图谱名称: Google Wave
文章总数 10000
小百科 › 知识图谱  ›  Google Wave
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
2008年3月29日 ... 近期文章. Google wave:即時通信與協作的線上工具 · website optimizer:網站最佳化工具 · PDF Reader for Windows 7 · T3Desk:桌面3D視窗管理;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
2009年10月15日 ... The search engine giant recently opened a controlled beta version to 100000 people, and desperate geeks are willing to pay real money for;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
Thanks to a friend, Kim from Dramatic design, I landed myself a most coveted Google Wave account. ... I wouldn't pay any amount of money for an invite though.
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
Give your customers every way to pay with Wave Payments. Add a secure "Pay now" button to invoices. Accept credit cards, bank transfers, or Apple Pay. Get;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
Spectator admission: Everyone entering Wave Country must pay the appropriate admission fee listed above. Rates are half-price for children Tuesday through;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
Screenshot of Wave app. What you can do with Wave. Deposit & withdraw money for FREE. Send money to anyone for only 1%. Pay your bills for FREE. Buy airtime;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
2009年8月7日 ... When it comes to Google Wave, it can be tough to find truly new perspectives on how it works and its potential usage and adoption.
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  ·  ·  2 周前
2009年10月26日 ... What Wave can and can't do for gamers. It turns out that Mouse Guard is fairly representative of the initial handful of Wave RPGs, in that it's;...
Google Wave  · 睿智的火锅  · blog update  ·  2 周前
2010年8月4日 ... We don't plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · 母婴加盟 婴幼儿护理 母婴 婴儿  ·  1 年前
... 破解版65寸智能会议平板无情的轮椅适合三岁宝宝吃的菜谱晨风修改器大同九龙壁 ... 儿案件最新进展极速模式厦门航班动态查询遮天txt 上证债券googlewave 天津机票放;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  ·  ·  1 年前
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · sub  ·  1 年前
採樣頻率×採樣位數×聲道)×時間/8(1位元組=8bit)。 WAVE對音頻流的編碼沒有硬性規定,除了PCM之外,還有幾乎所有支持ACM規範的編碼都可以為WAV的;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · 通信 信道估计 信道带宽 ofdm  ·  1 年前
2017年7月13日 ... 802.11p从802.11a修改而来物理层改变:MAC层改变:_wave协议. ... 1、高速移动环境下的信道是动态时变的快衰落信道,信号的频率选择性衰落以及时间;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  ·  ·  1 年前
Still, it is rather disheartening to see no attention paid to accessibility. For example: Alternative text is not provided for any images. Background images;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  ·  ·  1 年前
2009年10月1日 ... By now around 100000 beta testers are probably busy playing around with Google's highly anticipated online communication and sharing venture;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · history  ·  1 年前
“In Google Wave you create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  ·  ·  1 年前
2010年2月22日 ... Created by the same engineers who masterminded Google Maps, Wave lets you and your collaborators build documents—which Google calls “waves”—from;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · wordpress  ·  1 年前
2009年7月23日 ... 根據Google所展示的Wave介面,它整合了即時通訊、電子郵件、文件展示、社群、協作等各種網路服務,而且可以追蹤某一個活動中的過程與成員的發表意見;開發;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  ·  ·  1 年前
2016年6月23日 ... Google Wave,值得纪念的伟大失败. 当我们在热烈讨论未来时,当我们在讨论直播、Bots、Slack 的时候,不经意间让我想起Google;...
Google Wave  · 温柔的啄木鸟  · apache  ·  1 年前
This page tracks the project's status in the incubator. For more general project status, please see the project website.