“斐波那契数列”的发明者,是意大利数学家列昂纳多•斐波那契(Leonardo Fibonacci,生于公元1170年,籍贯是比萨,卒于1240年后)。他还被人称作“比萨的列昂纳多Leonardo of Pisa”。
Leonardo Fibonacci introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system十进位数字系统). He contributed greatly to number theory, and during his life published many important texts, including Liber abbaci 《珠算原理》(1202), Practica geometriae 《实用几何》(1220) and Liber quadratorum 《象限仪书》(1225).
He is also known for the Fibonacci Series (Fibonacci sequence), a numerical series found frequently in the natural world. Beginning with two 1's, each new term is generated as the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … The 13th-century mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170 – after 1240), also known as Fibonacci, discovered the sequence but did not explore its uses, which have turned out to be wide and various. For example, the number of petals in most types of flowers and numbers involved in branching and seed-formation patterns come from the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio of any two successive terms approaches the value of the golden ratio as the terms become large.
1. Apparently, it was his dying wish that we meet. If you help me understand why, I will get you to your embassy, where we cannot arrest you.
2. Fache was never gonna let me just stroll out of here, was he?
The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之一)考考你 参考答案
1. 伊拉克和谈将在芬兰结束。
Iraq peace talks draw to a close in Finland.
2. 使用一些能帮你“加强重点”的技巧。
Use techniques that will help you "stay on message."
He brought you here to force a confession, Professor Langdon.