教授 博士生导师 2001年毕业于复旦大学物理系 获理学学士学位 2001至2007年 在纽约州立石溪分校物理系和冷泉港实验室就读 并获得物理学博士学位 2008年在霍华德休斯医学研究所/詹宁斯农场研究院 (Janelia Farm, HHMI) 2009至2013年在哈佛大学物理系和脑科学研究中心做博士后研究。

2014年加入中国科学技术大学生命科学学院。通过结合数学建模、物理、工程、分子生物学,光学成像等理论和实验手段,着重研究神经环路结构和功能的关系,以及神经环路的相互作用是如何支配动物行为等基本问题。首次提出并运用统计优化数学理论来定量解释大脑皮层神经元树突的复杂结构和多样性。首次从理论和实验上阐明了秀丽线虫是如何运用本体感受这个反馈机制来控制其运动状态和方式。研究工作发表在Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, PNAS, PloS Computational Biology 等杂志上。Neuron 以及 Faculty 1000杂志对相关成果作了全面评述和重点推荐。








1. Rapid whole brain imaging of neural activity in freely behaving larval zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) Lin Cong*, Zeguan Wang*, Yuming Chai*, Wei Hang*, Chunfeng Shang, Wenbing Yang, Lu Bai, Jiulin Du, Kai Wang # , Quan Wen # , eLife 2017;6:e28158 , *Co-first author, # Co-corresponding author.

2.Dynamic encoding of perception, memory and movement in a C. elegans chemotaxis circuit Linjiao Luo*, Quan Wen *, Jing Ren*, Michael Hendricks*, Marc Gershow, Yuqi Qin, Joel Greenwood, Ed Soucy, Mason Klein, Heidi K Smith, Daniel Colon-Ramos, Aravinthan Samuel, Yun Zhang, Neuron 82, 1115-1128, June 4, 2014. *Co-first author.

3.A statistical theory of dendritic morphology Quan Wen , invited book chapter in The Computing Dendrite, From Structure To Function. Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience , Vol. 11, 2014.

4.Proprioceptive couplings within motor neurons drive C. elegans forward locomotion Quan Wen *, Michelle Po, Elizabeth Hulme, Sway Chen, Xinyu Liu, Marc Gershow, Andrew Leifer, Victoria Butler, Christopher Fang-Yen, William Schafer, George Whitesides, Matthieu Wyart, Dmitri Chklovskii, Mei Zhen and Aravinthan Samuel*, Neuron 76, 750–761, November 21, 2012. *Corresponding author.

Also see New Scientist, ScienceNews and Preview in Neuron 76, 669-670, 2012. Commented and rated as exceptional by Faculty of 1000 biology.

5.Biomechanical analysis of gait adaptation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Christopher Fang-Yen, Matthieu Wyart, Julie Xie, Risa Kawai, Tom Kodger, Sway Chen , Quan Wen and Aravinthan Samuel, PNAS , 2010 Nov 23, 107(47) 20323-28

6.Experience-dependent compartmentalized dendritic plasticity in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons Judit Makara, Attila Losonczy, Quan Wen and Jeffery Magee, Nature Neuroscience , 2009 Dec;12(12):1485-7.

7.Maximizing the connectivity repertoire as a statistical principle governing the dendritic arbor shape Quan Wen , Armen Stepanyants, Guy Elston, Alexander Grosberg and Dmitri Chklovskii, PNAS , 2009 Jul 28;106(30):12536-41. Commented and recommended by Faculty of 1000 biology.

8.A cost-benefit analysis of neuronal morphology Quan Wen and Dmitri Chklovskii, Journal of Neurophysiology , 99, 2320 (May, 2008)

9.Segregation of the brain into gray and white matter: a design minimizing con- duction delays Quan Wen and Dmitri Chklovskii, PloS Computational Biology , 1(7): e78, Dec 2005.

Also see article Highways and byways in the brain, Seed magazine, January 31, 2006.

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实验室招聘博士后、硕博研究生和本科实习生。非常欢迎有物理,工程和分子生物学背景的学生或研究人员加入。有兴趣者请将个人简历发送至 [email protected]

联系方式 中国科学技术大学(西区)生命科学学院208室,黄山路443号,安徽省合肥市,230027。

电子邮件: qwen @ustc.edu.cn

实验室网页: http://www.wenlab.org