How can my practice benefit from benchmark data?
Improve IR quality performance and patient outcomes with the VIRTEX data registry.
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VIRTEX: SIR data registry
SIR's IR quality registry is the gold standard for clinical IR data to drive improvements in quality, practice performance and innovation to advance patient care.
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SIR's commitment to diversity and inclusion
SIR recognizes that the success of our mission draws strength not just from the clinical expertise of our physicians, but from the diversity of their backgrounds and experiences as human beings in the world. An innovative, competitive IR workforce requires more than market competencies—it must also carry the power of innate, authentic human connection. As a specialized group of medical practitioners, the diversity of our members and the patients they treat every day is of utmost importance to the overall health of our specialty.
View our guiding principles
See how the SIR VIRTEX data registry works!
Learn how the VIRTEX SIR Data Registry can help improve patient care, track patient outcomes, provide benchmarking capabilities for interventional radiology in this demo video.
Watch the demo
Residency Essentials
Get a peek into how Residency Essentials prepares your residents for success. Watch this brief video highlighting the Residency Essentials experience.
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Thank you to our volunteers
SIR and SIR Foundation staff send heartfelt thanks to our hardworking volunteer force!
We say thanks