有胆有识的椰子  ·  使用Android Studio ...·  5 月前    · 
有胆有识的椰子  ·  在Cocos2d-x ...·  5 月前    · 
class LuaEngine The Lua engine integrated into the cocos2d-x to process the interactive operation between lua and c++. More...
class LuaStack LuaStack is used to manager the operation on the lua_State,eg., push data onto the lua_State, execute the function depended on the lua_State. More...
class LuaValue Wrap different general types of data into a same specific type named LuaValue . More...
class GLNode The GLNode is wrapped to call the callback function about draw in the Lua. More...
class LuaCallFunc The LuaCallFunc is wrapped to call the callback function in the Lua Conveniently and don't insert useless code to processing the lua in the CallFuncN . More...
class ScriptHandlerMgr In order to reduce the coupling of lua script engine and native c++ engine. More...
class LuaJavaBridge Build a bridge between Java and Lua script. More...
class LuaObjcBridge Build a bridge between ObjectC and Lua script. More...
Enumerations enum LuaBridgeError { ,
kLuaBridgeErrorInvalidParameters = -1, kLuaBridgeErrorClassNotFound = -2, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodNotFound = -3, kLuaBridgeErrorExceptionOccurred = -4, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodSignature = -5, kLuaBridgeErrorJavaVMError = -6  LuaBridge Error enum, with inline docs. More...
enum HandlerType : int  HandlerType enum. More...

Detailed Description

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