Lean and its Mathematical Library
Lean theorem prover
is a proof assistant developed principally by Leonardo de Moura.
The community is currently in the middle of switching from using Lean 3 to using Lean 4.
This website is still being updated, and some pages have outdated information about Lean 3
(these pages are marked with a prominent banner).
The old Lean 3 community website has been
The Lean mathematical library,
, is a community-driven effort
to build a unified library of mathematics formalized in the
Lean proof assistant. The library also contains definitions
useful for programming. This project is very active, with many
regular contributors and daily activity.
You can get a bird's-eye view of what is in the mathlib library by
the library overview
, and read about
recent additions on our
The design and community organization of mathlib are
described in the 2020 article
The Lean mathematical library
, although
the library has grown by an order of magnitude since that article appeared.
You can also have a look at our
repository statistics
to see how the library grows and who contributes to it.
try Lean in your web browser,
install it in an isolated folder,
or go for the full install.
Lean is free, open source software. It works on
Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
Try the online version of Lean
Installation instructions
Working on Lean projects
Lean has very diverse and active community. It gathers mostly on
Zulip chat
and on
You can get involved and join the fun!
Meet us
How to contribute
Papers involving Lean
What is a proof assistant?
proof assistant
is a piece of software that provides a language
for defining objects, specifying properties of these objects,
and proving that these specifications hold.
The system checks that these proofs are correct down to their logical foundation.
These tools are often used to verify the correctness of programs.
But they can also be used for abstract mathematics,
which is something of interest to the mathlib community.
In a formalization, all definitions are precisely specified
and all proofs are virtually guaranteed to be correct.
Formalized with Lean and mathlib
The cap-set problem
by Dahmen, Hölzl and Lewis
In 2016, Ellenberg and Gijswijt established a new upper bound on
the size of subsets of $𝔽^n_q$ with no three-term arithmetic
progression. This problem has received much mathematical attention,
particularly in the case $q = 3$, where it is commonly known as the
cap set problem. Ellenberg and Gijswijt's proof was published in
the Annals of Mathematics and is noteworthy for its clever use of
elementary methods.
Learn more
Perfectoid spaces
by Buzzard, Commelin and Massot
Perfectoid spaces are sophisticated objects in arithmetic
geometry introduced by Peter Scholze in 2012. We formalised enough
definitions and theorems in topology, algebra and geometry to
define perfectoid spaces in the Lean theorem prover. This
experiment confirms that a proof assistant can handle complexity in
that direction, which is rather different from formalising a long
proof about simple objects.
Learn more
Independence of the continuum hypothesis
by Han and van Doorn
The continuum hypothesis states that there is no cardinality between
the smallest infinite cardinal and the
cardinality of the continuum. It was posed by Cantor in
1878 and was the first problem on Hilbert’s list of twenty-
three unsolved problems in mathematics. Gödel and Cohen proved this
is independent, i.e. neither provable nor disprovable, from ZFC.
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Data Types as Quotients of Polynomial Functors
by Avigad, Carneiro and Hudon
A broad class of data types, including arbitrary nestings of inductive
types, coinductive types, and quotients, can be represented as quotients
of polynomial functors. This provides perspicuous ways of constructing
them and reasoning about them in an interactive theorem prover.
Learn more