Doner kebab (/ˈdɒnər kəˈbæb/, /ˈdoʊnər/; Turkish: döner or döner kebap, [døˈneɾ̝̊ ceˈbap]) is a Turkish dish made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, normally lamb but also a mixture of veal or beef with these, or sometimes chicken. The dish is also widely known by its Arabic name "shawarma" (from Turkish çevirme) or the Greek name "gyros".
The sliced meat of a Doner kebab may be served wrapped in a flatbread such as lavash or pita or as a sandwich instead of being served on a plate. It is a common fast food item not only in Turkey but also in the Middle East , Europe and Australia. Seasoned meat in the shape of an inverted cone is turned slowly against a vertical rotisserie, then sliced vertically into thin, crisp shavings. On the sandwich version, the meat is generally served with tomato, onion with sumac, pickled cucumber and chili.

土耳其旋转烤肉( 土耳其语 :döner kebap),即“旋转烤肉”,在德国通常简称döner,döner即“旋转”,而土耳其语“烤肉”即kebap,又音译作“卡巴”。这是一种把旋转烤羊肉、牛肉或鸡肉削下来,加上配料而成的土耳其菜式(英语:Turkish cuisine)。有人把 土耳其烤肉 和沙威玛及希腊旋转烤肉相提并论,因为数者皆用类似的肉类制成,但实际的作法及形式则有些分别。
土耳其烤肉与希腊旋转烤肉通常是用皮塔饼包着的,又称作土耳其语:gobit,而土耳其烤肉有时也会改成三文治般;沙威玛则用墨西哥薄饼(一种全麦薄饼)夹著,但两者的 分野 已渐渐变得模糊。三者的馅料也有颇大的分别,希腊旋转烤肉的馅料变化不大,而土耳其烤肉及沙威玛则有不同馅料的变化,有各种的 沙律 材料如胡萝卜及红椰菜等,也可用薄荷,而酱料也有不同的配搭,甚至可以选择辣椒汁。 使用西班牙语作为官方语言的国家有: 西班牙、阿根廷、玻利维亚、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、赤道几内亚、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、巴拿马、巴拉圭、秘鲁、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉。此外,西班牙语也在... 点击进入详情页 本回答由 丽思小语种 提供