乐观的皮蛋  ·  Proof Assistant Makes ...·  1 年前    · 
乐观的皮蛋  ·  Lean community·  1 年前    · 
乐观的皮蛋  ·  proof assistant in nLab·  1 年前    · 

intuitionistic mathematics

propositions as types , proofs as programs , computational trinitarianism

Constructive mathematics

topos , homotopy topos

type theory , homotopy type theory

canonical form , univalence

Bishop set , h-set

decidable equality , decidable subset , inhabited set , subsingleton


realizability topos

realizability model

realizability interpretation

effective topos

Kleene's first algebra , Kleene's second algebra

function realizability



computation , computational type theory

computable function , partial recursive function

computable analysis , constructive analysis

Type Two Theory of Effectivity

computable function (analysis)

exact real computer arithmetic

type theory ( dependent , intensional , observational type theory , homotopy type theory )

  • calculus of constructions
  • syntax object language

    theory , axiom

    proposition / type ( propositions as types )

    definition / proof / program ( proofs as programs )


    computational trinitarianism =
    propositions as types + programs as proofs + relation type theory/category theory

    homotopy levels

    type theory

    2-type theory , 2-categorical logic

    homotopy type theory , homotopy type theory - contents

    homotopy type

    univalence , function extensionality , internal logic of an (∞,1)-topos

    cohesive homotopy type theory

    directed homotopy type theory

    HoTT methods for homotopy theorists

    A proof assistant or proof management system is a kind of software designed to help with proofs in formalized mathematics . Many proof assistants resemble and/or include a programming language .

    There are arguably two threads of current development in proof systems, which may be called “foundational” and “coverage”.

    The “foundational” work tries to find the best foundational theory to formalize mathematics (see also at foundations of mathematics ). Out of that work first came dependent types ( Automath , in the late 60s), then the calculus of constructions (early Coq ), and the calculus of inductive constructions (current Coq ). More recently a new wave of such work is being done in homotopy type theory as another step in this direction. Coq’s library is not that large, except in the area of group theory where the results of the work on Feit-Thompson theorem has produced something larger.

    The “coverage” work tries to formalize as much as possible of mathematics in existing theories. For instance, for decades people have been building Mizar ‘s library (Mizar is based on Tarski–Grothendieck set theory rather than type theory ). Its library is a couple of orders of magnitude larger than anyone else’s. On the other hand, despite this quantity, it remains an issue to attack problems of contemporary research interest in these systems, see also at Mizar – problem of pertinence .

    Similar to Mizar is NuPRL , HOL light and Isabelle , which all have decently sized libraries. (Isabelle can be used with either material set theory , like Mizar, or higher-order type theory , like the others.)


    proof assistants :

    based on plain type theory / set theory :


    Mizar , NuPRL , Isabelle , HOL

    based on dependent type theory / homotopy type theory :

  • Coq , Agda , Lean , Arend
  • based on cubical type theory :





    Cubical Agda

    library and demos

    1lab (cross-linked reference resource)

  • Théo Winterhalter , §1 of: Formalisation and Meta-Theory of Type Theory , Nantes (2020) [ pdf , github ]
  • Further exposition:

  • Jeremy Avigad , Interactive Theorem Proving, Automated Reasoning, and Mathematical Computation , (2012) pdf slides
  • On computer assisted proofs in analysis :

  • Oscar E. Lanford , Computer assisted proofs , in: Computational Methods in Field Theory , Lecture Notes in Physics, 409 , Springer (1992) [ doi:10.1007/3-540-55997-3_30 ]
  • See also:

  • Wikipedia, Proof assistant
  • List of web resources:

  • Freek Wiedijk , Digital math by alphabet ( web )
  • See also

    Conference Series on Intelligent Computer Mathematics

    ( 2014 )

    Conference series on Interactive theorem proving

    ( 2014 )

    Parts of the above text are taken from this MO comment by Jacques Carette .

    Proof assistants specifically for homotopy type theory :

  • HoTT wiki , Proof Assistants
  • See also

    Kevin Buzzard , Xena project

    on formal proof and proof assistants in undergraduate mathematics.

    Edit Discuss Previous revision Changes from previous revision History (28 revisions) Print Source
    logic set theory ( internal logic of) category theory type theory
    proposition set object type
    predicate family of sets display morphism dependent type
    proof element generalized element term / program
    cut rule composition of classifying morphisms / pullback of display maps substitution
    introduction rule for implication counit for hom-tensor adjunction lambda
    elimination rule for implication unit for hom-tensor adjunction application
    cut elimination for implication one of the zigzag identities for hom-tensor adjunction beta reduction
    identity elimination for implication the other zigzag identity for hom-tensor adjunction eta conversion
    true singleton terminal object / (-2)-truncated object h-level 0 - type / unit type
    false empty set initial object empty type
    proposition , truth value subsingleton subterminal object / (-1)-truncated object h-proposition , mere proposition
    logical conjunction cartesian product product product type
    disjunction disjoint union ( support of) coproduct ( (-1)-truncation of) sum type ( bracket type of)
    implication function set (into subsingleton ) internal hom (into subterminal object ) function type (into h-proposition )
    negation function set into empty set internal hom into initial object function type into empty type
    universal quantification indexed cartesian product (of family of subsingletons ) dependent product (of family of subterminal objects ) dependent product type (of family of h-propositions )
    existential quantification indexed disjoint union ( support of) dependent sum ( (-1)-truncation of) dependent sum type ( bracket type of)
    logical equivalence bijection set object of isomorphisms equivalence type
    support set support object / (-1)-truncation propositional truncation / bracket type
    n-image of morphism into terminal object / n-truncation n-truncation modality
    equality diagonal function / diagonal subset / diagonal relation path space object identity type / path type
    completely presented set set discrete object / 0-truncated object h-level 2 - type / set / h-set
    set set with equivalence relation internal 0-groupoid Bishop set / setoid with its pseudo-equivalence relation an actual equivalence relation
    equivalence class / quotient set quotient quotient type
    induction colimit inductive type , W-type , M-type
    higher induction higher colimit higher inductive type
    - 0-truncated higher colimit quotient inductive type
    coinduction limit coinductive type
    preset type without identity types
    set of truth values subobject classifier type of propositions
    domain of discourse universe object classifier type universe
    modality closure operator , ( idempotent ) monad modal type theory , monad (in computer science)
    linear logic ( symmetric , closed ) monoidal category linear type theory / quantum computation
    proof net string diagram quantum circuit
    (absence of) contraction rule (absence of) diagonal no-cloning theorem
    synthetic mathematics domain specific embedded programming language