your Active Directory (AD) username and password.
Your AD is the username you use to log into your computer and email account. For example, AD (Montefiore ID): treed - Password:123456
After you have entered your AD and Password, you will be directed to the
Welcome to Lynda.com page
. On this page select the option labeled “
No, I’ve never had an account
From there you will automatically be signed in and ready to use Lynda.com. If you have a previous Lynda.com account, you will see a greeting prompting you to migrate your old profile to your new account.
To share your comments and request additional information, please contact the Learning Network at
[email protected]
Click here
to get started using Lynda.com today.
Lynda.com on mobile device
Click here
to get started!