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Yahoo! Pipes  · 苦闷的黄豆  ·  ·  3 周前
2020年4月12日 ... Logic Apps (a Microsoft Azure resource) were actually comparable to a next-gen version of Yahoo Pipes, with A LOT more functionality.
Yahoo! Pipes  · 苦闷的黄豆  · pipe  ·  3 周前
In 2007, a small team at Yahoo! briefly changed how we program the internet. This is their story.
Yahoo! Pipes  · 苦闷的黄豆  · pipe  ·  3 周前
2007年2月10日 ... Yahoo just introduced Pipes, a visual programming language of sorts for manipulating and regurgitating RSS feeds.
Yahoo! Pipes  · 苦闷的黄豆  ·  ·  3 周前
2008年12月6日 ... ... thread ("Patrick suggested Yahoo Pipes!, you ever experiment with this? "), I did have a quick play with pipes, and this is what I found..,…
Yahoo! Pipes  · 苦闷的黄豆  · rss discover pipe  ·  3 周前
2012年8月10日 ... It may be an over-simplification, but Yahoo Pipes essentially grabs content from the web, usually in the form of RSS, and manipulates it in;...