图谱名称: Spore

文章总数 10000
小百科 › 知识图谱  ›  Spore
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 癌症 抗癌 灵芝 灵芝孢子油  ·  1 年前
2007年12月11日 ... 消费警示称,近一时期,有关灵芝孢子油抗癌、治疗癌症的虚假宣传日渐增多,一些灵芝孢子油企业大肆宣传灵芝孢子油的抗癌功效。经过与国家有关部门确认;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 孢子植物 孢子  ·  1 年前
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 养生 健康 bmj  ·  1 年前
2022年7月27日 ... 球孢子菌病是一种由地方流行性真菌球孢子菌属引起的真菌感染。 大部分症状性球孢子菌感染表现为轻度到重度肺炎发作。 诸如皮肤、软组织或骨骼等部位或;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · doi pubmed 肺癌 肺炎  ·  1 年前
耶氏肺孢子菌肺炎(Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, PJP),旧称卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎,是由PJ引起的一种机会性真菌感染性疾病。该疾病主要表现为发热、咳嗽及呼吸困难;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · pubmed pmc  ·  1 年前
difficile spores germinate in the colon to form the vegetative cells that initiate Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). During CDI, C. difficile induces a;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · placebo doi university  ·  1 年前
2015年5月5日 ... Administration of spores of nontoxigenic Clostridium difficile strain M3 for prevention of recurrent C. difficile infection: a randomized;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · specialized  ·  1 年前
2023年8月16日 ... In 1992, the NCI established the Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE). The Translational Research Program (TRP) is the home;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
2018年1月10日 ... Spores produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum are heat ... Botulinum toxins are ingested through improperly processed food in which the;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
This collection is the result of the collaboration between our studio, local artisans and the industrial sector; where creativity and simplicity create a;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 英语  ·  1 年前
contain的例句. contain. The volume contains fourteen contributions, which are alphabetically ordered. 来自Cambridge English Corpus.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 英语  ·  1 年前
4天前 ... contain verb (HOLD) ... How much liquid do you think this bottle contains? 你認爲這個瓶可裝多少液體? I lost a file containing a lot of important;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · 英语  ·  1 年前
contain translate: 擁有, 包含;容納;盛, 控制, 控制,遏制,制止(有害物蔓延), 克制,抑制,控制(情緒). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Empowering innovative businesses through. Open Banking Spare's industry leading Account information & Payment initiation APIs help you build powerful
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · his duke  ·  1 年前
A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
2023年9月5日 ... spare · 1 of 3. adjective · ˈsper. sparer; sparest. Synonyms of spare. 1. : not being used. especially : held for emergency use. a spare tire. 2.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Spore is a FREE pack of 100 futuristic sound effects designed by Ivo Ivanov. Spore features an exclusive collection of sound effects with a high-tech sci-fi;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Description: Tired of your planet? Create and evolve life, establish tribes, build civilizations and their vehicles, even explore space in your own spaceship.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Be the architect of your own universe with Spore and share your experience on the community forum.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · audio gog  ·  1 年前
But maybe that's just me. ... Spore is no Sim Universe, but it is still a very enjoyable sim game that really shines once you reach past a certain point. Your;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Spore (Japanese: キノコのほうし Mushroom Spore) is a non-damaging Grass-type move introduced in Generation I. Prior to Generation III, it was the signature move;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  · try again  ·  1 年前
Be the architect of your own universe with Spore, an exciting single-player adventure available for download. Will you be a bloodthirsty carnivore destined;...
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
What is Spore · Get Spore · Sporepedia™ · Community · Help | Login. Spore. Download the Free Spore Creature Creator. Featured Star. Player Made Creations.
Spore  · 活泼的黄花菜  ·  ·  1 年前
Be the architect of your own universe with Spore, an exciting single-player adventure. From Single Cell to Galactic God, evolve your creature in a universe;...
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · 手游 太空 孢子  ·  1 年前
2013年6月27日 ... 《孢子》Spore发行于2008年9月7日,游戏让玩家能打造属于自己的世界。游戏需要玩家从数十亿年前的单细胞生物逐步向前发展,随着时间的推移进化成多;...
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · 游侠 孢子  ·  1 年前
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · 表情符号 软件  ·  1 年前
2023年7月10日 ... 《孢子》 – Spore t14供免费下载。获取新版本的《孢子》 – Spore. Evolution in a galaxy that is far, far away ✓免费✓ 最新✓即刻下载.
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · 孢子  ·  1 年前
《孢子(SPORE)》是Maxis制作的一款模拟经营游戏,是《模拟人生》制作人威尔莱特(Will Wright)的作品,该作模拟的时间与空间范围极为宏观,从一个人、一个城市数十年的;...
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · margin padding font border  ·  1 年前
2023年7月17日 ... The contain CSS property indicates that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent from the rest of the document tree;...
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · string  ·  1 年前
Contains(Char). 指定した文字がこの文字列内に存在するかどうかを示す値を返します。
Spore  · 销魂的烈马  · css background  ·  1 年前
Use bg-contain to scale the background image to the outer edges without cropping or stretching. <div class;...