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Google Moonshots  · 飘逸的马克杯  · moon  ·  6 月前
2019年1月1日 ... The moonshot was a triumph of management as much as engineering. Meeting a fixed launch deadline meant working backward to identify the points;...
Google Moonshots  · 飘逸的马克杯  ·  ·  6 月前
2020年2月17日 ... X does not call itself a corporate research lab (it uses the term “Moonshot Factory”), but when it was founded in 2010, its remit wasn't;...
Google Moonshots  · 飘逸的马克杯  ·  ·  6 月前
2023年12月18日 ... Google is betting that its lead in both data and infrastructure are significant and growing, and that's a far better bet in my mind than an all-;...
Google Moonshots  · 飘逸的马克杯  ·  ·  6 月前
Google's new division gets a placeholder name: X. It has a first project: self-driving cars. Is it a research center? An incubator? A non-profit? No, it's a;...